The South African Bird Ringing Unit

Ringing birds around Africa!



An electronic journal published by SAFRING, Animal Demography Unit at the University of Cape Town

Afring News online accepts papers containing ringing information about birds. This includes interesting ringing trips,interesting captures, faunistic observations relating to ringing, and analyses of ringing data. It will also consider for publication a variety of other interesting or relevant ornithological material: reports of projects and conferences, and any other interesting or relevant material.

Editor: H. Dieter Oschadleus

To view details on submitting please CLICK HERE

Safring News
1972 to 1980
Afring News
1981 to 2000
Afring News
2001 to 2006
(digital to 2015)
Biodiversity Observations
2016 -

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Choose from below:

Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor Gmelin 1788 on its non-breeding grounds: comparative biometrics, moult data and criteria to determine age and sex
by: Bryson U, Paijmans DM
Namibian Journal of Environment (2024) vol:9D (0), pages: -.
The Limpopo Gurney’s Sugarbird Project: 2017–2023
by: de Swardt Dawid H, Engelbrecht D
The Lark: The Birdlife Polokwane Magazine (2023) vol: (49), pages: 81-90.
Horus Swift: identification, plumage variation and distribution
by: Jansen JJFJ
Dutch Birding (2023) vol:45 (), pages: 73-116.

First observation of a brood patch on a male sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina)
by: Clusella-Trullas S, D'Alba L, Nicolaï MPJ, Rogalla S, Shawkey MD, Teifel R, Vandomme V
Journal of Ornithology (2022) vol: (), pages: -.
Common Fiscal (Lanius collaris) Linnaeus, 1766: comparative biometrics, moult data and criteria for the determination of age and sex
by: Bryson U, Paijmans D
Namibian Journal of Environment (2021) vol:5 (), pages: -.
Body mass during the spring migration period of two long‑lived seabirds varies with capture date, age, sex, and natal origin
by: Defourny H, Degros A, Degros E, Monticelli D
Journal of Ornithology (2021) vol: (), pages: -.
Sexual size dimorphism and sex determination in Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus (Burchell, 1822) (Charadriiformes: Charadriidae)
by: Meissner W, Pilacka L, Remisiewicz M
The European Zoological Journal (2021) vol:88 (1), pages: 279-288.
Supplementary data: Summarising biometrics from the SAFRING database
by: Lee A, Oschadleus HD, Rose S, Thomson R
Ostrich (2019) vol:91 (2), pages: 1-1.
Summarising biometrics from the SAFRING database for southern African birds
by: Lee A, Oschadleus HD, Rose S, Thomson R
Ostrich (2019) vol:91 (2), pages: 1-1.
Using large-scale citizen science ringing data as a means of calculating maximum longevity in birds
by: Paijmans, Oschadleus HD, Rose S
Bothalia (2019) vol:Vol 49 (1), pages: 1-15.
SAFRING Ringing Report for 2017
by: Paijmans, Oschadleus HD, Rose S, Thomson RL
Biodiversity Observations (2019) vol:10 (11), pages: 1-11.
How far and how old: Longevity and displacement records from the South African Bird Ringing Scheme for Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae and Ciconiidae
by: Oschadleus Dieter, Paijmans Dane, Rose Sanjo
Bothalia (2019) vol:49 (1), pages: a2333-a2333.
SAFRING 2017 Report
by: Dane M., H. Dieter, Robert L., Sanjo Rose
SAFRING Website (2018) vol: (), pages: -.
Check it out! Colour ringing Pale Chanting Goshawks
by: Rose Sanjo, Visagie Ronelle
Promerops (2018) vol:310 (1), pages: 8-8.
SAFRING Longevity for the Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio)
by: Paijmans Dane
Promerops (2018) vol:311 (1), pages: 20-20.
2016 SAFRING ringing statistics for Namibia
by: Oschadleus Dieter, Paijmans Dane
Lanioturdus (2018) vol:51 (1), pages: 40-43.
2016 SAFRING ringing statistics for KZN
by: Paijmans Dane
KZN Birds (2017) vol:52 (0), pages: 11-12.
2016 SAFRING ringing statistics for Mpumalanga
by: Paijmans Dane
The Hornbill (2017) vol:126 (0), pages: 29-29.
A new SAFRING longevity record for the Rock Kestrel (Falco rupicolus)
by: Paijmans Dane
Promerops (2017) vol:309 (0), pages: 12-12.
Longevity summary from 69 years of Estrildidae ringing data in southern Africa
by: Oschadleus HD, Rose Sanjo
African Zoology (2017) vol:0 (0), pages: 1-6.
Maximum longevities and causes of death in kingfishers from SAFRING data
by: Rose Sanjo
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (48), pages: 1-4.
SAFRING ringing statistics for the Eastern Cape for 2016
by: Paijmans Dane
The Bee-eater (2017) vol:68 (2), pages: 45-45.
Three shades of brown: Lark-like Buntings Emberiza impetuani with colour aberrations
by: Franke-Bryson Ursula
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (39), pages: 1-4.
Unusual prey of a Southern White-crowned Shrike
by: Engelbrecht Daniel, Engelbrecht G
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (38), pages: 1-2.
SAFRING Ringing Report for 2016
by: Catto Sarah, Oschadleus H., Paijmans Dane
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (36), pages: 1-8.
Migratory Connectivity of South African Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus ibis, Ciconiiformes, Ardeidae)
by: Kopij Grzegorz
Zoological Journal - ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ (2017) vol:96 (4), pages: 418-428.
2016 SAFRING ringing statistics for the Western Cape
by: Paijmans Dane
The Kite (2017) vol:116 (0), pages: 4-4.
SAFRING longevity and movement records for southern African vultures (subfamilies Aegypiinae and Gypaetinae)
by: Catto Sarah, Oschadleus H., Paijmans Dane
Ostrich (2017) vol:88 (2), pages: 163-166.
SAFRING Ringing Report for 2015
by: Craig Christie, Johnson Laurie, Oschadleus H., Paijmans Dane
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (33), pages: 1-8.
Return to a Zambian Jewel: A research stay at Mutinondo Wilderness Lodge
by: Franke-Bryson Ursula
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (13), pages: 1-14.
Cape White-eyes in the Eastern Cape: plumage characters, survival, and movements
by: Craig Adrian, Galpin Mark, Hulley Patrick, Tree Anthony
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (25), pages: 1-5.
Ringing at Ngulia to map avian migration
by: Watson Rupert
Swara (2017) vol:0 (0), pages: 50-54. at Ngulia.pdf
Abnormal eye colour in a Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus.
by: Webb Stacey
Biodiversity Observations (2017) vol:8 (22), pages: 1-2.
Ringing of White Storks Ciconia ciconia in NE Slovenia during the 1984–2013 period
by: Bračko Franc
Acrocephalus (2016) vol:37 (170), pages: 159-170.
Citizen science reveals complex changes in barn swallow phenology in South Africa over three decades
by: Burman Marc
PhD Thesis (2016) vol:1 (0), pages: 1-245.
The use of ringing data in the study of climatic influences on common passerines
by: Jansen Dorine
PhD Thesis (2016) vol:1 (0), pages: 1-172.
Long-distance dispersal of a Cape Gannet Morus capensis after extended period of nest-site fidelity
by: Jordaan Rowan, McIntyre Trevor
Marine Ornithology (2016) vol:44 (0), pages: 1-2.
Gender-related morphometric differences in mature and nestling Crowned Eagles, with comments on ringing of eagle nestlings in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by: Brown Mark, Downs Colleen, McPherson Shane
Ostrich (2016) vol:0 (0), pages: 1-6.
Using field photography to study avian moult
by: Furness Robert, Nager Ruedi, Vieira Bianca
Ibis (2016) vol:12445 (12445), pages: 1-6.
by: Paijmans Dane
Lanioturdus (2016) vol:49 (3), pages: 12-13.
Mass Bird Fatality in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng
by: Paijmans Dane
Bokmakierie (2016) vol:247 (1), pages: 30-31.
Swifter than swifts: second Eurasian Hobby ringed in Namibia
by: Franke-Bryson Ursula
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (86), pages: 1-14.
Tip of the iceberg: hybrid Cape Sparrow and Great Sparrow in Namibia
by: Franke-Bryson Ursula
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (82), pages: 1-6.
Oldest Southern Masked Weaver
by: Oschadleus Dieter
Bokmakierie (2016) vol:246 (3), pages: 30-30.
Long lived Cape Robin-chat (Cossypha caffra)
by: Paijmans Dane
Bokmakierie (2016) vol:246 (3), pages: 29-30.
The value of ringing
by: Miles D
African Birdlife (2016) vol:5 (1), pages: 52-55.
Clever little hunters: catching Capped Wheatear and Mountain Wheatear in the Namibian semi-desert
by: Franke-Bryson Ursula
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (78), pages: 1-3.
Weaver Longevity Records from the Eastern Cape
by: Craig Adrian, Oschadleus Dieter
The Bee-eater (2016) vol:67 (2), pages: 44-44.

Interesting African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) Recovery
by: Paijmans Dane
The Bee-eater (2016) vol:67 (2), pages: 48-48.

Fennoscandian-ringed Western Osprey recovery, Ingula, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
by: Colyn R, Smit-Robinson HA
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (73), pages: 1-5.
Observations on a Secretarybird nest at Langfontein, Petrusburg district, Free State
by: de Swardt Dawid H
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (64), pages: 1-4.
Report on the 2014 ringing year
by: Oschadleus H, Paijmans Dane
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (63), pages: 1-11.
Longevity records of southern African weavers
by: Oschadleus Dieter
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (59), pages: 1-18.
Black-headed Herons preying on weavers
by: Oschadleus Dieter
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (49), pages: 1-3.
Bird Ringing on Waterfall
by: McLuskie Jim
Waterfall Birding (2016) vol:1 (1), pages: 34-35. bird ringing article.pdf
Seasonal patterns in space use of Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus in an urban environment
by: Amar Arjun, Koeslag Ann, Sumasgutner Petra, Tate Gareth
Bird Study (2016) vol:0 (0), pages: 1-6. et al_2016_Bird Study.pdf
African Black Oystercatcher fatality as a result of fishing line
by: Paijmans DM, Stewart M
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (27), pages: 1-3.
Secretarybird Sagittaruis serpentaruis resighted after 5 years.
by: de Swardt Dawid H.
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (26), pages: 1-2.
Birds ringed and recaptured at Kalkwal, Free State
by: de Swardt Dawid H.
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (23), pages: 1-4.
Fledgling survival increases with development time and adult survival across north and south temperate zones
by: Lloyd Penn, Martin Thomas
Ibis (2016) vol:00 (0), pages: 1-9.
Family morph matters: factors determining survival and recruitment in a long-lived polymorphic raptor
by: Amar A, Koeslag A, Sumasgutner P, Tate GJ
Journal of Animal Ecology (2016) vol:00 (0), pages: 1-13.
Sexually selected sentinels? Evidence of a role for intrasexual competition in sentinel behavior
by: Walker Lindsay, York Jenny, Young Andrew
Behavioral Ecology (2016) vol:00 (0), pages: 1-10.
Dominant male song performance reflects current immune state in a cooperatively breeding songbird
by: Groothuis Ton, Radford Andrew, York Jenny, Young Andrew
Ecology and Evolution (2016) vol:6 (1), pages: 1008-1015.
Longevity and survival of the Endangered Seychelles Magpie Robin Copsychus sechellarum
by: Burt April, Gane Julie
Ostrich (2016) vol:87 (1), pages: 81-83.
Long-distance dispersal of a Cape Gannet Morus capensis after an extended period of nest-site fidelity
by: Jordaan Rowan K, Mcintyre Trevor
Marine Ornithology (2016) vol:44 (1), pages: 1-2.
Exploring the environmental drivers of waterfowl movement in arid landscapes using first-passage time analysis
by: Ament JM, Cumming GS, Henry DAW
Movement Ecology (2016) vol:4 (8), pages: 1-19.
Garden Warbler ringed in Cape Town
by: Oschadleus HD, Schultz B, Schultz S
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (8), pages: 1-2.
Bird population trends in a patch of temperate forest on the Drakensberg escarpment, Mpumalanga
by: Williams DM
Biodiversity Observations (2016) vol:7 (6), pages: 1-4.
Bird ringing and nest recording in Britain and Ireland in 2014
by: Barber LJ, Barimore CJ, Kew AJ, Leech DI, Moss D, Robinson RA, Walker RH
Ringing & Migration (2015) vol:30 (2), pages: 84-147.
Climatic influences on survival of migratory African Reed Warblers Acrocephalus baeticatus in South Africa
by: Altwegg R, Jansen DYM, Wilson AM
Ardea (2015) vol: (103), pages: 163-174.
Westerly range extension of Knysna Woodpecker, Campathera notata.
by: Ford MA
Afring News (2015) vol: (44), pages: 16-16.
SAFRING ringing statistics for the Eastern Cape, 2014.
by: Paijmans D
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2015) vol:66 (2), pages: 29-29.

Antibiotic Resistance and Molecular Characterization of Enterobacter cancerogenus Isolated from Wild Birds in Taif Province, Saudi Arabia.
by: Abo-Amer AE, Shobrak MY
Thai J Vet Med. (2015) vol: (45), pages: 101-111.
Preliminary observations of birds of Songo Songo Island, Tanzania.
by: Nahonyo CL, Werema C
Scopus (2015) vol: (35), pages: 39-43.

Understorey bird abundance and diversity before and after a forest fire in Mangala Forest Reserve on the eastern slopes of the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania.
by: Werema C
Scopus (2015) vol: (34), pages: 40-46.
Sunbird crèche?
by: Oschadleus HD, Schultz B
Promerops (2015) vol: (301), pages: 14-14.

2014/15 SAFRING ringing statistics for the Western Cape.
by: Paijmans D
Promerops (2015) vol:303 (1), pages: 25-25.

Many Red-billed Quelea and a pratincole at Vyevlei.
by: Fincham J, Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2015) vol: (302), pages: 20-21.

Brown-throated Martins at Springfield.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2015) vol: (301), pages: 13-14.

Immune Response in a Wild Bird Is Predicted by Oxidative Status, but Does Not Cause Oxidative Stress.
by: Blount JD, Cram DL, York JE, Young AJ
PLoS One (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Population metrics for fynbos birds, South Africa: densities, and detection and capture rates from a Mediterranean-type ecosystem.
by: Barnard P, Hockey PAR, Lee ATK
Ostrich (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
First Red-billed Quelea breeding record in the winter rainfall region of South Africa.
by: Oschadleus HD
Ostrich (2015) vol:3 (86), pages: 295-296.
Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya.
by: Smith C
MSc (2015) vol: (), pages: 51+ pp-.
Fine-scale genetic structure reflects sex-specific dispersal strategies in a population of sociable weavers ().
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, Hatchwell BJ, Spottiswoode CN, van Dijk RE
Molecular Ecology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Namibia Bird Club Kavango/Zambezi Region Trip 2014.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2015) vol:3 (48), pages: 19-22.

The Cape Weaver in eastern Zululand.
by: Oschadleus D
KZN Birds (2015) vol: (46), pages: 23-25.

Ringing birds in a Sappi forest garden.
by: Oschadleus D, Oschadleus HD
KZN Birds (2015) vol: (44), pages: 12-18.

2014 SAFRING ringing statistics for KZN.
by: Paijmans D
KZN Birds (2015) vol:45 (1), pages: 13-13.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M, Silks L
Kite (2015) vol: (106), pages: 7-7.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2015) vol: (107), pages: 7-7.

Body reserves in intra-African migrants.
by: Cresswell W, Nwaogu CJ
Journal of Ornithology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Disruptive viability selection on a black plumage trait associated with dominance.
by: Acker P, Covas R, Doutrelant C, Grégoire A, Hatchwell BJ, Kaden JC, Paquet M, Pradel R, Rat M, Spottiswoode CN, van Dijk RE
Journal of evolutionary Biology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Antagonistic effect of helpers on breeding male and female survival in a cooperatively breeding bird.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, Hatchwell BJ, Paquet M, Spottiswoode CN
Journal of Animal Ecology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2013.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2015) vol: (26), pages: 1-100.

The importance of winter-flowering for specialist and generalist nectar-feeding birds.
by: Craig AJFK, Forbes RW, Hulley PE, Jones SS, Kuiper TR, Smith DL, Wolmarans MHL
Emu (2015) vol:1 (115), pages: 49-57.
Using molecular tools to guide management of invasive alien species: assessing the genetic impact of a recently introduced island bird population.
by: Bourgeois YXC, Bunbury N, Fleischer-Dogley F, Groombridge J, Jackson H, van de Crommenacker J, Warren BH
Diversity and Distributions (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Birds of the Man and Biosphere Reserve of Luki, Bas-Congo province, Democratic Republic of Congo.
by: Andersen MJ, Bakambana TL, Kahindo C, Kalemba LN, Liyandja TLD, Malekani JM, Marks BD, Oliveros CH
Check List (2015) vol:5 (11), pages: 1-15.
Bird functional diversity in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, DR Congo.
by: Angenonga U, Bapeamoni F, Cooleman S, Lens L, Louette M
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2015) vol:2 (22), pages: 171-182.…
Urban land use does not limit weaver bird movements between wetlands in Cape Town, South Africa.
by: Calder J-L, Cumming GS, Maciejewski K, Oschadleus HD
Biological Conservation (2015) vol: (187), pages: 230-239.
Relatedness predicts multiple measures of investment in cooperative nest construction in sociable weavers.
by: Echeverri S, Heinrich D, Kolberg H, Leighton GM
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Dominance hierarchies and associated signalling in a cooperative passerine.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, Rat M, van Dijk RE
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (2015) vol: (), pages: online-.
Stable isotope signatures reveal cryptic differences in diet of Sociable Weavers.
by: Echeverri S, Leighton GM
Avian Biology Research (2015) vol:2 (8), pages: 104-108.
A cross-fostering experiment reveals that prenatal environment affects begging behaviour in a cooperative breeder.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, Paquet M
Animal Behaviour (2015) vol: (102), pages: 251-258.
Seasonal variation in understorey bird species diversity and abundance in the Uluguru Nature Reserve, Tanzania.
by: Werema C
African Journal of Ecology (2015) vol: (), pages: -.
Bird ringing report for July 2006 to December 2013. Afring News 44: 11-15
by: Oschadleus HD, Paijmans DM
Afring News (2015) vol:44 (), pages: 11-15.
The Israeli Bird Ringing Journal 2015
by: Israeli Bird Ringing Scheme
Israeli Bird Ringing Journal (2015) vol:1 (1), pages: 2-37.
Rock Kestrel attack on a Cape Rockjumper caught in a spring trap.
by: Lee ATK, Oswald, KN
Afring News (2015) vol:44 (), pages: 9-10.
Seabird Bycatch: Identification Guide
by: TRC
Unpublished Article (2015) vol: (), pages: 1-100. id 1.pdf
Winter's Boon: Ringing Birds At Eastern Cape Aloe Patches
by: Craig A.J.F.K, Galpin M.P, Hulley P.E, Kuiper T, Smith D.L, Wolmarans M.H.L
Afring News (2015) vol:44 (1), pages: 1-8.
Results of bird trapping and ringing by the Biological Station Rybachy on the Courish Spit in 2013
by: Bolshakov CV, Leoke DYu, Shapoval AP, Zelenova NP
Avian Ecology and Behaviour (2014) vol:25 (1), pages: 27-60.
Comparing different types of patagial tags for use on vultures
by: Garbett Rebecca, Hancock Pete, Kenny David, Maude Glyn, Reading Richard P.
Vulture News (2014) vol: (67), pages: 33-42.
The Birds of Ghana: An Atlas and Handbook.
by: Dowsett RJ, Dowsett-Lemaire F
Tauraco Press, Liège (2014) vol: (), pages: 713 pp-.

2013/14 ring recoveries and re-sightings in the Western Cape.
by: Paijmans D
Promerops (2014) vol:299 (1), pages: 21-21.

by: Ellmore F (comp)
Promerops (2014) vol: (298), pages: 20-22.
Male receiver bias for red agonistic signalling in a yellow-signalling widowbird: a field experiment.
by: Andersson S, Ninnes CE
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B (2014) vol: (281), pages: online-.
Can Establishment Success Be Determined through Demographic Parameters? A Case Study on Five Introduced Bird Species.
by: Anadón JD, Carrete M, Edelaar P, Sanz-Aguilar A, Tella JL
PLoS One (2014) vol:10 (9), pages: e110019-.
The impact of humidity on evaporative cooling in small desert birds exposed to high air temperatures.
by: Gerson AR, McKechnie AE, Smit B, Smith EK, Wolf BO
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (was PZ) (2014) vol:6 (87), pages: 782-795.
Alternative approaches to Red-billed Quelea management: mass-capture for food.
by: Cheke RA, Elliott CCH, Mtobesya BN
Ostrich (2014) vol: (85), pages: 31-37.
Birds of the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, South Western Cape, South Africa.
by: Fraser M
Ornithological Observations (2014) vol: (5), pages: 139-247.

Mass gained during breeding positively correlates with adult survival because both reflect life history adaptation to seasonal food availability.
by: Cox DTC, Cresswell W
Oecologia (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.

Weaving through the matrix: Investigating the influence of urban land use on weaver bird movements into and out of Cape Town wetlands.
by: Calder JL
MSc (2014) vol: (), pages: 61 pp-.

Population genetic structure and direct observations reveal sex-reversed patterns of dispersal in a cooperative bird.
by: Harrison XA, York JE, Young AJ
Molecular Ecology (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.
Behaviour-related DRD4 polymorphisms in invasive bird populations.
by: Blas J, Carrete M, Dingemanse NJ, Edelaar P, Kempenaers B, Mueller JC, Potti J, Serrano D, Tella JL
Molecular Ecology (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.

Red eyed female Southern Masked-Weaver.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2014) vol:2 (47), pages: 21-21.

Ringing with Poles: Barberspan Ringers Conference 27 November 2013 to 03 December 2013.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2014) vol:4 (47), pages: 14-17.
My eerste ervaring van ree:n tydens 'n ring-uitstappie.
by: Swart E
Laniarius (2014) vol: (127), pages: 24-25.

Bird Ringing.
by: du Plooy F
Laniarius (2014) vol: (128), pages: 8-9.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2014) vol: (104), pages: 7-7.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2014) vol: (105), pages: 7-7.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2014) vol: (103), pages: 7-7.

Light intensity alters the stimulatory effects of long photoperiod, but does not alter critical photoperiod in the Indian Weaver Bird ().
by: Bhardwaj SK, Pandey RK
Journal of Ornithology (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.
Effects of light intensity on circadian activity behaviour in the Indian weaverbird ().
by: Bhardwaj SK, Pandey RK
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (2014) vol: (52), pages: 510-515.

Prediction of mean adult survival rates of southern African birds from demographic and ecological covariates.
by: Altwegg R, Barnard P, Beveridge OS, Collingham YC, Green RE, Gregory RD, Huntley B, Mason LR, Oschadleus HD, Simmons RE, Willis SG
Ibis (2014) vol: (156), pages: 741-754.
A bird in the hand is… Part 3.
by: Williams D
Hornbill (2014) vol: (113), pages: 14-15.

A bird in the hand is… Part 2.
by: Williams D
Hornbill (2014) vol: (112), pages: 2-2.

A bird in the hand is ……… (Part 4) .
by: Williams D
Hornbill (2014) vol: (), pages: 12-13.
Oxidative status and social dominance in a wild cooperative breeder.
by: Blount JD, Cram DL, Young AJ
Functional Ecology (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.
Quill mites of the subfamily Picobiinae (Acari: Syringophilidae) parasitising African birds, with description of two new species.
by: Hromada M, Klimovičovtá M, Skoracki M, Wamiti W
Folia Parasitologica (2014) vol:5 (61), pages: 394-400.
Cooperative investment in public goods is kin directed in communal nests of social birds.
by: Argüelles-Ticó A, Burke T, Dawson DA, Hatchwell BJ, Kaden JC, van Dijk RE
Ecology Letters (2014) vol: (), pages: online-.

The birders and their birds 1988-1999: part 2. [reprints]
by: Mullins L
Diaz Diary (2014) vol:4 (42), pages: 11-25.

Recent reports.
by: Demey R
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2014) vol:2 (21), pages: 239-252.

An environmentally friendly means of controlling Red-billed Queleas?
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2014) vol:2 (21), pages: 131-131.

Role of wild birds as carriers of multi-drug resistant and .
by: Abo-Amer AE, Shobrak MY
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2014) vol:4 (45), pages: 1199-1209.
The Zambian Barn Swallow Project.
by: van den Brink B
BirdWatch Zambia (2014) vol:6 (44), pages: 1-4.

Aspects of the ecology and morphology of the protea seedeater, , a little-known Fynbos endemic : short communication.
by: Barnard B, Lee ATK
African Zoology (was Zafr & SAJZ) (2014) vol:2 (49), pages: 295-300.
Effects of fire on understorey birds in Kimboza Forest Reserve in the eastern foothills of the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania.
by: Werema C
African Journal of Ecology (2014) vol: (53), pages: 304-311.
Amblyceran chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera) from wild passerines (Passeriformes) in South Africa, with a note to their phylogenetic relationships and with the description of a new species in the genus .
by: Engelbrecht D, Halajian A, Luus-Powell W, Papousek I, Sychra O, Symes C
African Entomology (2014) vol:3 (22), pages: 589-601.
The Diamond Route.
by: MacFadyen D
Aardvark (2014) vol: (), pages: 10-11.

Longevity and ring wear in Short-clawed Larks Certhilauda chuana.
by: Engelbrecht D
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 23-26.
South African Cape Vulture released in Namibia in 2005 is back in South Africa.
by: Diekmann M, Neser W, Verdoorn G, Wolter K
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 21-22.
Unusual vent colouration in a Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor.
by: van Eeden P
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 20-20.
Notes on the feeding behavior, ageing and biometrics of Burchell's Coucal Centropus burchellii.
by: van Eeden P
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 16-19.
"Extra-remigial" feathers in a Crested Barbet Trachyphonus vaillantii.
by: van Eeden P
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 14-15.
Seychelles Fody longevity.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 11-13.
Protocols for mass capturing, handling, and fitting tracking devices on vultures.
by: Hirschauer M.T, Neser W , Wolter K
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 9-10.
Recapture and movement data of Gurney?s Sugarbird Promerops gurneyi in the Lydenburg area, Mpumalanga province, over nearly three decades.
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 3-8.
Hybrid Barn Swallow/Common House Martin.
by: Pickles A
Afring News (2014) vol:43 (1), pages: 1-2.
First breeding survey of the endemic Madagascar Red Fody and Forest Fody at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar.
by: Aristide A, Solohery RA
Vertebrate Zoology (2013) vol:2 (63), pages: 233-240.

Longevity of the Seychelles Fody .
by: Aumeeruddy R, Kingma SA, Oschadleus HD
Ostrich (2013) vol: (84), pages: 89-91.
Climate, social factors and research disturbance influence population dynamics in a declining sociable weaver metapopulation.
by: Altwegg R, Anderson MD, Covas R, Doutrelant C, Spottiswoode CN
Oecologia (2013) vol: (), pages: online-.

Extra-Group Mating Increases Inbreeding Risk in A Cooperatively Breeding Bird.
by: Cram DL, Harrison XA, York JE, Young AJ
Molecular Ecology (2013) vol: (), pages: online-.

Avian malaria prevalence and mosquito abundance in the Western Cape, South Africa.
by: Cumming GS, Hockey PAR, Okanga S
Malaria Journal (2013) vol: (12), pages: 370-370.

Colour Rings on Sociable Weavers.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2013) vol:3 (46), pages: 34-35.

Summary of the 2012 Ringing Year in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2013) vol:3 (46), pages: 16-19.

Overwintering Chestnut Weavers.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2013) vol:4 (46), pages: 23-24.

Short Notes and Interesting Observations. Chestnut Weavers.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2013) vol:2 (46), pages: 19-20.

Ek ring my 1ste roofvoe:l!
by: Louwrens W
Laniarius (2013) vol: (125), pages: 14-16.

Ek ring voe:ls in die suide van KwaZulu-Natal: Oktober 2013.
by: Louwrens W
Laniarius (2013) vol: (126), pages: 7-8.

Drie kort winteruitstappies saam met die klub.
by: Geggus E
Laniarius (2013) vol: (125), pages: 11-13.

Groot Phesantekraal Outing - 04 September 2013.
by: Crewe B
Kite (2013) vol: (101), pages: 4-4.

Intaka Island ringing demonstration during Natïonal Bird Week"- 22nd May 2013.
by: McCall M
Kite (2013) vol: (100), pages: 10-10.

Wednesday, 08 May 2013. Goedeontmoeting farm, Philadelphia.
by: Thompson H
Kite (2013) vol: (100), pages: 7-7.

Tygerberg Ringing Unit - First Ringing Session, 4th April 1992.
Kite (2013) vol: (101), pages: 6b-6b.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2013) vol: (101), pages: 6-6.

The seasonality of breeding in savannah birds of West Africa assessed from brood patch and juvenile occurrence.
by: Brandt MJ, Cox DTC, Cresswell W, McGregor R, Ottosson U, Stevens MC
Journal of Ornithology (2013) vol: (), pages: online-.

Rural Bushmeat Consumption Within Multiple-use Protected Areas: Qualitative Evidence from Southwest Madagascar.
by: Davies ZG, Gardner CJ
Human Ecology (2013) vol: (), pages: online-.

A bird in the hand is . . . . . . . . . (Part 1).
by: Williams D
Hornbill (2013) vol: (111), pages: 17-18.

Observations on the breeding biology and diet of a family of Spotted Eagle-Owls in the Delta Municipal Park, Johannesburg: 1979 to 2012.
by: Lockwood G
Gabar (2013) vol:2 (23), pages: 163-168.

Ringing is for the birds.
by: Kelly A
Eyethu Bay Watch (2013) vol: (), pages: 29 May:20-.

Adaptive thermoregulation during summer in two populations of an arid-zone passerine.
by: Harding CT, Hockey PAR, McKechnie A, Smit B
Ecology (2013) vol: (94), pages: 1142-1154.

Mesh size and bird capture rates in shasha forest reserve, ile-ife, Nigeria.
by: Akinpelu AI
Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology (2013) vol: (9), pages: 27-33.

Bird Ringing Year 8 - at Chunyu, Luangwa Valley, 20-22 April 2013.
by: Hide F
BirdWatch Zambia (2013) vol:7 (43), pages: 1-4.

Complete reproductive skew within white-browed sparrow weaver groups despite outbreeding opportunities for subordinates of both sexes.
by: Cram DL, Hares MC, Harrison XA, York JE, Young AJ
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (2013) vol: (), pages: online-.

Are elaborate bird nests built using simple rules?
by: Borello WD, Hansell M, Healy SD, Walsh PT
Avian Biology Research (2013) vol:2 (6), pages: 157-162.

White-winged Flufftail. The Ethiopian connection.
by: Drummond M
African Birdlife (2013) vol:1 (2), pages: 24-26.

Influences of host community, water quality and urbanization on avian malaria ecology in South Africa.
by: Okanga SMA
(2013) vol: (), pages: 201 pp-.

Causes and consequences of oxidative stress in a cooperatively breeding bird.
by: Cram DL
(2013) vol: (), pages: 166 pp-.

Unusual golden colour variation of Green-Winged Pytilia ringed at Dedeben, Tswalu Kalahari Reserve
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 29-31.
The birds of Blue Hill Nature Reserve: the Fynbos Endemic Bird Survey.
by: Barnard P, Lee A.T.K
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 21-28.
Garden bird ringing.
by: Craig A
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 19-20.
Summary of the 2012 ringing year in Namibia
by: Kolberg H
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 14-18.
Bird ringing at White Elephant Lodge, Kwazulu-Natal.
by: Roberts L
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 8-13.
The third record of a Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis in Kwazulu-Natal.
by: Roberts L
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 5-7.
Identifying wetland warblers and weavers in Cape Town.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2013) vol:42 (1), pages: 1-4.
Chewing lice of the genus (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in South Africa, with descriptions of three new species.
by: Engelbrecht D, Halajian A, Luus-Powell W, Sychra O
ZooTaxa (2012) vol: (3442), pages: 58-68.

Bird ringing course, Zambia 29 March - 5 April 2012. [from web report]
by: Oschadleus D
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2012) vol:4 (42), pages: 4-6.

Bird ringing at Chunyu, Luangwa Valley 11-13th February 2012.
by: Hide F
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2012) vol:3 (42), pages: 6-8.

Thick-billed Weaver road kill.
by: Bingham M
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2012) vol:4 (42), pages: 8-8.

Bird Ringing at BOVU ISLAND (29th March – 5th April 2012).
by: Stjernstedt B
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2012) vol:4 (42), pages: 3-3.

Migration of passerines through some protected areas in the eastern part of Egypt.
by: Busse P, Ibrahim WAL
The Ring (2012) vol: (34), pages: 69-205.

Bird research at Fort Fordyce.
by: Craig A
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2012) vol:3 (63), pages: 51-54.

A field trip to Mountain Zebra National Park.
by: Craig A, Smith D
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2012) vol:3 (63), pages: 66-67.

Southern Red Bishop in Westlake.
by: Fogarty S
Promerops (2012) vol: (289), pages: 10-10.
Breeding ecology of the Malagasy endemic Nelicourvi Weaver .
by: Nakamura M, Rakotomanana H
Ornithological Science (2012) vol: (11), pages: 39-46.

Bird species captured in woodland and their association with habitats.
by: de Swardt DH
Ornithological Observations (2012) vol: (3), pages: 29-37.

Steven Piper SAFRING Fund.
by: Oschadleus HD
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2012) vol: (), pages: Jan:6-.

Greatest movement of Red-headed Quelea in Africa.
by: Oschadleus D
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2012) vol: (), pages: May: 8-.

Steven Piper SAFRING Fund.
by: Oschadleus HD
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2012) vol: (), pages: July:10-.

Oldest Sociable Weaver.
by: Oschadleus HD
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2012) vol: (), pages: June 2012: 6-.

From the Bird Ringing Community…
by: Kolberg H
Namibia Bird News (2012) vol: (1), pages: 10-10.

Bird Ringers’ Get-Together: Farm Wiese, 3-6 May 2012.
by: Kemper J
Namibia Bird News (2012) vol: (3), pages: 2-4.

Dwerg maar man!
by: van der Westhuizen A
Namibia Bird News (2012) vol: (3), pages: 5-6.

New bird records from southwestern Burkina Faso.
by: Boano G, Mamadou K, Pavia M, Silvano F
Malimbus (2012) vol: (34), pages: 57-81.

Un premier aperçu de la faune de vertébrés du bush épineux de Salary-Bekodoy, à l’ouest du Parc National de Mikea, Madagascar.
by: Gardner CJ, Goodman SM, Jasper LD, Raherilalao MJ, Raselimanana AP, Schoeman MC, Soarimalala V
Malagasy Nature (2012) vol: (6), pages: 1-23.

Chestnut Weaver movements in southern Africa.
by: Oschadleus HD
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:2 (45), pages: 12-14.

Summary of the 2011 ringing season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:4 (45), pages: 7-9.

A Weekend at Omandumba.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:4 (45), pages: 17-19.

Are you sure that “your” Garden Birds really are “your” Garden Birds?
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:4 (45), pages: 11-13.

Short Notes and Interesting Observations.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:2 (45), pages: 22-29.

Of Net Eating Trees, Livestock, Domestic Animals and Other Creatures - the Joys of Ringing.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:2 (45), pages: 14-15.

Ringing at Blue Hill Escape.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:3 (45), pages: 9-11.

Report on 2012 Namibian Ringers Get-Together.
by: Müller E
Lanioturdus (2012) vol:4 (45), pages: 19-21.

My naweek saam met die ringers: November 2012.
by: Louwrens W
Laniarius (2012) vol: (123), pages: 32-33.

Umzumbe River floodplain as a constant ringing site.
by: Pickles A
KZN Birds (2012) vol: (37), pages: 16-17.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2012) vol: (97), pages: 5-5.

Recent ringing news.
by: McCall M
Kite (2012) vol: (95), pages: 10-10.

Age-related variation in carotenoid-based plumage ornaments of male red bishops . [Altersabhängige Variation von karotenoid-basierter Gefiederfärbung bei Männchen des Oryxwebers (Euplectes orix)].
by: Edler AU, Friedl TWP
Journal of Ornithology (2012) vol:2 (153), pages: 413-420.

Biodiversity of Tanguar Haor: A Ramsar Site of Bangladesh. Volume I: Wildlife (Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals).
by: Alam ABMS, Chowdhury MSM, Sobhan I
IUCN Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2012) vol: (), pages: xi+234 pp-.

Monitoring birds through counting and ringing around the Manyama Lakes, Zimbabwe.
by: Caron A, Chiweshe N
Honeyguide (2012) vol:2 (58), pages: 138-159.

Living near human settlement - habitat use by White-browed Sparrow-weavers on a golf course.
by: Eppel J, Mundy PJ, Voigt C
Honeyguide (2012) vol:1 (58), pages: 17-21.

Village weaver at Abu Simbel, Egypt, in May 2006.
by: Crochet P-A, Didner E, Forsyth E, Geniez P
Dutch Birding (2012) vol:5 (34), pages: 316-319.

Characterizing the trade of wild birds for merit release in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and associated risks to health and ecology.
by: Gilbert M, Joyner PH, Poole C, Sokha C, Thomson RL
Biological Conservation (2012) vol: (153), pages: 10-16.
In the thick of it.
by: Hatchwell BJ, van Dijk R
African Birdlife (2012) vol:1 (1), pages: 36-40.

Winter-flowering Aloe patches as a food source for birds: four seasons at one South African site. [abstract for poster]
by: Craig A, Hulley P, Wolmarans MLH
Abstr. Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (2012) vol: (13), pages: 114-114.

Non-chemical control of the Red-billed Quelea (Quelea Quelea) and use of the birds as a food resource. MPhil thesis, University of Greenwich.
by: Mtobesya BN
(2012) vol: (), pages: 226+ pp-.

Does the Green Milkweed Locust affect bird catch numbers?
by: van Eeden P
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 25-26.
Notes on the morphology and behaviour of the African Grey Hornbill (Tockus nasutus)
by: van Eeden P
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 24-24.
Fitting metal rings on the larger birds.
by: Wilson M
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 22-23.
Umzumbe River floodplain as a constant ringing site.
by: Pickles A
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 19-21.
Garden bird ringing: some ringing and recapture data over a period of nine years.
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 16-18.
Using ringing data to update the continental distributions of the subspecies of the Lesser Black-backed Gull
by: Bouwman H, Kylin H, Louette M
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 13-15.
The benefits of long-term studies: 16-year old sociable weaver caught at Benfontein Game Reserve
by: Covas R
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 11-12.
Thick-billed Weaver recovery and new atlas record for Zambia
by: Leonard P, McDougall R, Roxburgh L
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 8-10.
Largest-ever Red-headed Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps colony revisited
by: Karen D, van Stuyvenberg S
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 4-7.
Additional notes on moult of Cape Siskins Crithagra totta
by: Ward V.L
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 2-3.
An uncommon Blue Waxbill Uraeginthus angolensis.
by: Dixon K
Afring News (2012) vol:41 (1), pages: 1-1.
Total ringed birds Zambia 2010 - 2011
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2011) vol:1 (41), pages: 11-12.

Thirty years of ringing birds.
by: Oellermann I
Witness (2011) vol: (), pages: 3 Mar:8-.

Obituary - Dale Hanmer.
by: Medland B
Vocifer, a Bulletin of Ornithological News in Malawi (2011) vol:3 (4), pages: 1-2.

More Southern Red Bishops on the Cape Peninsula.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2011) vol: (286), pages: 14-14.

Bird ringing at Rondevlei.
Promerops (2011) vol: (286), pages: 12-12.

Covariation of flower traits and bird pollinator assemblages among populations of (Asphodelaceae).
by: Brown B, Downs CT, Johnson SD
Plant Systematics and Evolution (2011) vol: (294), pages: 199-206.

Seasonality, distribution and taxonomic status of avian haemosporidian parasites within the Greater Cape Town area, South Africa.
by: Earlé R, Schultz A, Underhill G, Underhill LG
Ostrich (2011) vol: (82), pages: 141-154.
Range extension of the Lufira Masked Weaver , endemic to Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo.
by: Breman FC, Craig AJFK, Hasson M, Jordaens K, Louette M
Ostrich (2011) vol: (82), pages: 77-78.
Contributions of the KwaZulu-Natal Ornithological Trust (now BirdLife South Africa Trust) to bird research and capacity development.
by: Downs CT
Ornithological Observations (2011) vol: (2), pages: 62-68.

Small wetland-associated birds.
by: Oschadleus HD
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2011) vol: (), pages: Oct: 6-.

Weaver chick now 1 year, 10 months & 12 days old.
by: Oschadleus D
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2011) vol: (), pages: July:12-.

Summary of the 2010 Ringing Season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2011) vol:4 (44), pages: 17-20.

by: Thomson N (ed)
Lanioturdus (2011) vol:1 (44), pages: 1-2.

A Trip to the South, May 2010.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2011) vol:1 (44), pages: 14-16.

Ringing and atlasing workshop, Barberspan, 9-16 March 2011.
by: Jansen van Rensburg G, Oschadleus D
Laniarius (2011) vol: (118), pages: 15-17.

Darvill Bird Sanctuary ringing station turns 30.
by: Brown M
KZN Birds (2011) vol: (33), pages: 17-17.

Ringing results in the Durban area.
by: Aiston G
KZN Birds (2011) vol: (33), pages: 18-20.

TBC Ringing Unit - year 2010.
by: McCall M
Kite (2011) vol: (90), pages: 2-3.

Ringing Unit update.
by: McCall M, Silks L
Kite (2011) vol: (93), pages: 7-7.

Local haemoparasites in introduced wetland passerines.
by: Cardoso H, Mendes L, Perez-Tris J, Ramos JA, Ventim R
Journal of Ornithology (2011) vol: (4), pages: 1253-1259.

Status of migrant and resident waders, and moult strategies of migrant waders using African inland wetland habitats, at Barberspan Bird Sanctuary in South Africa.
by: Avni J, Remisiewicz M
Ibis (2011) vol: (153), pages: 433-437.

The nutritional significance of a winter-flowering succulent for opportunistic avian nectarivores.
by: Mckechnie AE, Nicolson SW, Symes CT, Woodborne SM
Ibis (2011) vol: (153), pages: 110-121.

Patterns of seasonal and yearly mass variation in West African tropical savannah birds.
by: Brandt MJ, Cox DTC, Cresswell W, Mcgregor R, Ottosson U, Stevens MC
Ibis (2011) vol: (153), pages: 672-683.

Weaver ringing trip to Nelspruit, 14-20 March 2011.
by: Oschadleus HD
Hornbill (2011) vol: (), pages: 28-28.

Juvenile weavers in Nelspruit.
by: Oschadleus HD
Hornbill (2011) vol: (101), pages: 28-29.

Steven Piper SAFRING Fund.
by: Oschadleus HD
Hoep-hoep (2011) vol: (97), pages: 19-19.

Largest-ever Red-headed Weaver colony.
by: Oschadleus HD, van Stuyvenberg D
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2011) vol: (18), pages: 203-206.

Namibian ringers get together.
by: Teifel K, Teifel R
BirdLife Eastern Cape News (2011) vol: (), pages: 3Oct: 7-9-.

Individuality in nest building: Do Southern Masked weaver () males vary in their nest-building behaviour?
by: Borello WD, Hansell M, Healy SD, Walsh PT
Behavioural Processes (2011) vol: (), pages: doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2011.06.011-.

Carotenoid-based plumage colouration in red bishops () - signalling presence rather than quality?
by: Edler AU, Friedl TWP
Behaviour: an international journal of comparative ethology. (2011) vol:11-13 (148), pages: 1377-1397.

Fidelity to non-breeding grounds by migrant Red-billed Quelea in Botswana.
by: Borello WD, Cheke RA
Babbler (2011) vol: (56), pages: 11-14.

The effect of helpers on the post-fledging period in a cooperatively breeding bird, the social weaver.
by: Covas R, Deville A-S, Doutrelant C, Grégoire A, Spottiswoode CN
Animal Behaviour (2011) vol: (81), pages: 121-126.

Life history trade-offs between survival, moult and breeding in a tropical season environment.
by: Stevens MC
(2011) vol: (), pages: 321 pp-.

Ringing of Common Quail Coturnix coturnix in southern Africa
by: Galpin M
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 32-34.
Ringing Of Blue Swallows Hirundo atrocaerulea As A Research And Conservation Tool
by: Evans S.W
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 30-31.
The Zambian Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Project
by: van den Brink B
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 27-29.
Gurney's Sugarbird Project And Safring Ringing Data
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 25-26.
How Bird Ringing Led To Research In Biology
by: Bonnievie B.T
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 22-24.
Mating Systems, Mist Nets, And Moulting Birds
by: Craig A.J.F.K
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 19-21.
Honeyguide Puzzles
by: Bonnievie B.T, Craig A.J.F.K, Hulley P.E
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 16-18.
A Hanging Bird Feeder Trap
by: Pickles A
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 13-15.
Iris Colours In Ageing And Sexing South African Ploceus Weavers
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 7-12.
Limpopo Bird Guides Get Hands-On Experience
by: Engelbrecht D, Grosel J, Martus-de Boer L
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 4-6.
Chestnut Weaver Movements In Southern Africa
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2011) vol:40 (1), pages: 1-3.
Avian seasonal metabolic variation in a subtropical desert: basal metabolic rates are lower in winter than in summer
by: Smit B.
Functional Ecology (2010) vol: (24), pages: 330-339.

Synchronous provisioning increases brood survival in cooperatively breeding pied babblers
by: Raihani N.J.
Journal of Animal Ecology (2010) vol: (79), pages: 44-52.

Routes to breeding in cooperatively breeding pied babblers Turdoides bicolor
by: Raihani N.J.
Journal of Avian Biology (2010) vol: (41), pages: 681-686.

Phenotypic flexibility of a southern African duck Alopochen aegyptiaca during moult: do northern hemisphere paradigms apply?
by: Ndlovu M.
Journal of Avian Biology (2010) vol: (41), pages: 558-564.

Long tails matter in sugarbirds-positively for extrapair but negatively for within-pair fertilization success
by: McFarlane M.L.
Behavioral Ecology (2010) vol: (21), pages: 26-32.

Bird Ringing In The Luangwa Valley. Year 5, 3-7th March 2010.
by: Hyde F
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2010) vol:4 (40), pages: 9-11.

Southern Red Bishops in and out of Rondevlei.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2010) vol: (281), pages: 15-15.

Champion chicks - where do they go?
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2010) vol: (281), pages: 12-13.

Infection prevalence and absence of positive correlation between avian haemosporidian parasites, mass, and body condition in the Cape Weaver .
by: Earlé RA, Schultz A, Underhill G, Underhill LG
Ostrich (2010) vol: (81), pages: 69-76.
Sexing immature Mauritius Fodies using biometrics and delayed plumage maturation.
by: Bell DJ, Cole RE, Cristinacce A, Jones CG, Tatayah RVV
Ostrich (2010) vol: (81), pages: 135-137.
The effects of colony dynamics and climate on a declining population of sociable weavers, .
by: Marais M
MSc (2010) vol: (), pages: 40 pp-.

Comparison of the Techniques used on two Sociable Weaver Ringing Projects.
by: Grieve G
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:3 (43), pages: 19-20.

Sparrow-Weavers and Buffalo Weavers at Kakuse, in Northern Namibia.
by: Oschadleus HD, Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:4 (43), pages: 15-16.

Summary of the 2009 ringing season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:4 (43), pages: 20-23.

Summary of the 2008 ringing season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:1 (43), pages: 17-19.

by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:4 (43), pages: 1-2.

Have you ever been to Antarctica?
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:2 (43), pages: 6-8.

Some Interesting Personal Observations.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2010) vol:4 (43), pages: 16-19.

Ringers se werksaamhede en die nadraai in ons tuin.
by: Geggus E
Laniarius (2010) vol: (116), pages: 34-35.

Impressions of a new member.
by: Muller J
Laniarius (2010) vol: (117), pages: 7-8.

by: Jansen van Rensburg G
Laniarius (2010) vol: (116), pages: 15-15.

Ringing at Rocherpan. 7 to 10 August.
by: Wingate G
Kite (2010) vol: (89), pages: 3-3.

Highlights of the ringing year.
by: McCall M
Kite (2010) vol: (86), pages: 5-5.

Far from home ... where do chicks go?
by: Oschadleus HD
Kite (2010) vol: (86), pages: 8-8.

Sugar preferences and digestive efficiency of the Village Weaver, a key generalist avian pollinator of African plants.
by: Brown M, Downs CT, Johnson SD, Odendaal TC
Journal of experimental Biology (2010) vol: (213), pages: 2531-2535.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2009.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2010) vol: (), pages: 101 pp-.

Birds at winter-flowering in South Africa: a nectar source in a season of scarcity.
by: Craig AJFK, Forbes R, Hulley PE, Jones S, Parker D
International Ornithological Congress Abstracts (2010) vol: (25), pages: 693-.

Convergent evolution of red carotenoid coloration in widowbirds and bishops ( spp.)
by: Andersson S, Prager M
Evolution (2010) vol:12 (64), pages: 3609-3619.;jsessionid=6B671F0EBE4B8E7C6BABB0BFDA039ABD.f03t02
Alas, poor Yorick...!
by: Lockwood G
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2010) vol: (229), pages: 23-23.

Individual quality and carotenoid-based plumage ornaments in male red bishops (): plumage is not all that counts.
by: Edler AU, Friedl TWP
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2010) vol: (99), pages: 384-397.

Nectar preferences of specialist and occasional avian nectarivores, and their role in the evolution of floral traits.
by: Brown M
(2010) vol: (), pages: 146 pp-.

More Black-headed Village Weavers Ploceus cucullatus
by: Raijmakers K
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 14-15.
Barn Swallow: The World?s Best Known Migrant
by: Pickles A
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 9-13.
Surprise Village Weaver
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 7-8.
Paradise Found
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 5-6.
Olive-tree Warblers in the Kalahari
by: Pietersen D
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 3-4.
Ringers? conference, Barberspan, NW Province, 10-14 March 2010
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2010) vol:39 (1), pages: 1-2.
Breeding and moult phenology of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Dassen Island
by: Wolfaardt A. C.
African Journal of Marine Science (2009) vol:31 (2), pages: 119-132.

Review of the rescue, rehabilitation and restoration of oiled seabirds in South Africa, especially African penguins Spheniscus demersus and Cape gannets Morus capensis, 1983-2005
African Journal of Marine Science (2009) vol:31 (1), pages: 31-54.

Comparison of moult phenology of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben and Dassen islands
African Journal of Marine Science (2009) vol:31 (1), pages: 19-29.

Estimates of numbers of kelp gulls and Kerguelen and Antarctic terns breeding at the Prince Edward Islands, 1996/1997–2008/2009
by: Whittington P.A.
African Journal of Marine Science (2009) vol:31 (3), pages: 439-444.

From both sides: dire demographic consequences of carnivorous mice and longlining for the critical endangered Tristan albatrosses on Gough Island
by: Wanless R.M.
Biological Conservation (2009) vol: (142), pages: 1710-1718.

Multistate Models for Estimation of Survival and Reproduction in the Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma)
by: Converse SJ
The Auk (2009) vol:126 (1), pages: 77-88.

Sanderlings using African-Eurasian flyways: a review of current knowledge
by: Reneerkens J
Wader Study Group Bulletin (2009) vol: (116), pages: 2-20.

Extended primary moult as an adaptation of adult Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola to their use of freshwater habitats of southern Africa
Ardea (2009) vol: (97), pages: 271-280.

An irruption of Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea in the Western Cape province, South Africa
Ostrich (2009) vol: (80), pages: 193-196.

Females increase reproductive investment in response to helper-mediated improvements in allo-feeding, nest survival, nestling provisioning and post-fledging survival in the Karoo scrub-robin Cercotrichas coryphaeus
by: Lloyd P.
Journal of Avian Biology (2009) vol: (40), pages: 400-411.

The effect of flipper banding on the breeding success of African Penguins Spheniscus demersus at Boulders Beach, South Africa
by: Hampton S.L.
Ostrich (2009) vol: (80), pages: 77-80.

When to stay, when to go: trade-offs for southern African arid-zone birds in times of drought
by: Dean W.R.J.
South African Journal of Science (2009) vol: (105), pages: 24-28.

The ongoing role of bird ringing in science – a review
by: Brown M
Proceedings of the 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, 2008. Cape Town, Animal Demography Unit (2009) vol: (), pages: 6-8.

Rainfall in arid zones: possible effects of climate change on the population ecology of blue cranes
by: Altwegg R
Functional Ecology (2009) vol:23 (5), pages: 1014-1021.

Southern African Waterbird Ringing Course: Blue Lagoon National Park November 2008.
by: Roxburgh L
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2009) vol:1 (39), pages: 6-8.

Bird ringing in the Luangwa Valley Part 4. 5-9 March 2009.
by: Hyde F
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2009) vol:4 (39), pages: 3-6.

Predicting West Nile Virus Seroprevalence in Wild Birds in Senegal.
by: Baillon F, Balança G, Chevalier V, Durand B, Gaidet N, Lancelot R, Lefrançois T, Mondet B, Reynaud P
Vector-Borne & Zoonotic Diseases (2009) vol: (9), pages: 589-596.

Intra-African migrants in Zambia.
by: Dowsett RJ, Leonard PM
Tauraco Research Report (2009) vol: (9), pages: 91-113.

The resident birds of Zambia: additional data on distribution and status.
by: Dowsett RJ
Tauraco Research Report (2009) vol: (9), pages: 1-70.

Pollination of the red hot poker by short-billed opportunistic avian nectarivores.
by: Brown M, Downs CT, Johnson SD
South African Journal of Botany (2009) vol: (75), pages: 707-712.

Cape Weaver movements on the Cape peninsula.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2009) vol: (279), pages: 18-18.

Intraspecific variation in testis asymmetry in birds: evidence for naturally occurring compensation.
by: Birkhead TR, Calhim S
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B (2009) vol: (276), pages: 2279-2284.

Seasonal variation in the avian community associated with an (Asphodelaceae, Mill.) flowering event in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
by: Craig AJF, Forbes R, Hulley P, Parker D
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (2009) vol: (12), pages: 9-17.

The ongoing role of bird ringing in science – a review.
by: Brown M, Oschadleus HD
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (2009) vol: (12), pages: 6-8.

Morphometrics of White-browed Sparrow-Weavers in south-western Zimbabwe.
by: Leitner S, Mundy P, Voigt C
Ostrich (2009) vol: (80), pages: 99-102.
Ticks collected from birds in the northern provinces of South Africa, 2004-2006.
by: Clarke F, Grieve G, Hasle G, Horak IG, Leinaas HP
Onderstepoort Journal of Vetinarary Research (2009) vol: (76), pages: 167-175.
Recent literature.
by: McNicholl MK
North American Bird Bander (2009) vol: (34), pages: 10-10.

Birds recorded from surveys in Ghana’s Central and Brong-Ahafo regions.
by: Weckstein JD
Malimbus (2009) vol: (31), pages: 28-46.

Bird observations from Aouk, S Chad, including additions to the avifauna.
by: Bulens P, Dowsett RJ
Malimbus (2009) vol:1 (31), pages: 57-60.

Summary of the 2007 Ringing Season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2009) vol:1 (42), pages: 15-19.

Some Highlights of a Birding/Ringing Trip to the Kunene.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2009) vol:1 (42), pages: 20-24.

… an Interesting Recapture …
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2009) vol:4 (42), pages: 14-14.

Chronicles of a bird-ringing and botanical tourism trip to Namibia in May/June 2009.
by: Grieve G
Lanioturdus (2009) vol:4 (42), pages: 15-17.

Ringing Workshop, Wakkerstroom, December 2008.
by: Thomson N
Lanioturdus (2009) vol:4 (42), pages: 2-3.

Rooibekkwelea vlieg 1735 km om opgeëet te word!
by: du Plooy C
Laniarius (2009) vol: (114), pages: 23-23.

Ringers se ervaring met die SAPD.
by: van Rensburg GJ
Laniarius (2009) vol: (114), pages: 22-23.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2008.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2009) vol: (), pages: 111 pp-.

What is the longevity of birds in the Eastern Highlands?
by: Hanmer D.B
Honeyguide (2009) vol:1 (55), pages: 41-44.

Synchronization of Indian Weaver Bird Circadian Rhythms to Food and Light Zeitgebers: Role of Pineal.
by: Kumar V, Malik S, Rani S, Singh J, Singh S
Chronobiology International (2009) vol:4 (26), pages: 653-665.

Birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea. An atlas of distribution.
by: Ash J, Atkins J
Christopher Helm, London (2009) vol: (), pages: 463 pp-.

Flying pests are breeding trouble.
by: Yeld J
Cape Argus (2009) vol: (), pages: 29 April:10-.

Feathered locusts arrive in Cape.
by: Yeld J
Cape Argus (2009) vol: (), pages: 24 April: 8-.

A bird survey of the Ruvuma Delta, northern Mozambique.
by: Amakobe B, Bakari S, Balidy H, Biasiol D, Borghesio L, Menomussanga M
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2009) vol: (16), pages: 197-203.

Professor Steven Piper.
by: Bunning J
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2009) vol: (224), pages: 6-7.

Repeatability of nest morphology in African weaver birds.
by: Borello WD, Hansell M, Healy SD, Walsh PT
Biology Letters (2009) vol: (6), pages: 149-151.

Male nest-building behaviour and mating success in the red bishop ().
by: Friedl TWP, Klump GM, Metz M
Behaviour: an international journal of comparative ethology. (2009) vol:6 (146), pages: 771-794.

A behavioural study of sleep patterns in the malachite sunbird, Cape white-eye and fan-tailed widowbird.
by: Downs CT, Wellmann AE
Animal Behaviour (2009) vol: (77), pages: 61-66.

Obituary. Steven Edward Piper.
by: Anderson M
Africa - Birds & Birding (2009) vol:3 (14), pages: 20-20.

Who’s who in the digital zoo? [BLB p52
by: Underhill L
Africa - Birds & Birding (2009) vol:4 (14), pages: 28-28.

A decade of tern ringing at Mile 4 salt pans, Namibia
by: Boorman M
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 24-27.
Persistence of white primary in Dark-capped Bulbul
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 23-23.
Preventing birds of multiple retraps being held captive for too long
by: Raijmakers J.M.H
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 22-22.
Eye colour change in Red-billed Oxpeckers
by: Ellmer A, Raijmakers J.M.H
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 19-21.
A tale of two ringing sites. Part 2 - Aras River
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 13-18.
A tale of two ringing sites. Part 1 - Kuyucuk Lake
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 4-12.
SAFRING Ezemvelo 60th Anniversary Ringers? Conference
by: Cochran P
Afring News (2009) vol:38 (1), pages: 1-3.
Natural history and behavior of the Aldabra Rail (Dryolimnas [cuvieri] aldabranus)
by: Wanless RM
Wilson Journal of Ornithology (2008) vol:120 (1), pages: 50-61.

Pelagic predators. In The Prince Edward Islands: land-sea interactions in a changing ecosystem
by: Ryan P.G.
SUN Press, Stellenbosch (2008) vol: (), pages: 121-164.

The biology and conservation status of Gough Bunting Rowettia goughensis
by: Ryan P. G.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (2008) vol:128 (4), pages: 242-253.

Adult survival, dispersal and mate fidelity in the White-fronted Plover Charadrius marginatus.
by: Lloyd P.
Ibis (2008) vol: (150), pages: 182-187.

Wild bird movements and avian influenza risk mapping in southern Africa
by: Cumming GS
Ecology and Society (2008) vol:13 (2), pages: 26-26.

Helpers in colonial cooperatively breeding sociable weavers Philetairus socius contribute to buffer the effects of adverse breeding conditions
by: Covas R.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2008) vol: (63), pages: 103-112.

The release of Critically Endangered Mauritius Fodies into native lowland forest.
by: Cristinacce A
University of East Anglia, UK (2008) vol: (), pages: 140 pp-.

SAFRING's 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus HD
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2008) vol: (59), pages: 25-25.

The Birds of Zambia. An Atlas and Handbook.
by: Aspinwall DR, Dowsett RJ, Dowsett-Lemaire F
Tauraco Press & Aves (Liège, Belgium) (2008) vol: (), pages: 606 pp-.

SAFRING's 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus D
Sakabula (2008) vol: (31), pages: 11-11.

Questions about Southern Masked Weavers and breeding plumage.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2008) vol: (276), pages: 24-24.

SAFRING turns 60.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2008) vol: (274), pages: 13-13.

A comparison of giving-up densities of five species of granivorous birds.
by: Perrin MR, Soobramoney S
Ostrich (2008) vol: (79), pages: 101-104.
The habitat and associated bird assemblages of the Grey-headed Parrot in Limpopo Province, South Africa.
by: Perrin MR, Symes CT
Ostrich (2008) vol: (79), pages: 9-22.
Ringverslag van het Vogeltrekstation 2007 (nr. 92).
by: Speek G
Op Het Vinkentouw (2008) vol: (113), pages: 16-47.

Mauritius Fody.
by: Garrett L
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation Newsletter (2008) vol: (11), pages: 4-4.

Ringers' corner.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2008) vol: (110), pages: 23-23.

Ringers outing & braai. Groenkloof NR: Sat 21 June 2008.
by: van Zyl D
Laniarius (2008) vol: (109), pages: 20-21.

SAFRING's 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus HD
Laniarius (2008) vol: (109), pages: 14-14.

SAFRING's 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus D
Kurukuru (2008) vol: (), pages: May:11-.

Ringing unit… 16 years on.
by: McCall M
Kite (2008) vol: (81), pages: 9-10.

Field notes on the Grey-capped Social Weaver Project.
by: Amakobe B
Kenya Birds (2008) vol:1-2 (12), pages: 20-21.

SAFRING's 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus HD
Hornbill (2008) vol: (91), pages: 22-23.

SAFRING’s 60th anniversary.
by: Oschadleus HD
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2008) vol: (221), pages: 12-12.

Diet and breeding biology of Asian Golden Weaver .
by: Gale GA, Nimnuan S, Pierce AJ, Pobprasert K, Round PD, Sankamethawee W, Sripanomyom S
Bird Conservation International (2008) vol: (18), pages: 267-274.

Helpers in colonial cooperatively breeding sociable weavers contribute to buffer the effects of adverse breeding conditions.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, du Plessis M
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (2008) vol: (63), pages: 103-112.

Pollination Systems of (Colchicaceae) in Southern Africa: Evidence for Rodent Pollination.
by: Johnson SD, Kleizen C, Midgley J
Annals of Botany (2008) vol:5 (102), pages: 747-755.

The risk of flawed inference in evolutionary studies when detectability is less than one.
by: Anderson MD, Brown CR, Brown MB, Cam E, Charmantier A, Covas R, Gaillard JM, Gimenez O, Pradel R, Viallefont A
American Naturalist (2008) vol: (172), pages: 441-448.
Preventing birds of multiple retraps being held captive too long
by: Raijmakers K
Afring News (2008) vol:37 (1), pages: 4-4.
Operation Oxpecker 2008
by: Brooks A
Afring News (2008) vol:37 (1), pages: 1-3.
A review of colour-marking techniques used on vultures in southern Africa
by: Botha André
Vulture News (2007) vol: (56), pages: 52-63. .pdf
Molecular systematics of a speciose, cosmopolitan songbird genus: defining the limits of, and relationships among, the Turdus thrushes
by: Voelker G.
Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution (2007) vol: (42), pages: 422-434.

Diving behaviour of African penguins: do they differ from other Spheniscus penguins?
by: Ryan P.G.
African Journal of Marine Science (2007) vol: (29), pages: 153-160.

Two-egg clutches among albatrosses
by: Ryan P.G.
Emu (2007) vol: (107), pages: 210-213.

Ecological Speciation in South Atlantic Island Finches
by: Ryan P.G.
Science (2007) vol: (315), pages: 1420-1423.

Variable postfledging care in a cooperative bird: causes and consequences.
by: Ridley A.R.
Behavioral Ecology (2007) vol:18 (2), pages: 994-1000.

Facultative response to a kleptoparasite cooperatively breeding pied babbler.
by: Ridley A.R.
Behavioral Ecology (2007) vol: (18), pages: 324-330.

Interspecific audience effects on the alarm-calling behaviour of a kleptoparasitic bird.
by: Ridley A.R.
Biology Letters (2007) vol: (3), pages: 589-591.

Sex-biased preferential care in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler.
by: Ridley A.R.
Journal of Evolutional Biology (2007) vol: (20), pages: 1271-1276.

Factors affecting offspring survival and development in a cooperative bird: social, maternal and environmental effects
by: Ridley A.R
Journal of Animal Ecology (2007) vol: (76), pages: 750-760.

Variable fledging age according to group size: trade-offs in a cooperatively breeding bird.
by: Raihani N.J.
Biology Letters (2007) vol: (3), pages: 624-627.

Adult vocalizations during provisions: offspring response and postfledging benefits in wild pied babblers
by: Raihani N.J.
Animal Behaviour (2007) vol: (74), pages: 1303-1309.

Individuals in foraging groups may use vocal cues when assessing their need for anti-predator vigilance.
by: Radford A.N.
Biology Letters (2007) vol: (3), pages: 249-252.

Foraging behaviour and energetics of Cape gannets Morus capensis feeding on live prey and fishery discards in the Benguela upwelling system
by: Pichegru L.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2007) vol: (350), pages: 127-136.

Phenotypic flexibility in the basal metabolic rate of laughing doves: responses to short-term thermal acclimation
by: McKechnie A.E.
Journal of Experimental Biology (2007) vol: (210), pages: 97-106.

Torpor in an African caprimulgid, the freckled nightjar Caprimuigus tristigma
by: McKechnie A.E.
Journal of Avian Biology (2007) vol:38 (3), pages: 261-266.

Geographic variation in avian incubation periods and parental influences on embryonic temperature
by: Martin T.E.
Evolution (2007) vol:61 (11), pages: 2558-2569.

A nuclear DNA phylogeny and proposed taxonomic revision of African greenbuls (Aves, Passeriformes, Pycnonotidae)
by: Johansson U.S.
Zoologica Scripta (2007) vol: (36), pages: 417-427.

Delayed Breeding Affects Lifetime Reproductive Success Differently in Male and Female Green Woodhoopoes
by: Hawn A.T.
Current Biology (2007) vol: (17), pages: 844-849.

Diversification of African greenbuls in space and time: linking ecological and historical processes.
by: Fjeldså J.
Journal of Ornithology (2007) vol: (147), pages: S359-S367.

by: Du Plessis M.A.
(2007) vol: (78), pages: 1-5.

Competition with Egyptian Geese Alopochen aegyptiaca overrides environmental factors in determining productivity of Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus
by: Curtis O.E.
Ibis (2007) vol: (149), pages: 502-508.

Trends in numbers of Cape Cormorants (Phalacrocorax capensis) over a 50-year period, 1956-57 to 2006-07
by: Crawford R.J.M.
Emu (2007) vol: (107), pages: 253-261.

Trends in numbers of Cape Cormorants (Phalacrocorax capensis) over a 50 year period, 1956/57-2006/07
by: Crawford RJM
Final Report of BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town (2007) vol: (), pages: 165-172.

Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and a test of the food limitation hypothesis
by: Chalfoun A.D.
Animal Behaviour (2007) vol: (73), pages: 579-585.

The future of Africa in the history of oscine passerines: molecular systematics of several ‘enigmas’
by: Beresford P.
Ostrich (2007) vol:78 (2), pages: 315-315.

Habituation and habitat changes can moderate the impacts of human disturbance on shorebird breeding performance
by: Baudains T.P.
Animal Conservation (2007) vol: (10), pages: 400-407.

Cryptic queleas offer food for thought.
by: Porter B
South Coast Herald (2007) vol: (), pages: 4 Oct: 5?-.

Riparian-zone rehabilitation in pine plantations: Grassland woodland for plants and birds?
by: Malan G, Meyer E, Panagos MD
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (2007) vol:2 (37), pages: 159-178.

Moult of Guinea savanna passerines in West Africa.
by: Cresswell WRL, McGregor RM, Ottosson U
Ostrich (2007) vol: (78), pages: 287-290.
Vogels vangen in Soedan.
by: Veen J
Op Het Vinkentouw (2007) vol: (111), pages: 22-26.

Summary of the 2005 ringing season in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2007) vol:1 (40), pages: 35-44.

Ringing of Palearctic migrants at Ngulia, Kenya.
by: Bernitz H, Bernitz Z
Laniarius (2007) vol: (106), pages: 12-16.

Ringing report - Darvill Bird Sanctuary 2006.
by: Brown M
KZN Birds (2007) vol: (20), pages: 9-10.

Ringing report for the year July 2006 to June 2007.
by: McCall M
Kite (2007) vol: (77), pages: 9-10.

Ringing report for 2006.
by: McCall M
Kite (2007) vol: (74), pages: 3-4.

Survival rates of tropical birds in Nigeria, West Africa.
by: Cresswell W, Mcgregor R, Whittingham MJ
Ibis (2007) vol: (149), pages: 615-618.

Bird ringing in the Nelspruit Nature Reserve.
by: Williams D
Hornbill (2007) vol: (88), pages: 19-19.

Witwatersrand Bird Club's luncheon to celebrate their 60th anniversary. A nostalgic weekend.
by: Bunning LJ
Hornbill (2007) vol: (86), pages: 42-43.

Avian diet of a Black-shouldered Kite at Wakkerstroom, Mpumulanga.
by: Oschadleus HD
Gabar (2007) vol:2 (18), pages: 30-31.

The effect of bill structure on seed selection and handling ability of five species of granivorous birds.
by: Perrin MR, Soobramoney S
Emu (2007) vol: (107), pages: 169-176.

Witwatersrand Bird Club's luncheon to celebrate their 60th anniversary - a nostalgic weekend.
by: Bunning LJ
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2007) vol: (218), pages: 26-27.

Competition or co-existence of reintroduced, critically endangered Mauritius fodies and invasive Madagascar fodies in lowland Mauritius?
by: Bell DJ, Cristinacce A, Garrett LJH, Jones CG
Biological Conservation (2007) vol: (140), pages: 19-28.

Extreme gender-based post-fledging brood division in the toc-toc.
by: Holloway GJ, Millett JE, Richardson DS, Vega LB
Behavourial Ecology (2007) vol: (18), pages: 730-735.

Ringing report.
by: Scholtz G
Batis (2007) vol: (41), pages: 18-18.

Searching for the first nests of Clarke’s Weaver.
A Rocha Conservation Science Review (2007) vol: (), pages: 2007: 5-.

Garden ringing: a stock-taking
by: Craig A
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 22-24.
Foot deformities in Variable Sunbirds
by: Wood C
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 21-21.
How does a disabled bird cope with its disability?
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 19-20.
Magpie Mannikins
by: Pickles A, Pickles I
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 17-18.
Eurasian Hobby
by: Pickles A, Pickles I
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 15-16.
What is the correct ring size for female African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini?
by: Bonnievie B, Kohler S
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 13-14.
Kelp Gulls in Colour- second helping
by: Whittington P
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 11-12.
Ringing report for Zambia: January 2000 to December 2005
by: Leonard P, Roxburgh L
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 2-10.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2007) vol:36 (1), pages: 1-1.
Red-winged Starlings that breed in the urban environment
by: duPlessis Morne
Promerops (2006) vol:263 (3), pages: 16-16.
The status of the Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea on the Namib coast
by: Williams A.J.
The annual cycle of the Curlew Sandpiper. International Wader Studies (2006) vol: (19), pages: 156-159.

Predicting the breeding success of large raptors in arid southern Africa: a first assessment.
by: Wichmann M.C.
Ostrich (2006) vol: (77), pages: 22-27.

Birds and conservation significance of the Namib Desert’s least known coastal wetlands: Baia and Ilha dos Tigres, Angola
by: Simmons R.E.
African Journal of Marine Science (2006) vol: (28), pages: 713-717.

Mussulo – an important shorebird wintering site in Angola
by: Ryan P.G.
Wader Study Group Bulletin (2006) vol: (109), pages: 120-120.

Breeding frequency in Grey-headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma
by: Ryan Peter G.
Ibis (2006) vol: (149), pages: 45-52.

The conservation status of the spectacled petrel Procellaria conspicillata.
by: Ryan P.G.
Biological Conservation (2006) vol: (131), pages: 575-583.

Family Cisticolidae (Cisticolas and allies): species accounts.
by: Ryan P.G.
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 11. Old World Flycatchers to Old World Warblers. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. (2006) vol: (), pages: 420-490.

Family Cisticolidae (Cisticolas and allies).
by: Ryan P.G.
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 11. Old World Flycatchers to Old World Warblers. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona (2006) vol: (), pages: 378-419.

The impacts of fuelwood collection and farming on Chaplin's Barbet, an endemic hole-nesting fig specialist in Zambia.
by: Roxburgh L.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1: 241-.

Electrocardiogram recordings in free-ranging gannets reveal minimum difference in heart rate during flapping versus gliding flight
by: Ropert-Coudert Y.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2006) vol: (328), pages: 275-284.

Meeting abstract: Phylogeography of the great southern skuas (Catharacta spec.).
by: Ritz M. S.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1: 238-.

Evolutionary genetics of the Phasianidae
by: Randi E.
Introduction Acta Zoologica Sinica (2006) vol: (52), pages: 357-357.

Recruitment calling: a novel form of extended parental care in an altricial species.
by: Radford A.N.
Current Biology (2006) vol: (16), pages: 1-5.

Dual function of allopreening in the cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus.
by: Radford A.N.
Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology (2006) vol: (61), pages: 221-230.

Is food availability limiting African Penguins Spheniscus demersus At Boulders? A comparison of foraging effort at mainland and island colonies.
by: Petersen S.L.
Ibis (2006) vol: (148), pages: 14-26.

Geophagy and nutrient supplementation in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania, with particular reference to selenium, cobalt and molybdenum
by: Mills A.J.
Journal of Zoology (2006) vol: (271), pages: 110-118.

Phenotypic plasticity in the scaling of avian basal metabolic rate
by: McKechnie A.E.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2006) vol: (273), pages: 931-937.

Life-history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species
by: Martin T.E.
Evolution (2006) vol: (60), pages: 390-398.

Assessing the influence of spatial scale on the relationship between avian nesting success and forest fragmentation
by: Lloyd P.
Scaling and uncertainty analysis in ecology: methods and applications (2006) vol: (), pages: 259-273.

Meeting abstract: Variation among reproductive life-history traits as a function of age-specific survival, and their net consequences for annual fecundity.
by: Lloyd P.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1: 47-.

Using behavioural and state variables to identify proximate causes of population change in a seabird
by: Lewis S.
Oecologia (2006) vol: (147), pages: 606-614.

Phylogeny and biogeography of the bulbuls, family Pycnonotidae.
by: Johansson U.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1: 95-.

Low incidence of blood parasite infection within a population of Swainson’s Spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii.
by: Jansen R.
Ostrich (2006) vol: (77), pages: 501-529.

Meeting abstract: The Bar-throated Apalis subspecies complex (Sylviidae): A phylogenetic analysis.
by: Hermann L
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:87-.

Intake rates and the functional response in shorebirds (Charadriiformes) eating macro-invertebrates
by: Goss-Custard J.D.
Biological Reviews (2006) vol: (81), pages: 501-529.

Evidence that White-backed Mousebirds feed nestlings a merocrine secretion produced by esophageal mucous glands
by: Gonzalez-Elorriaga M.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:174-.

Nonparametric estimation of natural selection on quantitative trait using mark-recapture data.
by: Gimenez O.
Evolution (2006) vol: (60), pages: 460-466.

The African warbler genus Hyliota as a lost lineage in the Oscine songbird tree: molecular support for an African origin of the Passerida.
by: Fuchs J.
Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution (2006) vol: (39), pages: 186-197.

The forest batis, Batis mixta, is two species: description of a new, narrowly distributed Batis species in the Eastern Arc biodiversity hotspot
by: Fjelds J.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol: (147), pages: 578-590.

Isolation of highly polymorphic autosomal microsatellite loci and a sex-linked locus from sugarbirds.
by: Feldheim K.A.
Molecular Ecology Notes (2006) vol: (6), pages: 1019-1021.

Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils
by: Ericson Per G. P.
Biology Letters (2006) vol:2 (4), pages: 543-543.

Higher-level phylogeny and morphological evolution of tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins and their allies (Aves: Tyrannida).
by: Ericson P.G.P.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2006) vol: (40), pages: 471-483.

Meeting Abstract: Delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding in birds
by: du Plessis M. A.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1: 3-3-.

Ten microsatellite loci for evolutionary research on Nesospiza buntings
by: Delport W.
Molecular Ecology Notes (2006) vol: (6), pages: 1180-1183.

Meeting abstract: Inferring the mode of speciation in Nesospiza buntings of the Tristan da Cunha islands
by: Delport W.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:107-.

Age structure of a Palm-nut Vulture Gypohierax angolensis population
by: Dean W. R. J.
Vulture News (2006) vol: (55), pages: 8-9.

Supra-generic cladistics of landfowl (Order Galliformes).
by: Crowe T.M.
Acta Zoologica Sinica (2006) vol: (52), pages: 358-361.

Phylogenetics and biogeography of, and character evolution in gamebirds (Aves: Galliformes): effects of character exclusion, partitioning and missing data
by: Crowe T.M.
Cladistics (2006) vol: (22), pages: 1-38.

Kin associations and direct vs indirect fitness benefits in colonial cooperatively breeding sociable weavers Philetairus socius
by: Covas R.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2006) vol: (60), pages: 323-331.

Coalescent models reveal the relative roles of ancestral polymorphism, vicariance, and dispersal in shaping phylogeographical structure of an African montane forest robin
by: Bowie Rauri C.K.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2006) vol: (38), pages: 171-188.

Meeting abstract: Phylogeography of the Olive Sunbird in Africa.
by: Bowie R
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:142-.

Meeting abstract: Comparative phylogeography of the Eastern Arc Mountain avifauna, Tanzania
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:141-142.-.

Meeting abstract: Habitat selection and reproductive success in Blue Cranes in a South African agricultural landscape
by: Bidwell M.T.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:99-.

Meeting abstract: Phylogeny and speciation in African larks (Alaudidae).
by: Barnes K.
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:147 (5), pages: Suppl. 1:134-.

Breeding frequency in Grey-headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma
by: Ryan Peter G.
Ibis (2006) vol: (149), pages: 45-52.

Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils
by: Ericson P.G.P.
Biology Letters (2006) vol: (2), pages: 543-547.

Bird ringing in the Luangwa valley - 16 February 2006.
by: Green F, Green T
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2006) vol:4 (36), pages: 1-2.

2005 ringing recoveries for the Eastern Cape.
by: Oschadleus HD
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2006) vol: (57), pages: 29-29.

An annotated list and life history of the birds of Nyika National Park, Malawi-Zambia.
by: Dowsett-Lemaire F
Tauraco Research Report (2006) vol: (8), pages: 1-64.

Notes supplementary to 2006.
by: Dowsett-Lemaire F
Tauraco Research Report (2006) vol: (8), pages: 65-121.

Southern Red Bishops at Rondevlei.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2006) vol: (268), pages: 15-15.

Southern Red Bishop flock at Rondevlei.
by: Oschadleus HD
Promerops (2006) vol: (266), pages: 13-13.

Carotenoid-based breast plumage colour, body condition and clutch size in red fodies ().
by: Estep LK, Hill GE, Shawkey MD
Ostrich (2006) vol: (77), pages: 164-169.
Annual and seasonal trends in avifaunal species richness in a coastal lowlands forest reserve in South Africa.
by: Brown M
Ostrich (2006) vol: (77), pages: 58-66.
Ringverslag van het Vogeltrekstation 2005 (nr. 90).
by: Speek G
Op Het Vinkentouw (2006) vol: (108), pages: 41-72.

Birds as hosts of immature ixodid ticks in Free State Province, South Africa.
by: Fourie LJ, Horak IG, van Niekerk DJ
Onderstepoort Journal of Vetinarary Research (2006) vol: (73), pages: 123-130.

Ringers' corner.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2006) vol: (101), pages: 24-25.

A mist-netting study of birds in Lunang Freshwater Swamp Forest, West Sumatra.
by: Noske R, Novarino W, Salsabila A
Kukila. Bulletin of the Indonesian Ornithologists' Union. (2006) vol: (13), pages: 48-63.

TBC ringing report 2005.
by: McCall M
Kite (2006) vol: (70), pages: 2-2.

Village Weavers at home in the city.
by: Ng'weno F
Kenya Birds (2006) vol: (11), pages: 2-2.

Site fidelity of some rainforest bird species endemic to Madagascar. Abstract (poster).
by: Ramanitra N, Woog F
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:Supp 1 (147), pages: 275-275.

Roosting behavior in Southern Masked Weavers (Ploceidae) in South Africa. Abstract (poster).
by: Oschadleus HD
Journal of Ornithology (2006) vol:Supp 1 (147), pages: 223-223.

Repertoire and structure of duet and solo songs in cooperatively breeding white-browed sparrow weavers.
by: Gahr M, Leitner S, Voigt C
Behaviour: an international journal of comparative ethology. (2006) vol: (143), pages: 159-182.

A preliminary ringing study at Lake Ngami, December 2005.
by: D'Arcy P
Babbler (2006) vol: (48), pages: 8-17.

The case for bird ringing.
by: Oschadleus D
Africa - Birds & Birding (2006) vol:3 (11), pages: 78-78.

Functional integrity of plant–pollinator communities in restored habitats in Mauritius.
by: Kaiser CN
(2006) vol: (), pages: 251 pp-.

Report on the 2004-2005 ringing year.
by: Brooks M, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 17-19.
A study of the Fiscal Shrike.
by: Bunning L.J
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 13-16.

A mini tern expedition to the central Namibian coast in October-December 2005.
by: Boorman M, Tree A.J
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 9-12.

Body moult in Cape Weavers.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 6-7.

A "down-and-out" Amethyst Sunbird.
by: Symes C.J
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 5-6.

Tick collection during bird ringing around Pretoria.
by: Hasle G
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 3-5.

A second Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus for Namibia.
by: Braine S
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 2-3.

Threat to Barn Swallow roost, Mount Moreland, KwaZulu-Natal.
by: Vickers H, Vickers T
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 20-20.

Reading rings from photos.
by: Simmons R
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 8-8.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2006) vol:35 (1), pages: 1-1.

Group-specific vocal signatures and neighbour-stranger discrimination in the cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoe
by: Radford A.N.
Animal Behaviour (2005) vol: (70), pages: 1227-1234.

Nest predation of grassland bird species increases with parental activity at the nest.
by: Muchai M.
Journal of Avian Biology (2005) vol:36 (2), pages: 110-116.

Live or let live: life-history decisions of the breeding female Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri.
by: Mills M.S.L.
Ibis (2005) vol: (147), pages: 48-56.

Reproductive partitioning among polyandrous alpha and beta pale chanting-goshawk males.
by: Malan G.
African Zoology (2005) vol: (40), pages: 213-222.

Conservation status and community structure of cliff-nesting raptors and ravens on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa
by: Jenkins A.R.
Ostrich (2005) vol: (76), pages: 175-184.

Adaptations of birds for life in deserts with particular reference to Larks (Alaudidae).
by: Dean W.R.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa (2005) vol: (59), pages: 79-91.

Individual variability of behavioural responses by Wandering Albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) to human disturbance
by: De Villiers M.S.
Polar Biology (2005) vol: (28), pages: 255-260.

Breeding biology, chick growth and provisioning of Great Shearwaters (Puffinis gravis) at Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean
by: Cuthbert R.J.
Emu (2005) vol:105 (4), pages: 305-310.

At-sea distribution of breeding Tristan albatrosses Diomedea dabbenena and potential interactions with pelagic longline fishing in the South Atlantic Ocean
by: Cuthbert R.
Biological Conservation (2005) vol: (121), pages: 345-355.

Multiple-brooding in birds of prey: South African Black Sparrowhawks Accipiter melanoleucus extend the boundaries
by: Curtis O.
Ibis (2005) vol: (47), pages: 11-16.

The effect of helpers on artificially increased brood size in sociable weavers (Philetairus socius)
by: Covas R.
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (2005) vol: (57), pages: 631-636.

Is flipper banding of Penguins a problem?
by: Petersen S.L.
Marine Ornithology (2005) vol: (33), pages: 75-79.

Conservation introductions of Seychelles fody and warbler to Denis Island, Seychelles.
by: Bristol R
Re-introduction NEWS (2005) vol: (24), pages: 35-36.

A visit to the Eastern Cape.
by: Weiss Y
Promerops (2005) vol: (262), pages: 23-24.

High prevalence of avian maleria infection to avifauna at Cape Recife, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
by: Schultz A, Whittington P
Ostrich (2005) vol: (76), pages: 56-60.
Mauritus Fody being released.
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation Newsletter (2005) vol: (1), pages: 2-2.

New bird records from Mauritania.
by: Herremans M, Salewski V, Schmaljohann H
Malimbus (2005) vol: (27), pages: 19-32.

The avifauna of the dry evergreen forests of Mali.
by: Dowsett RJ, Dowsett-Lemaire F
Malimbus (2005) vol: (27), pages: 77-111.
Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2005) vol:1 (38), pages: 11-15.

Ringers' corner.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2005) vol: (96), pages: 16-17.

Ringers' corner.
by: Retief E
Laniarius (2005) vol: (99), pages: 30-30.

Bird watching soars globally in Richards Bay.
by: Outhwaite P
KZN Birds (2005) vol: (11), pages: 12-13.

A re-assessment of the avifauna of the Mountain Zebra National Park.
by: Craig AJFK, Hilley PE, Parker D
Koedoe: journal for scientific research in the national parks of the Republic of South Africa (2005) vol: (48), pages: 95-113.

Ringing report for 2004.
by: McCall M
Kite (2005) vol: (66), pages: 3-4.

Blood parasites of some West African rainforest birds.
by: Jones HI, Sehgal RNH, Smith TB
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (2005) vol: (67), pages: 295-301.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2004.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2005) vol: (), pages: 89 pp-.

Bird ringing around Hyderabad city, Andhra Pradesh, India.
by: Jaffer H, Taher H
Indian Birds (2005) vol:4 (1), pages: 79-81.

Recent reports.
by: Demey R
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2005) vol: (12), pages: 177-191.

New records of weavers using man-made structures for nesting.
by: Oschadleus HD
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2005) vol: (12), pages: 31-36.

Norscot Koppies and Kingfisher Nature Reserve.
by: Rayner H
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2005) vol: (210), pages: 40-40.

The implications of selective logging and forest fragmentation for the conservation of avian diversity in evergreen forests of south-west Ghana.
by: Holbech LH
Bird Conservation International (2005) vol: (15), pages: 27-52.

Experimental evidence for female choice and energetic costs of male tail elongation in red-collared widowbirds.
by: Andersson S, Pryke SR
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2005) vol: (86), pages: 35-43.

Inter- and Intrasexual Dimorphism in the Song and Song Control System of Duetting White-Browed Sparrow Weavers.
by: Voigt C
(2005) vol: (), pages: 199 pp-.

The ecology and conservation of the Seychelles fody, .
by: Vega LB
(2005) vol: (), pages: 198 pp-.

Nocturnal behaviour of diurnal birds when disturbed.
by: van Niekerk D.J
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 85-87.

Limpopo Raptor Ringing Expedition.
by: Wilson M
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 78-83.

Summary of the 2004 ringing year in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 75-77.

Ngulia - why no retraps or recoveries.
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 73-74.

Major injuries of Blackcollared Barbet Lybius torquatus and Brown Snake Eagle Circaetus cinereus.
by: Franke U
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 69-70.

Ageing Afrotropical birds in the hand: a revised new system.
by: Jackson C
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 60-67.
Weaver roost count in Hattingspruit, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 56-59.

Primary moult in the Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus.
by: Bernitz H, Bernitz Z
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 51-55.

A speargun-driven net for catching gulls.
by: Allan D.G, Bryan M.C, McInnes A.M, Merson-Davies M
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 46-50.

Report on recoveries received at SAFRING: July 2003 - June 2004.
by: Brooks M, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 34-40.
Report on the 2003-2004 ringing year.
by: Brooks M, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 31-33.
Bishop's Glen ringing project - valuable recapture data obtained after ten years.
by: de Swardt D.H, Grobler G.P.J, Nuttall R.J, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 21-29.

Raptor relocation from Durban International Airport in KwaZulu-Natal.
by: von Maltitz E.F, Waklein J
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 17-19.

Sexing Madagascar Red Fody in the non-breeding season.
by: Koenig P
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 14-16.

Aging young Olive Thrushes Turdus olivaceus.
by: Bonnievie B.T
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 12-13.

Catching Sabota Larks Mirafra sabota with a hand-net and spotlight in the Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province.
by: van Eeden P.H
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 10-11.

Catching and retrapping of Rufouscheeked Nightjar Caprimulgus rufigena at Nylsvlei Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province.
by: van Eeden P.H
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 8-9.

A portable duck trap.
by: Wilson M
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 5-7.

Methods of capturing and handling wild Lesser Flamingos for research.
by: Childress B, Jarret N
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 2-4.

Landela bird ringing course.
by: Brooks M, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 84-84.

Distribution of Common Fiscal Lanius collaris subspecies.
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 72-72.

Dispersal of Kelp Gulls.
by: Whittington P
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 71-71.

Injured Jackal Buzzrd (Buteo rufofuscus).
by: van Stuyvenberg D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 68-68.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 45-45.

by: Brooks M
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 44-44.
Reviews (WIWO reports).
by: Harebottle D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 43-43.

Look out for rings on Lesser Flamingos.
by: Harebottle D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 42-42.

Primary moult of passerines.
by: Brooks M, Oschadleus H.D, Ward V
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 41-41.

Unusual mortality in a South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 30-30.

The value of colour-ringing: the case of a Yellow-billed Egret Egretta intermedia.
by: Harebottle D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 20-20.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2005) vol:34 (1), pages: 1-1.

Modelling the impact of fishery incidental mortality on three populations of Wandering Albatross
by: Tuck G.N.
A comprehensive study of the ecological impacts of the worldwide pelagic longline industry: southern hemisphere studies by G.N. TUCK. Hobart, CSIRO Marine Research, 243p. ISBN 187699679X (2004) vol: (), pages: 149-223.

GPS tracking a marine predator: the effects of precision, resolution and sampling rate on foraging tracks of African Penguins
by: Ryan P.G.
Marine Biology (2004) vol: (145), pages: 215-223.

Nest sites and clutch sizes of House Sparrows at Dassen Island, South Africa
by: Ryan P.G.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 165-167.

A fine-scale time budget of Cape Gannets provides insights into the foraging strategies of coastal seabirds
by: Ropert-Coudert Y.
Animal Behaviour (2004) vol: (67), pages: 985-992.

Between air and water: the plunge dive of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis.
by: Ropert-Coudert Y.
Ibis (2004) vol: (146), pages: 281-290.

Green woodhoopoe Phoeniculus purpureus territories remain stable despite group-size fluctuations.
by: Radford A.N.
Journal of Avian Biology (2004) vol: (35), pages: 262-268.

Extreme sexual dimorphism in Green Woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) bill length: a case of sexual selection?
by: Radford A.N.
Auk (2004) vol: (121), pages: 178-183.

Vocal mediation of foraging competition in the cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus).
by: Radford A.N.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2004) vol: (56), pages: 279-285.

Voice breaking in males results in sexual dimorphism of green woodhoopoe calls
by: Radford A.N.
Behaviour (2004) vol: (141), pages: 555-569.

Incubation feeding by helpers influences female nest attendance in the green woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus.
by: Radford A.N.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2004) vol: (55), pages: 583-588.

Satellite (Platform Terminat Transmitters, PTT) Data Contributors: Wandering and Grey-headed Albatross (Marion Island)
by: Nel D.
Tracking Ocean Wanderers: the global distribution of albatrosses and petrels, results from the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1-5 September, 2003, Gordon's Bay, South Africa. Cambridge, BirdLife International (2004) vol: (), pages: 64-66.

Nest-site partitioning in a strandveld shrubland bird community.
by: Nalwanga D.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 250-258.

The influence of nest-site characteristics on the nesting success of the Karoo Prinia (Prinia maculosa).
by: Nalwanga D.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 269-274.

Live or let live: life-history decisions of the breeding female Monteiro's Hornbill Tockus monteiri.
by: Mills M.S.L.
Ibis Online First. (2004) vol: (), pages: -.

The relative influence of prey abundance and co-breeders on the reproductive performance of polyandrous Pale Changing-Goshawks
by: Malan G.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 44-51.

Variation in nest predation among arid-zone birds
by: Lloyd P.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 228-235.

Eight-to ten-day incubation and nestling periods among Eremopterix sparrow-larks.
by: Lloyd P.
Ibis (2004) vol: (146), pages: 347-350.

Comparative breeding success of Yellow Bishop Euplectes capensis in two adjoining habitats.
by: Lloyd P.
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 327-328.

Offshore diplomacy, or how seabirds mitigate intra-specific competition: a case study based on GPS tracking of Cape gannets from neighbouring colonies.
by: Grémillet D.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2004) vol: (268), pages: 265-279.

Unexpected sex ratio adjustment in a colonial cooperative bird: pairs with helpers produce more of the helping sex whereas pairs without helpers do not.
by: Doutrelant C.
Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology (2004) vol: (56), pages: 149-154.

Demography and conservation of the Tristan albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena.
by: Cuthbert R.
Biological Conservation (2004) vol: (117), pages: 471-481.

At-sea distribution of breeding Tristan albatrosses Diomedea dabbenena and potential interactions with pelagic longline fishing in the South Atlantic Ocean.
by: Cuthbert R.
Biological Conservation (2004) vol: (121), pages: 345-355.

Introduced house mice Mus musculus: a significant predator of threatened and endemic birds on Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean?
by: Cuthbert R.
Biological Conservation (2004) vol: (117), pages: 483-489.

Satellite (Platform Terminat Transmitters, PTT) Data Contributors: Tristan Albatross (Gough Island).
by: Cuthbert R.
Tracking Ocean Wanderers: the global distribution of albatrosses and petrels, results from the Global Procellariiform Tracking Workshop, 1-5 September, 2003, Gordon's Bay, South Africa. Cambridge, BirdLife International. (2004) vol: (), pages: 13-14, 89-90-.

Breeding biology of the Atlantic Petrel, Pterodroma incerta, and a population estimate of this and other burrowing petrels on Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean
by: Cuthbert R.
Emu (2004) vol:104 (3), pages: 221-228.

Black Harrier Circus maurus of the Fynbos Biome, South Africa: a threatened specialist or an adaptable survivor?
by: Curtis O.
Bird Cons. Int. (2004) vol: (14), pages: 233-245.

Experimental evidence of a link between breeding conditions and the decision to breed or to help in a colonial cooperative bird.
by: Covas R.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London B (2004) vol: (271), pages: 827-832.

Pygmy Falcon predation of nestlings of their obligate host, the Sociable Weaver.
by: Covas R.
Ostrich (2004) vol:75 (4), pages: 325-326.

Juvenile and adult survival in the Sociable Weaver (Philetairus socius), a southern-temperate colonial cooperative breeder in Africa.
by: Covas R.
Auk (2004) vol: (121), pages: 1199-1207.

Avian exocrine secretions. I. Chemical characterization of the volatile fraction of the uropygial secretion of the green woodhoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus.
by: Burger B.V.
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2004) vol: (30), pages: 1603-1611.

European swallows Hirundo rustica and other songbirds of wetlands in Ghana, December 1997.
by: de Nobel WT, Deuzeman SB, van den Brink B, van der Have TM
Zeist: Stichting Werkgroep International Wad- en Watervogelonderzoek (2004) vol: (80), pages: 1-60.
Bird Ringing in Zambia.
by: Roxburgh L
Zambian Ornithological Society Newsletter (2004) vol:5 (34), pages: 1-3.

Breeding behaviour of the Red Bishop (): a synthesis and new observations.
by: Friedl TWP
Vogelwarte (2004) vol: (42), pages: 178-190.

Sightings. Red-billed Quelea.
by: McCall M
Promerops (2004) vol: (258), pages: 19-19.

Experimental evidence of a link between breeding conditions and the decision to breed or to help in a colonial cooperative bird.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, du Plessis MA
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B (2004) vol: (271), pages: 827-832.

Pygmy Falcon predation of nestlings of their obligate host, the Sociable Weaver.
by: Covas R, Doutrelant C, Huyser O
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 325-326.
Nesting of the Red-headed Quelea () in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
by: Brown M, Symes CT
Ostrich (2004) vol: (75), pages: 159-161.
A bird in the hand.
by: Potgieter M
Nouveau South Africa (2004) vol: (6), pages: 40-43.

Timing of moult and new species records of birds in the Lesio-Louna Reserve, Republic of Congo.
by: Dallimer M, King T, Tyler S
Malimbus (2004) vol: (26), pages: 1-10.

Summary of the 2002 ringingyear in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Lanioturdus (2004) vol:1 (37), pages: 4-9.

Sociable-listing in Namibia.
by: Spottiswoode C
Lanioturdus (2004) vol:2 (37), pages: 25-26.

The amazing one-winged, flying quelea.
by: Osborne L
Lanioturdus (2004) vol:2 (37), pages: 39-40.

Ringer's corner 1st quarter 2004.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2004) vol: (92), pages: 15-15.

Ringing notes.
by: McCall M
Kite (2004) vol: (64), pages: 1-2.

Ringing report.
by: McCall M
Kite (2004) vol: (63), pages: 2-3.

Ringing weekend in Johannesburg.
by: Purdon C
Jizz Talking - Phalaborwa Bird Club (2004) vol: (3), pages: 8-9.

Bird ringing at Schiettocht and Colleen's garden, 11th and 12th February 2004.
by: Purdon C
Jizz Talking - Phalaborwa Bird Club (2004) vol: (2), pages: 12-12.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2003.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2004) vol: (), pages: 83 pp-.

Do blood parasites affect reproductive performance in male red bishops (Euplectes orix)? A test of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis.
by: Edler R, Friedl TWP, Klump GM
Ethology, Ecology and Evolution (2004) vol: (16), pages: 315-328.

The birds of Pic de Fon Forest Reserve, Guinea: a preliminary survey.
by: Demey R, Rainey HJ
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2004) vol: (11), pages: 126-138.

by: Schaum G
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2004) vol: (206), pages: 13-15.

Observations at a breeding colony of Red-billed Quelea in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve.
by: Bernitz H, Bernitz Z
Bird Numbers (2004) vol:2 (13), pages: 25-28.

Birds of the Bobirwa area of eastern Botswana.
by: Brewster CA
Babbler (2004) vol: (44), pages: 3-43.

Juvenile and adult survival in the Sociable Weaver , a southern-temperate colonial cooperative breeder in Africa.
by: Anderson MD, Brown CR, Brown MB, Covas R
Auk (2004) vol: (121), pages: 1199-1207.

Female nest dispersion and breeding biology of polygynous Red-collared Widowbirds ().
by: Lawes MJ, Pryke SR
Auk (2004) vol: (121), pages: 1226-1237.

Paarl Bird Sanctuary. 10 years on.
by: Weiss Y
Africa - Birds & Birding (2004) vol:2 (9), pages: 38-45.

Distribution and movement of Red-Billed Quelea and other weavers in Somalia.
by: Abow A
Abstr. Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (2004) vol: (11), pages: 16-16.

Report on the first AFRING waterbird ringing course, Watamu, Kenya.
by: Harebottle D.M, Jackson C
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 79-83.

Notes on a ringing season in north-east Limpopo Province.
by: Symes C.T
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 72-78.

Bird ringing in the Free State National Botanical Gardens, Bloemfontein, with notes on recaptures.
by: de Swardt D.H, Grobler G.P.J, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 65-70.

Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 61-64.

Pale Chanting-goshawk Ringing Group: 2001-2004.
by: Malan G
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 56-59.

Biometrics and moult of White-throated Canaries Crithagra albogularis in South Africa and Namibia.
by: Franke U, Johnson J, Ward V.L
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 52-55.

Ethical involvement of ringers in research projects.
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 50-51.

Comments on beak deformities at Rietvlei Dam Nature Reserve.
by: van Eeden P.H
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 45-48.

Ringing and mensural data for the Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus leucomelas.
by: van Eeden P.H
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 40-44.

Greatest longevity record of Gurney's Sunbird Promerops gurneyi.
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 38-39.

In memory of Eugene Wilfred Marais.
by: Pretorius B.D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 35b-35b.

To band or not to band? That is the question.
by: Petersen S, Whittington P
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 32-33.

Report on recoveries received at Safring: July 2002 - June 2003.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 25-31.
Report on the 2002-2003 ringing year.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 21-24.
Southern Greyheaded Sparrows Passer diffusus range expansion in the Western Cape.
by: Oschadleus H.D, Upfold L, Ward V.L
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 18-20.

A pipit identification lesson.
by: Ford M
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 15-16.

An analysis of biometric data of the Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa from five regions in South Africa.
by: de Swardt D.H, Downs C.T, McFarlane M, Symes C.T
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 1-14.

African Reed Warblers in Botswana.
by: Tyler S.J
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 2-9.

Getting out and about.
by: Nupen P
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 71-71.

A little bush in the desert: third record for Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) in Namibia.
by: Franke U
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 60-60.

One-eyed raptors.
by: Whitelaw D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 49-49.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 37-37.

Ringers Training Workshop.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 36-36.

A tribute to Eugene Marais.
by: Webster K
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 35-35.

Obituary. Eugene Wilfred Marais.
by: Verdoorn G
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 34-34.

A note on citrils.
by: Lane S
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 17-17.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2004) vol:33 (1), pages: 1-1.

Long-billed Tailorbirds (Orthotomus moreaui) rediscovered at Serra Jeci, northern Mozambique
by: Ryan P.G.
Ostrich (2003) vol:74 (1), pages: 141-145.

Black and white under the South African sun: are juvenile Cape gannets heat stressed?
by: Hochscheid S.
Journal of Thermal Biology (2003) vol: (27), pages: 325-332.

Separating the Tristan Albatross and the Wandering Albatross Using Morphometric Measurements
by: Cuthbert R.J.
Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology (2003) vol:26 (3), pages: 338-344.

Rehabilitation of oiled African penguins: a conservation success story
by: Nel D.C.
BirdLife South Africa and the Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town, South Africa (2003) vol: (), pages: 25-29.

Bill dimorphism and foraging niche partitioning in the green woodhoopoe.
by: Radford A.N.
Journal of Animal Ecology (2003) vol: (72), pages: 258-269.

Population dynamics of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at Marion Island: longline fishing and environmental influences
by: Nel D.C.
African Journal of Marine Science (2003) vol: (25), pages: 503-517.

Dispersal and migration of juvenile African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini.
by: Hockey P.A.R.
Ibis (2003) vol: (145), pages: E114-E123.

Demography and population trends of the Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross.
by: Cuthbert R.
The Condor (2003) vol: (105), pages: 439-452.

Multistate estimates of survival and movement in relation to colony size in the sociable weaver.
by: Brown C.R.
Behavioral Ecology (2003) vol: (14), pages: 463-471.

Recent (and not-so-recent) reports.
Scopus (2003) vol: (23), pages: 49-51.

Balanc de les activitats d'anellament cientific d'ocells realitzades per l'Institut Catala d'Ornitologia durant el periode 2000-2002.
by: Aymi A, Tomas X
Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia (2003) vol: (20), pages: 28-115.

Migration to Windpoort farm.
by: Bridgeford P
Raptors Namibia (2003) vol: (6), pages: 1-1.

Sightings. Red-billed Quelea.
Promerops (2003) vol: (255), pages: 18-18.

Sexual selection and plumage ornamentation in widowbirds.
by: Pryke SR
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden. (2003) vol: (), pages: 42pp + papers-.

Nesting and mating decisions and their consequences in the Baya Weaverbird .
by: Quader S
Ph. D. thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville (2003) vol: (), pages: 116 pp-.

Armoured Bush Cricket attacks on nestling Red-billed Quelea ().
by: Cheke RA, Dallimer M, Green SV, Jones PJ
Ostrich (2003) vol: (74), pages: 135-135.
Observations on the breeding biology of the Seychelles Fody on Cousine Island.
by: Komdeur J, Kraaijeveld K
Ostrich (2003) vol: (74), pages: 117-124.
Wakkerstroom National Ringing Week Report.
by: Anderson N
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2003) vol:1 (6), pages: 16-17.

Ringer's roundup.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2003) vol: (90), pages: 23-25.

Ringing report: farm "Ntsinini" - summer 2002/3.
by: Grieve G
Laniarius (2003) vol: (88), pages: 25-27.

Rarities and unusual sightings to 31 May 2003.
by: Marx A (comp)
Laniarius (2003) vol: (89), pages: 3-6.

Highlights of the ringing year.
by: McCall M
Kite (2003) vol: (61), pages: 2-4.

Ringing at Ngulia, 2002.
by: Backhurst G, Pearson D
Kenya Birds (2003) vol: (10), pages: 24-25.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2002.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2003) vol: (), pages: 62 pp-.

Survival at Seldomseen - the last twenty-four years.
by: Hanmer D.B
Honeyguide (2003) vol: (49), pages: 28-45.

Bird ringing workshop, Lake Chivero, 9-11 November 2001.
by: Hanmer DB
Honeyguide (2003) vol: (49), pages: 190-192.

Recent reports.
by: Demey R
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2003) vol: (10), pages: 55-63.

Daily activity, moult and morphometrics of the birds of Sao Tome and Principe.
by: Dallimer M, King T
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2003) vol: (10), pages: 84-93.

Bird ringing - good or bad?
by: Oschadleus D
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2003) vol: (201), pages: 25-26.

by: Bunning LJ (ed)
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2003) vol: (202), pages: 2-2.

The rewards of ringing.
by: Schaum G
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2003) vol: (200), pages: 22-22.

Ringing and BIRPing in the Mountain Zebra National Park.
by: Craig A, Parker D
Bird Numbers (2003) vol:1 (12), pages: 23-25.

Jena students' visit, 20 September-9 October 2003.
by: de Villiers M
Bird Numbers (2003) vol:2 (12), pages: 43-47.

Cape Weaver population on Robben Island.
by: Oschadleus HD
Bird Numbers (2003) vol:2 (12), pages: 27-30.

Mammal invaders on islands: impact, control and control impact.
by: Chapuis J-L, Courchamp F, Pascal M
Biological Reviews (2003) vol: (78), pages: 347-383.

Multistate estimates of survival and movement in relation to colony size in the sociable weaver.
by: Anderson MD, Brown CR, Brown MB, Covas R
Behavourial Ecology (2003) vol: (14), pages: 463-471.

Hémoparasites des oiseaux sauvages à Madagascar.
by: Ariey F, Duchemin JB, Goodman SM, Raharimalala L, Raharimanga V, Raherilalao MJ, Randrianarivelojosia M, Robert V, Sadonès H, Soula F, Tall A
Arch Inst Pasteur de Madagascar (2003) vol: (68), pages: 90-99.

Carotenoid-based epaulettes reveal male competitive ability: experiments with resident and floater red-shouldered widowbirds.
by: Andersson S, Pryke SR
Animal Behaviour (2003) vol: (66), pages: 217-224.

News from the Wakkerstroom Project.
by: Anderson N
Africa - Birds & Birding (2003) vol:1 (8), pages: 72-73.

Review of ringing and biometry of Forest Canaries Serinus scotops.
by: Brown M, Oschadleus H.D, Symes C.T, Ward V.L
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 65-68.

Notes on the moult of some Columbidae species in Malawi.
by: Medland B
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 60-64.

The Grey Sunbird in the Eastern Cape.
by: Tree A.J
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 58-59.

Summary of the 2002 ringing year in Namibia.
by: Kolberg H
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 54-56.

Report of European Swallow Hirundo rustica ringing in Botswana in 2003.
by: van den Brink B
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 51-53.

Observations on Larklike Buntings, Stark's Larks and other birds in the desert - eight months ringing on a farm in Namibia.
by: Franke U
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 47-50.

A spreadsheet simulation of a mark-recapture programme.
by: Bonnievie B.T
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 42-45.

Reviews: WIWO Reports.
by: Harebottle D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 39-40.

Partial post-juvenile moult in Cape Siskins Pseudochloroptila totta.
by: Ward V.L
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 36-37.

Biometry and movement of Cape Canaries Serinus canicollis in the Algeria Valley, Western Cape.
by: Ward V.L
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 34-36.

Size and moult of Streaky-headed Canaries Serinus gularis in the Eastern Cape.
by: Craig A
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 32-33.

Morphometrics and mass of raptors from the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
by: Schultz A
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 27-32.

Bird ringing on Inhaca Island, Mozambique.
by: Lotz C.N, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 23-26.

Report on recoveries received at SAFRING: July 2001-June 2002.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 19-22.
Report on the 2001-2002 ringing year.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 16-18.
The Bloemfontein Swallow Project: 2001-2003.
by: Nuttall R
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 12-15.
Ringing and birding experiences in paradise: a trip to Papua New Guinea.
by: Symes C.T
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 7-10.
Garden ringing - a heap of information to be harvested.
by: Brown K, Brown M
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 2-5.
Obituary. Peter Rohloff (1963-2003).
by: Bunning L.J
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 71-71.

Colour-ringed Kelp Gulls - coming to a beach near you?
by: Whittington P
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 70-70.

24th International Ornithological Congress 2006.
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 69-69.

Ringing and education.
by: Pickles A
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 57-57.

Beak deformities at Rietvlei.
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 46-46.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 41-41.

Obituary: Manfred B. Schmitt.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 38-38.

Notice: Ringing courses.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 26-26.

Malachite Sunbird recaptured after ten years.
by: de Swardt D.H
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 11-11.
A new ringer and a ringing visit to Kenya.
by: Grieve G
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 6-6.
by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2003) vol:32 (1), pages: 1-1.
Breeding behaviour, clutch size and egg dimensions of Neospiza buntings at Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha.
by: Ryan P.G.
Ostrich (2002) vol: (73), pages: 52-58.

Population trends of albatrosses and petrels at sub-Antarctic Marion Island.
by: Nel D.C.
Polar Biology (2002) vol: (25), pages: 81-89.

The success of a soft-release reintroduction of the flightless Aldabra rail (Dryolimnas [cuvieri] aldabranus) on Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles.
by: Wanless R.M.
Biological Conservation (2002) vol: (107), pages: 203-210.

Breeding behaviour, clutch size and egg dimensions of Neospiza buntings at Inaccessible Island, Tristan da Cunha
by: Ryan P.G.
Ostrich (2002) vol: (73), pages: 52-58.

Foraging interactions between Wandering Albatrosses Diomedea exulans breeding on Marion Island and long-line fisheries in the southern Indian Ocean.
by: Nel D.C.
Ibis (2002) vol: (144), pages: E141-E154.

Population trends of albatrosses and petrels at sub-Antarctic Marion Island
by: Nel D.C.
Polar Biology (2002) vol: (25), pages: 81-89.

Breeding system of the Cape Rockjumper, a South African Fynbos endemic.
by: Holmes R.T.
The Condor (2002) vol: (104), pages: 188-192.

Stabilizing selection on body mass in the sociable weaver Philetairus socius.
by: Covas R.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. (2002) vol: (269), pages: 1905-1909.

Bird-ringing projects in Southern Africa.
by: Oschadleus HD
Wings over Africa - proceedings of Migration workshop, Israel (2002) vol: (), pages: pp 125-132-.

Life-history evolution and cooperative breeding in the Sociable Weaver.
by: Covas [Monteiro] R
Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town (2002) vol: (), pages: 127 pp-.

Recent reports.
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2002) vol: (53), pages: 65-69.

A generalized female bias for long tails in a short-tailed widowbird.
by: Andersson S, Pryke SR
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B (2002) vol: (269), pages: 2141-2146.

Male nest building but not display behaviour directly influences mating success in the polygynous Red Bishop, . [not on web
by: Andersson S, Lawes M, Slotow R
Ostrich (2002) vol: (73), pages: 87-91.

Species richness and seasonality of forest avifauna in three South African Afromontane forests. [not on web
by: Downs CT, Symes CT, Wirminghaus JO
Ostrich (2002) vol: (73), pages: 106-113.

First ringing outing to Jaleoda.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2002) vol: (87), pages: 15-15.

Ringing at Vaalkop Dam.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2002) vol: (84), pages: 30-30.

A first visit to Groenkloof.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2002) vol: (85), pages: 28-28.

Impressions of the ringing year.
by: McCall M
Kite (2002) vol: (56), pages: 2-3.

Update on ringing activities.
by: McCall M
Kite (2002) vol: (55), pages: 5-5.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2001.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2002) vol: (), pages: 71 pp-.

Bird ringing in the Nelspruit Nature Reserve.
by: Theron G, Williams D
Hornbill (2002) vol: (69), pages: 20-21.

get photo] An aberrant Golden Weaver.
by: Hanmer D
Honeyguide (2002) vol: (48), pages: 93-94.

Requests for information. Weaver colour communication project.
by: Andersson S
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2002) vol:2 (9), pages: 91-91.

Coincidental raptor observations and bird ringing in Kingskloof.
by: Moore T, van der Lecq B
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2002) vol: (196), pages: 12-13.

Birding in southern Kwa-Zulu-Natal.
by: Steen L
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2002) vol: (198), pages: 4-6.

Forest Weaver ringing history.
by: Oschadleus HD
Bird Numbers (2002) vol:1 (11), pages: 34-35.

Review: Oschadleus 2001g.
by: Dragan S, Tyler SJ
Babbler (2002) vol: (41), pages: 65-65.

Biometrics and moult of the Cape Reed Wable Acrocephalus gracilirostris in southern Gauteng and northern Free State, South Africa
by: Raijmaker J.M.H, Raijmakers J.H.F.A
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 32-36.
Boimetrics and moult of adult Streakyheaded Canaries Serinus gularis at Elandsbaai, South Africa.
by: Ward V.L
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 28-30.
A Yellow-throuted Leaflove (Chlorochicla flavicollis) with extra wing feathers among the primaries
by: Ottosson U, Waldenstrom J
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 24-25.
Ringing in Acacia savanna at Ruretse, southeast Botswana, 1996-2000
by: Tyler S.J
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 19-23.
More records of the European reed Wabler Acrocephalus scirpaceus in South Africa
by: Raijmaker J.M.H, Raijmakers J.H.F.A
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 17-18.
Island style ringing
by: Wanless R.M
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 14-15.
The Thickbilled Weaver at Nchalo, Malawi
by: Hamner D.B
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 8-13.
Eclipse plumage in the Miombo Doublecollared Sunbird?
by: Hamner D.B
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 2-7.
Biometrics and mass data of Cape Siskins in the Karoo
by: Claassen J
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 31-31.
Letters to the Editor: SS versus Al rings
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 27-27.
Overlap of incubation and primary moult in Crowned Plover
by: Harebottle D.M, Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 26-26.
Stainless steel versus aluminium alloy rings
by: Raijmaker K
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 16-16.
Afring News (2002) vol:31 (1), pages: 1-1.
A statistical assessment of the status and trends of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds
by: Woehler E.J
Cambridge, England : Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Bird Biology Subcommittee (2001) vol: (), pages: 1-43.

Population status, breeding biology and conservation of the Tristan Albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena
by: Ryan P.G.
Bird Conservation International (2001) vol: (11), pages: 35-48.

Morphological heritability in a hybrid bunting complex: Nesospiza at Inaccessible Island.
by: Ryan P.G.
Condor (2001) vol: (103), pages: 429-438.

Exploitation of mesoscale oceanographic features by grey-headed albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma in the southern Indian Ocean
by: Nel D.C.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2001) vol: (217), pages: 15-26.

Aspects of the breeding biology of the Northern Giant Petrel (Macronectes halli) and the Southern Giant Petrel (M. giganteus) at sub-Antarctic Marion Island
by: Cooper J.
International Journal of Ornithology (2001) vol: (4), pages: 53-68.

Results from bird ringing in Zambia.
by: Dowsett RJ, Leonard PM
Zambia Bird Report (2001) vol: (), pages: 1999: 16-46-.

Queleas on the move.
by: Tree T
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2001) vol: (52), pages: 19-19.

Comments on the occurrence of 15 Albertine Rift endemic bird species in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, western Uganda.
by: Christiansen L, Dehn M
Scopus (2001) vol: (22), pages: 13-21.

Some range extensions of birds in northern Tanzania.
by: Oatley TB
Scopus (2001) vol: (22), pages: 72-75.

An avifaunal survey of Mt Kulal, Kenya.
by: Borghesio L, Ndang'ang'a PK
Scopus (2001) vol: (22), pages: 1-12.

Altitudinal distributions of congeneric montane forest bird species along an elevational gradient in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, western Uganda.
by: Christiansen L, Dehn M
Scopus (2001) vol: (22), pages: 29-35.

Sightings. Red-billed Quelea.
by: Ellis B
Promerops (2001) vol: (246), pages: 18-18.

Red-billed Queleas moving south?
by: Schmidt O
Promerops (2001) vol: (248), pages: 23-24.

Red-billed Queleas in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: are they settling down?
by: Craig AJFK, Hulley PE, Whittington-Jones CA
Ostrich Supplement (2001) vol: (15), pages: 89-91.

Movements by birds in savanna in southeast Botswana.
by: Tyler SJ
Ostrich Supplement (2001) vol: (15), pages: 98-103.

Distances moved and elapsed times between ringing and recovery for three weavers in southern Africa.
by: Oatley TB, Underhill LG
Ostrich (2001) vol: (72), pages: 41-44.
Fragmented distribution and genetic differentiation of the Forest Fody, , on the island of Mayotte (Comoros).
by: Adriaensen F, Louette M, Plompen W, Stevens J, Verheyen G
Ostrich (2001) vol: (72), pages: 28-34.
Nylsvley bird census - bird ringing.
by: Geyser R
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2001) vol:2 (4), pages: 10-10.

Birding ringing at Melville Koppies Nature Reserve since 1995.
by: Williams J
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2001) vol:2 (4), pages: 27-27.

Ringing report for the Free State, July 2000 - June 2001.
by: Oschadleus HD
Mirafra (2001) vol:3-4 (18), pages: 31-31.

Nylsvley bird census.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2001) vol: (80), pages: 22-22.

PBC bird ringing camp to D'Nyala Nature Reserve, Ellisras, 20-22 July 2001.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2001) vol: (82), pages: 21-24.

Ringing experience at Feather River Lodge.
by: Wilson J
Laniarius (2001) vol: (81), pages: 14-16.

Wakkerstroom ringers' workshop - 2.
by: McCall M
Kite (2001) vol: (51), pages: 8-8.

Migration at Ngulia 2000 and 2001.
by: Backhurst G, Pearson D
Kenya Birds (2001) vol:1-2 (9), pages: 24-26.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 2000.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (2001) vol: (), pages: 74 pp-.

An unhappy Diederik Cuckoo.
by: Hanmer DB
Honeyguide (2001) vol: (47), pages: 181b-181b.

SAFRING bird ringing manual.
by: de Beer SJ, Lockwood GM, Oschadleus HD, Raijmakers JHFA, Raijmakers JMH, Scott WA, Underhill LG
Cape Town: Research Report of the Avian Demography Unit, University of Cape Town. (2001) vol: (), pages: 102 pp-.

Little-known African bird: observations on Loango Slender-billed Weaver in Congo-Brazzaville.
by: Bulens P, Dowsett RJ
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2001) vol: (8), pages: 57-58.

The Lake Chad Bird Migration Project: Malamfatori revisited.
by: Hall P, Hjort C, Ottosson U
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2001) vol: (8), pages: 121-126.

Lord of the rings.
by: Johnson D
Blue Swallow (2001) vol:2 (14), pages: 21-21.

From the net.
by: Bowker M
Blue Swallow (2001) vol:2 (14), pages: 10-10.

Interesting recaptures around Pietermaritzburg.
by: Brown M
Blue Swallow (2001) vol:2 (14), pages: 25-26.

Notes on the birds and other animals recorded at the Cunene River mouth from 6-8 January 2001.
by: Anderson MD, Anderson RA, Anderson SL, Anderson TA, Bader U, Heinrich D, Hofmeyr JH, Kolberg C, Kolberg H, Komen J, Paterson B, Paterson J, Sinclair K, Sinclair W, Zijl D van, Zijl H van
Bird Numbers (2001) vol:1 (10), pages: 52-56.

Predicting polygyny in ploceids.
by: Oschadleus D
Bird Numbers (2001) vol:2 (10), pages: 35-36.

Bericht der Beringungszentrale Hiddensee für die Jahre 1999 und 2000.
by: Köppen U, Scheil S
Berichte Vogelwarte Hiddensee (2001) vol: (61), pages: 5-61.

The phalloid organ, orgasm and sperm competition in a polygynandrous bird: the Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver.
by: Birkhead TR, Burke TA, Winterbottom M
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (2001) vol: (50), pages: 474-482.

Ringing report for Botswana, 1960s to 2001.
by: Tyler SJ
Babbler (2001) vol: (39), pages: 14-18.

Interesting and unusal sightings.
by: Brewster CA, Tyler SJ
Babbler (2001) vol: (38), pages: 47-63.

Agonistic carotenoid signaling in male Red-collared Widowbirds: aggression related to the colour signal of both territory owner and model intruder.
by: Andersson S, Lawes MJ, Pryke SR
Animal Behaviour (2001) vol: (62), pages: 695-704.

Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda.
African Journal of Ecology (2001) vol: (39), pages: 74-82.

SAFRING workshop at BirdLife SA's Wakkerstroom Centre.
by: Piper S
Africa - Birds & Birding (2001) vol:2 (6), pages: 72-73.

Notes on aging and sexing of Cape Siskins Pseudochloroptila totta
by: Ward V
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 87-88.
Reviews: WIWO Reports
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 85-86.
Ringing summary for Uganda, March 1997 to December 2001
by: Wilson M
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 82-84.
Report on recoveries recieved at Safring: July 2000 - June 2001
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 74-81.
Report on the 2000-2001 ringing year
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 71-73.
Wakkerstroom National Ringing Training Course, 1 - 8 December 2001
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 68-70.
Legal requirements when exporting bird material out of the Northern Cape, South Africa, to another country
by: Anderson M, Badenhorst M
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 66-67.
Ring wear in Sociable Weavers Phietairus socius
by: Nuttall R
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 64-65.
Biometrics and moult of the Thickbilled Weaver in Pietermaritzburg
by: Brown M, Downs C, Symes C
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 60-63.
Moult in Scaleyfeathered Finches Sporopipes squamifrons in southeast Botswana
by: Tyler S.J
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 56-59.
Sociable Weavers drink water
by: Osborne L.Y, Osborne T.O
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 54-55.
A technique to catch free-flying flamigos (or the saga of how I tried).
by: Osborne T.O
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 47-50.
Forest bird longevities in NW Tanzania.
by: Baker L, Oatley T
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 44-46.
The successful release of wild-caught birds used in laboratory experiments.
by: Brown M, Craig T, Downs C.T
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 42-43.
Blackcheeked Lovebirds in the hand.
by: Warburton L
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 39-41.
Movements and timing of moult and breeding of the Cape White-eye Zosterops pallidus in KwaZulu-Natal.
by: Brown M, Craig T, Downs T
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 35-39.
An East African ringer in Lebanon...
by: Jackson C
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 32-34.
Evidence for eclipse plumage in the Lesser Doublecollared Sunbird.
by: Tree A.J
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 30-31.
A reassesment of plumage characters in ageing Antarctc Terns.
by: Klages N.T.W, Tree A.J
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 28-29.
Phakalane sewage lagoons: a summary of nearly five years of ringing effort.
by: Tyler S.J
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 23-28.
Mass loss in Masked and Cape Weavers and Redbilled Quelea.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 19-22.
Morphometrics and weights of birds in the Free State, South Africa.
by: Kopij G
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 16-18.
Nine years in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe.
by: Hanmer D.B
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 3-15.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 53-53.
Colour-ringed birds in Tanzania.
by: Romdal T.S
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 51-51.
Lesser Flamingo ringing programme: appeal for information.
by: Bennun L
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 50-50.
Stop press: Garden Warbler retrap in Tanzania.
by: Baker N
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 46-46.
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 29-29.
Blackcheeked Lovebirds.
by: Gilson L
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 2-2.

by: Oschadleus D
Afring News (2001) vol:30 (1), pages: 1-1.
Recent ringing recoveries (September 1998 - May 2000).
by: Martin P
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (2000) vol: (51), pages: 34-35.

Traditional capture of Red-billed Quelea in the Lake Chad Basin and its possible role in reducing damage levels in cereals.
by: Mullie WC
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 15-20.
Forest management and the distribution of understorey birds in the Bossematie' Forest, eastern Ivory Coast.
by: Waltert M
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 295-299.
A contribution to the study of the avifauna of the Bossematic Forest (Abengorou/Côte d'Ivoire). The future of Bossematic Forest: current status.
by: Ellenberg H, Yaokokore Beibro KH
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 292-294.
Breeding and moult phenology of an avian community in the Pugu Hills, Tanzania.
by: Mlingwa COF
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 87-90.
Comparative avian biodiversity of five mountains in northern Cameroon and Bioko.
by: Fotso R, Larison B, McNiven D, Smith TB
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 269-276.
The status of the Forest Fody on Mayotte (Comores).
by: Adriaensen F, Louette M, Plompen W, Stevens J, Verheyen G
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 330-331.
Timing of breeding and primary moult of the Masked Weaver in the summer and winter rainfall regions of South Africa.
by: Oschadleus HD, Underhill GD, Underhill LG
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 91-94.
Distribution and abundance of forest birds in Ghana.
by: Asamoah S, Ntiamoa-Baidu Y, Owusu EH, Owusu-Boateng K
Ostrich (2000) vol: (71), pages: 262-268.
What do urban owls eat? [Reprint of Craig 2000b]
by: Craig A[JFK]
Newsletter of BirdLife South Africa (Indaba Inyoni, from 2000) (2000) vol:4 (3), pages: 34-34.

Noteworthy records from Ginak Island, The Gambia.
by: King M
Malimbus (2000) vol: (22), pages: 77-85.

Review of bird ringing in Namibia - 1997 to 1998.
by: Simmons R
Lanioturdus (2000) vol:1-2 (33), pages: 29-34.

1998/1999 ringing annual report.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2000) vol: (79), pages: 21-21.

Beringing van voëls in Pretoria-Noord.
by: van Loggerenberg M
Laniarius (2000) vol: (77), pages: 11-12.

Bird ringing at Feather River Lodge.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2000) vol: (76), pages: 15-17.

Ringers corner.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2000) vol: (78), pages: 17-18.

Ringers Training Workshop and Ringers Conference at Witsand Nature Reserve, Northern Cape.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (2000) vol: (77), pages: 10-11.

The joys and perils of ringing.
by: McCall M
Kite (2000) vol: (48), pages: 2-3.

Tygerberg Ringing Unit.
by: McCall M
Kite (2000) vol: (47), pages: 1-1.

Bird Ringing Unit - Annual Report for 1999.
by: Ellis B
Kite (2000) vol: (46), pages: 3-3.

Weavers and relatives cross-examined.
by: Nalianya N
Kenya Birds (2000) vol:1 (8), pages: 21-23.

Ngulia 1999 - another record-breaking season.
by: Backhurst G, Pearson D
Kenya Birds (2000) vol:1 (8), pages: 24-26.

Social weaver searches.
by: Barasa F, Imboma T
Kenya Birds (2000) vol:1 (8), pages: 13-15.

Ringing at Kindani, Meru.
by: Eshiamwata G, Maina M
Kenya Birds (2000) vol:1 (8), pages: 9-10.

Effects of forest fragmentation on genetic variation in endemic understory forest birds in central Madagascar.
by: Andrianarimisa A, Bachmann L, Ganzhorn JU, Goodman SM, Tomiuk J
Journal für Ornithologie (2000) vol: (141), pages: 152-159.

Red-billed Quelea movements in southern Africa shown by ringing recoveries in the SAFRING database.
by: Oschadleus HD
In: Cheke 2000b (2000) vol: (), pages: pp. 125-135-.

The Haroni-Rusitu ringing expedition - July 1999.
by: Couto T, Hanmer D
Honeyguide (2000) vol: (46), pages: 13-18.

SAFRING ringer's training workshop.
by: Wells B, Wells M
Eastern Cape Wild Bird Society Newsletter (2000) vol: (), pages: 3Jul:10-11-.

Africa Round-up. Record distance covered by Red-billed Quelea.
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (2000) vol:1 (7), pages: 8-8.

Interesting retraps.
by: Schaum G
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2000) vol: (191), pages: 25-25.

A new ringers first impressions.
by: Claven PA
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2000) vol: (190), pages: 29-30.

A ringing week at Witsand.
by: Schaum G
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2000) vol: (189), pages: 25-25.

A new ringers first impressions.
by: Craven PA
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (2000) vol: (190), pages: 29-30.

First bird-ringing course held at Witsand Reserve.
by: Oschadleus HD
Bird Numbers (2000) vol:1 (9), pages: 14-14.

Ornament size and symmetry: is the tail a reliable signal of male quality in the Red-collared Widowbird?
by: Goddard KW, Lawes MJ
Auk (2000) vol: (117), pages: 366-372.

SAFRING News. [Training course at Witsand Nature Reserve.]
by: Oschadleus [H]D
Africa - Birds & Birding (2000) vol:3 (5), pages: 18-18.

Safring News. Owl pellets.
by: Oschadleus [H]D
Africa - Birds & Birding (2000) vol:4 (5), pages: 16-16.

Report on recoveries received at SAFRING: July 1999- June 2000
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 93-99.
Report on the 1999-2000 ringing year.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 90-92.
Tribute to the Treasure ringers.
by: Oschadleus H.D, Underhill L.G, Wolfaart A.C
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 88-89.
Wakkerstroom Ringing Training Course.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 85-87.
The Pierce Springtrap.
by: Forbes D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 83-84.
Ringing Lesser Kestrels in the Karoo.
by: Moorcroft J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 81-82.
Possible Violet Widowfinch in Botswana?
by: Borello W.D, Herremans M
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 79-80.
Warblers ringed in Swaziland between 1994 and 1999.
by: Monadjem A
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 73-78.
Great Reed Warblers in south-east Botswana.
by: Tyler S.J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 67-72.
Ringing efforts in two South African mistbelt mixed Podocarpus forests.
by: Downs C, Symes C, Wirminghaus O
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 59-66.
List of attendees at the Witsand Bird Ringers' Training Workshop.
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 54-55.
Analysis of ringing records at Witsand.
by: Oschadleus H.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 50-53.
Projects of the Avian Demography Unit.
by: Harebottle D.M
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 48-49.
Birds in the air: a quality perspective.
by: van Eeden P
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 46-47.
An introdution to primary moult.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 44-46.
Reflections on the use of colour-rings in southern Africa.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 36-44.
SAFRING record keeping.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 32-36.
Organising ringing groups.
by: Geyser R
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 31-32.
Ringing in the new century.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 28-31.
Warblers of reedbeds, marshes and bush.
by: Tyler S.J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 24-26.
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica ringing in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
by: Nuttall R
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 20-24.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 18-19.
The importance of ringing for management of South Africa's seabird populations.
by: Crawford R.J.M, Staverees L
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 14-18.
The excitements for a UK bird ringer of ringing in Botswana.
by: Tyler S.J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 10-11.
Vlakplaats Wastewater Treatment Works: 30 years of birding history.
by: van Eeden P
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 9-10.
The BirdLife South Africa Wakkerstroom project and its relevance to bird ringing.
by: Botha A
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 6-8.
Introduction to Witsand Nature Reserve.
by: Jessnitz J
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 3-5.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (11), pages: 1-2.
Notice: Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata.
by: Klages N , Tree T, Underhill L
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 66-66.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 57-57.
Trapping a Kori Bustard with a torch and handnet.
by: Geyser R
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 53-53.
Moult and eclipse plumages of Malachite Sunbirds in the Free State.
by: de Swardt D
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 27-27.
Raptor conservation in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa.
by: Anderson M
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 13-13.
Expidition to the Taimyr Peninsula, Russia.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 12-12.
The Kalahari environment: its birds and mammals.
by: Liversidge R
Safring News (2000) vol:29 (1), pages: 11-11.
A report from the Congo.
Promerops (1999) vol: (238), pages: 27-27.

Are mist-nets suitable for rapid habitat evaluations in the tropics? Results from a study in Guinea-Bissau.
by: Araujo A, Armelin J, Catry P, Cruz C, Nadum M, Pereira M, Pinheiro APocas
Ostrich (1999) vol: (70), pages: 134-137.
A stimulatory phalloid organ in a weaver bird.
by: Birkhead TR, Burke T, Winterbottom M
Nature (1999) vol: (399), pages: 28-28.

Birds of Inhaca Island, Mozambique.
by: Bento CM, Boer WF de
Mondi BirdLife South Africa Guides (1999) vol: (22), pages: 76-76.

Interesting bird sightings & information from the Sasolburg area.
by: Coetzee P
Mirafra (1999) vol: (16), pages: 7-7.

Chairman's report.
by: Nuttall R
Mirafra (1999) vol: (16), pages: 12-14.

Notes on the avifauna of the Noyau Central, Gorêt Classée de la Lama, Republic of Benin.
by: Mnhlenberg M, Waltert M
Malimbus (1999) vol: (21), pages: 82-92.

Beringing van voëls in Garsfontein. [Ringing of birds in Garsfontein]
by: Grobbelaar PP
Laniarius (1999) vol: (73), pages: 23-24.

Unusual sightings.
Laniarius (1999) vol: (72), pages: 20-31.

Bird ringing camp at Hoedspruit.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (1999) vol: (75), pages: 18-18.

Ringing group.
by: Philogene D
Kite (1999) vol: (45), pages: 1-1.

Report of the TBC Ringing Unit - 1998.
by: McCall M
Kite (1999) vol: (42), pages: 4-5.

Bird records from northern Kenya forests.
by: Borghesio L, Ndang'ang'a K
Kenya Birds (1999) vol: (7), pages: 62-68.

Further additions to the avifauna of Zambia.
by: Aspinwall DR, Dowsett RJ, Leonard PM
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1999) vol: (119), pages: 94-103.

SAFRING ringing report 1996-97.
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (1999) vol:2 (6), pages: 88-88.

Ringing report.
by: Williams D
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (1999) vol: (187), pages: 25-25.

The great Darvill ringing project.
by: Johnson J
Blue Swallow (1999) vol:1 (12), pages: 28-28.

Determinants of male mating success in the red bishop ().
by: Friedl TWP, Klump GM
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (1999) vol: (46), pages: 387-399.

Noticiario ornitologico 1999 (2).
by: de la Puente J, Lorenzo JA, Pinilla J
Ardeola, Spanish Ornithjological Society (1999) vol: (46), pages: 305-314.
1904 birds in one garden?
by: Tucker A
Africa - Birds & Birding (1999) vol:5 (4), pages: 31-31.

Brown-breasted Barbet in Malawi.
by: Michler I
Africa - Birds & Birding (1999) vol:4 (4), pages: 21-21.

Safring News: Quelea migration.
by: Oschadleus HD
Africa - Birds & Birding (1999) vol:3 (4), pages: 19-19.

Reviews: Vultures in the 21st century.
by: Mundy P.J
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 53-55.
20th century SAFRING - a personal perspective.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 49-51.
Report on the International Conference on 100 Years of Bird Ringing, 1899-1999, Helgoland, Germany.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 47-48.
Review of bird ringing in Namibia: 1997-1998.
by: Simmons R
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 43-46.
Report on recoveries received at SAFRING: July 1998 - June 1999.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 35-41.
Report on the 1998-1999 ringing year.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 31-34.
Sexing of the Cape White-eye Zoseterops pallidus.
by: Raijmakers K
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 29-30.
Ageing and sexing the Blacksmith Plover in the hand.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 27-28.
Hints on ageing and sexing techniques for some reed-bed warblers.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 25-26.
Adapting normal pliers for bird ringing and ring removal.
by: Bouwman H , van der Walt P
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 23-24.
New ring developments.
by: Oschadleus H.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 21-22.
Redheaded Weaver weights from ringing records.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 17-20.
Bronze Mannikins come to stay.
by: Craig A.J.F.K, Hulley P.E
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 15-16.
SAFRING ringing totals over 50 years.
by: Oschadleus H.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 11-13.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 9-10.
The 1999 Tern and Wader expedition to Namibia.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 3-8.
Reviews: Bird Trapping & Bird Banding.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 55-55.

Bird ringing or frog atlasing?
by: Harebottle D.M
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 52-52.
Dye-marked Common Terns from the U.K.
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 42-42.

Cape Sugarbird Ringing Project.
by: Scholtz G
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 24-24.

Announcement of new publication.
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 14-14.

Masked Weaver.
by: Joost M
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 2-2.

by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1999) vol:28 (1), pages: 1-1.
Review of Ring Recoveries of Birds of Prey in Southern Africa: 1948-1998
by: Navarro RA, Oatley TB, Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG
Book (1998) vol:1 (1), pages: 1-64. of ringing recovories of birds of prey.pdf
European songbirds and Barn Swallows in Ghana: a quest for Constant Effort Sites and Swallow roosts in December/January 1996/97.
by: Bijlsma RG, Brink Bvd, Have Tvd
Zeist: Stichting Werkgroep International Wad- en Watervogelonderzoek (1998) vol: (58), pages: 1-53.
Bird ringing experience at Vaalkop dam.
by: Williams D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1998) vol: (180), pages: 12-12.

Seeking to understand the living bird. The 1997 Margaret Morse Nice Lecture.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Wilson Bulletin (1998) vol:1 (110), pages: 28-44.

The birds of St Helena - an annotated checklist.
by: Brooke RK, McCulloch MN, Olson SL, Rowlands BW, Trueman T
Tring: British Ornithological Union checklist. (1998) vol: (16), pages: 1-296.

Recent ringing recoveries (July 1997 - September 1998).
by: Martin P
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1998) vol: (49), pages: 39-40.

Birds of Somalia.
by: Ash JS, Miskell JE
Pica Press, Sussex (1998) vol: (), pages: 336 pp-.

Sexual selection in a polygynous weaverbird: An analysis of female mate choice. (C15)
by: Friedl TWP, Klump GM
Ostrich (1998) vol:3-4 (69), pages: 320-320.
An investigation into the ageing techniques and feeding ecology of the Redbilled Quelea .
by: Soobramoney S
MSc thesis, Univ. Durban-Westville. (1998) vol: (), pages: 98 pp-.

Redbilled quelea ringing: The 1998 Bishop's Glen experience.
by: Grobler GPJ
Mirafra (1998) vol: (15), pages: 1-5.

Summary of ringing activities at Bishop's Glen.
by: Grobler GPJ
Mirafra (1998) vol: (15), pages: 15-17.

[not in Niven] First and second Bishop's Glen Quelea recoveries.
by: Grobler GPJ
Mirafra (1998) vol: (15), pages: 41-41.

OVS Voëlkundige vereniging: voorsittersverslag.
by: de Swardt DH
Mirafra (1998) vol: (15), pages: 12-14.

Verslag oor Voëls gering te Langjan Natuurreservaat. 8 tot 12 Oktober 1997.
by: Marais R
Laniarius (1998) vol: (68), pages: 13-14.

Bird ringing at Roberts Ranch (The Farm Elba).
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (1998) vol: (70), pages: 5-7.

Verslag oor Voëls gering in KwaZulu/Natal. 13 tot 19 Julie 1997.
by: Marais R
Laniarius (1998) vol: (68), pages: 11-13.

Persistence of passerine ectoparasites on the diederik cuckoo .
by: Lindholm AK, Ueckermann A, Venter GJ
Journal of Zoology, London (1998) vol:1 (244), pages: 145-153.

Redbilled Oxpeckers, ringers and Rookwood.
by: Webster K
Eastern Cape Wild Bird Society Newsletter (1998) vol: (), pages: 2Apr:11-12-.

Vaalkop experience.
by: Smee P
Bokmakierie, newsletter of the Wits. Bird Club (1998) vol: (182), pages: 4-4.

Redbilled Queleas breeding at the Orange River estuary.
by: Underhill LG
Bird Numbers (1998) vol:2 (7), pages: 23-23.

The avifauna of the North Nandi Forest, Kenya.
by: Cunningham van Someren GR, Schifter H
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (Annals of the Naturhist. Mus. Wien. (1998) vol: (100), pages: 425-479.

Focus on the Avian Demography Unit.
by: Underhill LG
Africa - Birds & Birding (1998) vol:5 (3), pages: 77-77.

Reviews. WIWO reports.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 51-52.
First recovery of the nominate race Peregrine Falcon Falco p. peregrinus.
by: Staav R
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 47-48.
The ethics of raptor ringing.
by: Maritz A
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 37-39.
I.O.C. Round Table on the quelea.
by: Elliot C
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 35-36.
Seasonal migration and site fidelity in Cape Buntings Emberiza capensis.
by: Johnson J
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 33-34.
Report on selected recoveries received at SAFRING: July 1997-June 1998.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 26-31.
Report on the 1997-98 ringing year.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 21-25.
Some notes on using walk-in traps.
by: Meissner W
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 18-20.
Ageing techniques and age structure of a mid-winter roost of Antarctic Tern.
by: Klages N.T.W, Tree A.J
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 15-17.
Getting the balance right - when last did you calibrate your scales?
by: Klages N
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 13-14.
Terns on the Namibian coast in early 1998.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 7-11.
Possible brood parasite of the Brown Firefinch from Jedibe, Botswana.
by: Loon R
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 3-5.
Joint Editorial.
by: Best C, Oschadleus D
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 1-2.
Fate of A. Bird.
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 50-50.
Migration, wintering and behaviour of Common Swifts in Congo and southern Africa.
by: Herroelen P
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 49-49.
ICONA - Spanish Ringing Office.
by: Cantos F.J
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 48-48.
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 46-46.

I.O.C. round table on ringing.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 45-45.
A hands-on approach to the identification of common weavers of the east coast of South Africa: a ringer's perspective.
by: Clinning S
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 44-44.
Little piece of ringing history.
by: Whittington P.A
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 43-43.
Reportback on the Bonamanzi Anniversary Ringing Workshop, 3-5 July 1998.
by: Snyman T
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 42-42.
The EURING Swallow project.
by: Spina F
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 41-41.
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 40-40.

Less than one in a million: nocturnal bal-chatri statistics, or ... Murphy in Eendekuil.
by: Herremans D, Herremans M
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 34-34.
Survival and movement of a Lesser Double-collared Sunbird released after a year-long laboratory experiment.
by: Lotz C.N, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 32-32.
In pursuit of my licence.
by: Dantu S
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 17-17.
Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 12-12.

Safring News (1998) vol:27 (1), pages: 6-6.

by: Williams D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1997) vol: (178), pages: 12-12.

Birding trip to Trackers near Hoedspruit in the Northern Province.
by: McMullin G
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1997) vol: (179), pages: 14-15.

Third national ringing waorkshop - report back.
by: Martin P
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1997) vol: (48), pages: 24-25.

Bird ringing report - 1996.
by: Underhill LG
Promerops (1997) vol: (229), pages: 3-3.

The survival of understorey birds in the Tropical Rainforest of Ziika, Uganda.
by: Dranzoa C
Ostrich (1997) vol: (68), pages: 68-71.
The annual cycle and breeding behaviour of the Mauritius Fody .
by: Safford RJ
Ostrich (1997) vol: (68), pages: 58-67.
Report on ringing training workshop held at Qwa Qwa National Park, eastern Free State.
by: Botha AJ, de Swardt DH, Nuttall RJ
Mirafra (1997) vol:3/4 (14), pages: 2-5.

Notes on some bird species from Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast.
by: Salewski V
Malimbus (1997) vol: (19), pages: 61-67.

Masked Weaver survival.
by: Oschadleus [H]D
Laniarius (1997) vol: (66), pages: 15-15.

Eight years later …
by: Oschadleus [H]D
Laniarius (1997) vol: (65), pages: 13-13.

Ringing at Ngulia, 1997/98.
by: Backhurst G
Kenya Birds (1997) vol:1/2 (6), pages: 85-88.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 1996.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1997) vol: (), pages: 219 pp-.

The role of male territories in the mating system off the Yellow-shouldered Widowbird .
by: Savalli UM
Ibis (1997) vol: (139), pages: 374-378.

Regarding the quelea ringing done in Lichtenburg.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:4 (13), pages: 8-11.

Voorsittersverslag 1996.
by: Eiselen S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:2 (13), pages: 4-5.

Quelea ringing in the Lichtenburg area.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:4 (13), pages: 11-11.

Onlangs waargeneem.
by: Nel D
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:1 (13), pages: 33-33.

Quelea ringing trip report.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:4 (13), pages: 6-7.

Weekend at Samaria.
by: Scott W
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:3 (13), pages: 5-7.

by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:2 (13), pages: 3-3.

by: van der Merwe J
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:3 (13), pages: 17-17.

Jaarlikse ringverslag vir die Wesvaal Voëlklub.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1997) vol:1 (13), pages: 6-8.

The birds of southeastern Madagascar.
by: Goodman SM, Hawkins AFA, Pidgeon M, Schulenberg TS
Fieldiana Zoology (1997) vol: (87), pages: 132-132.

Mist nets for bird control.
by: McVeigh S
Farmer's Weekly: a journal devoted to the interests of South African agriculture. (1997) vol: (), pages: 22 May:22-24-.

Bird-ringing weekend at Double Drift, 25-6 October 1997.
by: Hulley Pat
Diaz Diary (1997) vol: (), pages: 25(5):d-.

Exotic birds in Portugal.
British Birds (1997) vol: (90), pages: 562-568.

Interesting sightings.
by: Hoddinott D
Blue Swallow (1997) vol:2 (10), pages: 20-21.

Mobile queleas.
by: Underhill LG
Africa - Birds & Birding (1997) vol:5 (2), pages: 18-18.

SAFRING authority cards for ringers.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 84b-84b. _26_2_84.pdf
A year's ringing at Phakalane Sewage Lagoons in south east Botswana.
by: Tyler L
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 81-82. _26_2_81.pdf
Selected recoveries reported to Safring: January 1997-June 1997.
by: Best C.C, Oatley T.B
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 72-80. _26_2_72.pdf
Report on the 1996-1997 ringing year.
by: Best C.C, Oatley T.B
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 67-71. _26_2_67.pdf
Measurements, moult and residency of Kurrichane Buttonquail Turnix sylvatica in Swaziland, captured in small mammal traps.
by: Monadjem A
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 63-65. _26_2_63.pdf
The Nyika Bird Project.
by: Haugaard J
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 55-62. _26_2_55.pdf
Bird longevity in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe - drought survivors.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 47-54. _26_2_47.pdf
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 45-46. _26_2_45.pdf
White Stork in Sweden: from extinction to re-introduction.
by: Cavallin B
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 41-42. _26_1_41.pdf
George Underhill, 1918-1997.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 37-39. _26_1_37.pdf
Palearctic migrants at Ngulia, Kenya.
by: Bernitz H, Bernitz Z
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 34-35. _26_1_34.pdf
Selected recoveries reported to SAFRING: July 1996 - December 1996.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 25-33. _26_1_25.pdf
Mensural data of Thickbilled Weavers in Lydenburg.
by: Schoeman S
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 21-23. _26_1_21.pdf
Neotropical migrants: A banders's delight.
by: Weiss R.A
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 17-20. _26_1_17.pdf
Sunbird recaptures and seasonal movements at Lydenburg, Mpumalanga Province.
by: de Swardt D.H, Schoeman S
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 13-15. _26_1_13.pdf
Trans-Sahara recoveries of House Martins Delichon urbica, with discussion on ringing, roosting and sightings in Africa.
by: Hill L.A
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 7-12. _26_1_07.pdf
Eight consecutive primary moults of a Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalenis.
by: Underhill G.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 3-6. _26_1_03.pdf
Editorial. Getting value for money.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 1-2. _26_1_1.pdf
Getting value for more money.
by: Johnson J
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 84-84. _26_2_84.pdf
Reportback on the Redbilled Quelea Project.
by: Best C, Oschadleus D
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 83-83. _26_2_83.pdf
Computerised schedules.
by: Oschadleus D
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 82-82.
Notice. Wood Sandpiper.
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 66-66.

Reviews: Breeding waders at Medusa Bay, western Taimyr.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 44-44. _26_1_44.pdf
Reviews: European Swallows Hirundo rustica in Botswana.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 43-43. _26_1_43.pdf
The perils of swallow ringing.
by: Martin P
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 40-40. _26_1_40.pdf
Report on third national ringing workshop: Cintsa.
by: Dantu S
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 36-36. _26_1_36.pdf
Colour-ringed White Storks.
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 24-24. _26_1_24.pdf
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1997) vol:26 (1), pages: 16-16.

An annotated check-list of birds occurring at the Parc National des Oiseaux du Djoudj in Senegal, 1984-1994.
by: Braunlich A, Rodwell SP, Rumsey SJR, Sauvage A
Malimbus (1996) vol: (18), pages: 74-111.

Voëls Gering Deur NTVV Voëlberingers vir die 1995/1996 Periode.
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (1996) vol: (63), pages: 18-20.

Second SAOS Birdringing Workshop.
by: Bernitz Z, Geyser RF
Laniarius (1996) vol: (61), pages: 17-20.

Voëlberinging in Austin Roberts.
by: van der Walt P
Laniarius (1996) vol: (62), pages: 20-21.

Voëlberinging in Pretoria en omgewing.
by: Walt Pvander
Laniarius (1996) vol: (60), pages: 15-16.

Voëlberinging op die Plaas Uitspan No 98 (2528AC).
by: Geyser R
Laniarius (1996) vol: (61), pages: 14-15.

by: Marais E
Laniarius (1996) vol: (60), pages: 14-14.

Voëlberinging te Onderstepoort.
by: Kruger R
Laniarius (1996) vol: (63), pages: 15-15.

Seed dispersal in an African fig tree: birds as high quantity, low quality dispersers?
by: Compton SG, Craig AJFK, Waters IWR
Journal of Biogeography (1996) vol: (23), pages: 553-563.

Report on the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme for 1995.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1996) vol: (), pages: 210 pp-.

Sandveld Nature Reserve.
by: Louw H
Hoep-hoep (1996) vol:2 (12), pages: 17-19.

Die Noord-Kaap naweek.
by: Wiblin W
Hoep-hoep (1996) vol:4 (12), pages: 8-9.

Bird ringing weekend.
by: Craig A, Hulley P
Diaz Diary (1996) vol: (), pages: 24(4):c-.

Ringing in southern Africa.
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (1996) vol: (3), pages: 76-76.

Short notes.
by: Johnson S (ed)
Blue Swallow (1996) vol:1 (9), pages: 19-19.

News from Darvill.
by: Johnson D [?]
Blue Swallow (1996) vol:3 (9), pages: 18-18.

News from Cousine.
by: le Maitre S
Birdwatch (Seychelles) (1996) vol: (19), pages: 10-12.

[SAFRING results].
by: de Moor P (ed)
Albatross (1996) vol: (325), pages: 31-31.

2nd National Ringing Workshop.
by: Johnson J
Africa - Birds & Birding (1996) vol:3 (1), pages: 77-77.

Quelea ringing trip.
by: Scott W
Africa - Birds & Birding (1996) vol:3 (1), pages: 78-78.

SAFRING reports (Red Bishop).
Africa - Birds & Birding (1996) vol:4 (1), pages: 9-9.

Toll free telephone number for recoveries in North America.
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 83-84.

Response times for foreign ringing schemes.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 81-82.

Ringing in Kenya - the Nairobi Ringing Group.
by: Jackson C
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 79-80.

A southern odyssey.
by: Fritze E
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 76-78.

Weight loss of stainless steel rings on Hooded Vultures.
by: Mundy P.J
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 74-75.

Bird ringing in Zambia, 1995.
by: Leonard P
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 72-73.

The Northwest Australian wader expedition of 1996.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 68-71.

Sasol report on selected recoveries received at SAFRING: January 1996 - June 1996.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 60-67.
Report on the 1995-1996 ringing year.
by: Best C.C, Oatley T.B
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 55-59.
Sexing of monomorphic species.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 53-54.
What's the difference between robins and thrushes?
by: Craig A, Hulley P
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 51-52.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 49-50.
A tribute to Frank Douwes.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 47-48.
The EURING Swallow Project.
by: Spina F
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 44-46.
Quelea ringing project.
by: Scott W
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 42-43.
European Swallow Research: joint venture.
by: Scott W
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 41-42.
Reportback on the 2nd National Ringing Workshop.
by: Bernitz Z
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 39-40.
Selected recoveries reported to Safring: July 1995 - December 1995.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 31-38.
Ageing and sexing of the African Citril.
by: Lane S
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 28-30.
Identification aid for European Marsh Warbler and European Reed Warbler.
by: Raijmakers J.M.H
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 21-27.
Fall-net trap and patagial tag marking for live Namaua Sandgrouse.
by: Crowe T.M, Malan G
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 15-17.
Ticks on African Marsh Warbler.
by: Geyser R, Heyne H , Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 13-14.
Flipper bands on Penguins: why newer is not always better.
by: Klages N.T.W, Spencer K.D
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 9-12.
Development of the Whitefaced Duckling.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 3-8.
Guest Editorial: My first recovery.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 1-2.
Polish ring recovery from 1834.
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 83-83.

Bird ringing report from Sweden for 1993.
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 82-82.

Bird ringing in my garden.
by: Schoeman S
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 78-78.

Letter to the Editor: ringing in Botswana.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 74-74.

Two rings recovered from one Pale Chanting Goshawk.
by: Malan G
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 46-46.
Ageing and sexing of the European Swallow Hirundo rustica.
by: Scott W
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 30-30.
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 20-20.

More eccentric primary moult in juvenile Blackcheeked Waxbills Estrilda erythronotos.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 19-19.
Safring News (1996) vol:25 (1), pages: 18-18.

Bird ringing and the WBC.
by: Lockwood G
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1995) vol: (169), pages: 4-4.

Breeding and moult of four bird species in tropical West Africa.
by: Chapman A
Tropical Zoology (1995) vol: (8), pages: 227-238.

Deforestation and bird species composition in Liberia, West Africa.
by: Chapman A, Kofron CP
Tropical Zoology (1995) vol: (8), pages: 239-256.

Life-history notes on East Cape bird species (1940-1990). Vol. 1.
by: Skead CJ
Port Elizabeth: Algoa Regional Services Council. (1995) vol: (), pages: 1037 pp-.

The effects of forest fragmentation on bird species in Madagascar: a case study from Ambohitantely Forest Reserve on the central high plateau.
by: Langrand O
MSc (1995) vol: (), pages: 174 pp-.

Chairman's report for the period 1 May 1994 to 30 April 1995.
by: Swardt DHde
Mirafra (1995) vol:1-2 (12), pages: 22-24.

Variation in avian communities between isolated units of the Eastern Arc montane forests, Tanzania.
by: Fjeldsa J, Rabol J
Le Gerfaut (1995) vol: (85), pages: 3-18.

Masked Weaver roost.
by: Oschadleus [H]D
Laniarius (1995) vol: (58), pages: 24-24.

This man gave rings to fifty birds in one weekend...
by: Irons P
Laniarius (1995) vol: (56), pages: 3-5.

Vhembe Natuurreservaat 17 tot 21 Maart 1995.
by: Terblanche S
Laniarius (1995) vol: (57), pages: 22-24.

Ten years of sugarbirds in Lydenburg.
by: Swardt D[H]de
Hornbill (1995) vol: (41), pages: 32-33.

Ringing in the Roossenekal area.
by: Biggs D
Hornbill (1995) vol: (41), pages: 36-36.

Predation and mortality at breeding colonies of Red-billed Quelea.
by: Smith JN
Honeyguide (1995) vol: (41), pages: 236-236.

Ringing report for the Association 1992-1994.
by: de la Harpe DA, Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1995) vol: (41), pages: 256-262.

How to become a bird ringer.
by: van der Merwe J
Hoep-hoep (1995) vol:2 (11), pages: 27-27.

Jaarlikse ringverslag vir die Wesvaal Voëlklub.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1995) vol:4 (11), pages: 6-8.

A framework for research on the Redbilled Quelea aimed at improving the scientific basis for control activities.
by: Berruti A
Durban Nat. Hist. Mus., unpubl. report. (1995) vol: (), pages: 18 pp-.

Bird ringing in southern Africa. Projects for the future.
by: Berruti A, Oatley TB, Underhill LG
Cape Town: Research Report of the Avian Demography Unit, University of Cape Town. (1995) vol: (), pages: 36 pp-.

Zambian ringing expedition.
by: Moulton J
Bulletin of the African Bird Club (1995) vol:1 (2), pages: 7-7.

Why ring Queleas?
by: Oatley T
Bird Numbers (1995) vol: (4), pages: 17-18.

SAFRING Ringing Results.
Albatross (1995) vol: (321), pages: 74-74.

Reviews: Moult and ageing of European passerines.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 90-92.
Reviews: Ornithological studies in Egyptian wetlands 1989-90.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 89-90.
The Boje Ebok Swallow roost.
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 85-86.
Volberinging kan gevaalik wees.
by: de Swardt D
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 83-84.
Forced removals, abuse of minors and violent death on the Cape Peninsula.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 82-83.
Botswana swallow project for 1994-1995.
by: van den Brink B
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 81-82.
The mysterious House Martin.
by: Hill L.A
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 79-80.
Breeding productivity of Curlew Sandpipers, 1990-1994.
by: Oatley T.B, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 77-78.
European Marsh Warbler on the Cape Peninsula.
by: Fraser M.W, McMahon L
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 75-76.
Selected recoveries reported to Safring: January 1995 - June 1995.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 68-75.
Report on the ringing year: 1994-1995.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 63-67.
Bird survival data from the Oliewenhuis Gardens, central Bloemfontein.
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 59-61.
Observations on breeding biology of Masked Weaver Ploceus velatus at Lydenburg.
by: Schoeman S
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 55-58.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 53-54.
Ageing and sexing: Bertram's Weaver Ploceus bertrandi in Limbe.
by: Lane S
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 51-52.
Foreign news.
by: Best C
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 47-50.
Ringing holiday in Namibia, 1994.
by: Poferl M
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 43-46.
Storm Petrels at the Cape of Good Hope.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 40-41.
Fourth EURING conference, Laurel MD, USA, September 1994.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 39-40.
Selected recoveries reported to Safring: July 1994 - December 1994.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 27-38.
How to erect nets easier and faster.
by: De Beer S
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 23-26.
The use of plumage features resulting from a partial post-juvenile moult in age determination of southern African passerines.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 19-22.
Malachite Sunbird ringing in the Free State.
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 15-18.
Descendant eccentric partial post-juvenile primary moult in the Blackcheeked Waxbill Estrilda erythronotos.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 13-14.
Distribution, size and moult of migrant warblers in the southern Trasnsvaal. Part Two.
by: Raijmakers J.H.F.A, Raijmakers J.M.H
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 3-12.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 1-2.
A tribute to Alexander John Manson.
by: Harwin R
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 88-88.
Perforations in feathers of Chrysococcyx species.
by: Bouwman H
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 87-87.
2nd National Ringing Workshop. Sandveld Nature Reserve, Free State. 1-3 March 1996.
by: Nuttall R
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 62-62.
Quelea quelea, again ...
by: Berruti A
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 52-52.
An examination of road-killed European Swallow Hirundo rustica moults.
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1995) vol:24 (1), pages: 42-42.
The South African Bird Ringing Unit: 21 years of service and research.
by: Oatley TB, Underhill LG
South African Journal of Science (1994) vol: (90), pages: 61-64.
Bird-ringing recoveries from Ethiopia and Eritrea: II.
by: Ash JS
Scopus (1994) vol: (17), pages: 113-118.

Cape White-eye on the move.
by: Martin C, Oatley T, Underhill G, Underhill L
Promerops (1994) vol: (214), pages: 10-10.

Sexual dimorphism and sex ratio in the Yellowshouldered Widowbird .
by: Savalli UM
Ostrich (1994) vol: (65), pages: 297-301.
Partial migration in the Masked Weaver in southeastern Botswana.
by: Herremans M
Ostrich (1994) vol: (65), pages: 79-85.
Altitudinal migration in Natal.
by: Johnson DN, Maclean GL
Ostrich (1994) vol: (65), pages: 86-94.
Ageing of Red Bishops from endosteal layers in their bones.
by: Brown CR
Ostrich (1994) vol: (65), pages: 334-37.
Vaalkop Dam, 30 October.
by: Boucher J
Laniarius (1994) vol: (55), pages: 27-27.

Garden birds of Lydenburg.
by: Schoeman S
Hornbill (1994) vol: (39), pages: 13-14.

The birds of the Bvumba Highlands.
by: Harwin RM, Manson AJ, Manson C, Mwadziwana P
Honeyguide (1994) vol: (40), pages: 1-51.

Ringmoontlikhede in die westelike Soutpansberg.
by: Grobler G
Hoep-hoep (1994) vol:4 (10), pages: 9-9.

Stonehenge 12-15 May.
by: Bernitz H, Bernitz Z
Hoep-hoep (1994) vol:3 (10), pages: 11-13.

Ringresultate van die 1993/94 seisoen.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1994) vol:4 (10), pages: 6-7.

Ringnaweek in Lydenburg.
by: Grobler P
Hoep-hoep (1994) vol:4 (10), pages: 8-8.

Paasnaweek by Vaalkopdam.
by: van Pletsen C
Hoep-hoep (1994) vol:3 (10), pages: 16-17.

Extinct and endangered birds in the collections of the Natural History Museum.
by: Knox AG, Walters MP
British Ornithologists' Club Occasional Publications (1994) vol: (1), pages: 292-292.

Exogenous melatonin may act as a reproductive-phase dependent modulator of the relationship in morphology between pineal and adrenal-cortex in male Blossomheaded Parakeet () and Indian Weaver-bird ().
by: Chakraborty S
Biological Rhythm Research (1994) vol:2 (25), pages: 121-132.

Mate choice in the yellow-shouldered widowbird: correlates of mate attractiveness.
by: Savalli UM
Behavorial Ecology and Sociobiology (1994) vol: (35), pages: 227-234.

New cases of the Spottedbacked Weaver breeding near Gaborone.
by: Borello W, Herremans M, Herremans-Tonnoeyr D
Babbler (1994) vol: (26), pages: 29-30.

Tail length affects territory ownership in the yellow-shouldered widowbird.
by: Savalli UM
Animal Behaviour (1994) vol: (48), pages: 105-111.

The contribution of helpers to feeding nestlings in greycapped social weavers .
by: Bennun L[A]
Animal Behaviour (1994) vol: (47), pages: 1047-1056.

Selected recoveries from Safring: January 1994 - June 1994.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 95-102.
Ringing in the Potchefstroom area.
by: De Beer S
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 90-93.
Reportback on the ringing workshop held at Bonamanzi Game Park in Zululand in October 1994.
by: De Beer S
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 88-90.
Annual report for the 1993-1994 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 83-87.
Avoiding dangerous beaks.
by: Schoeman S
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 80-81.
Ringing techniques published in Safring News, 1972-1993.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 73-80.
Distribution, size and moult of migrant warblers in the southern Transvaal. Part One.
by: Raijmakers J.H.F.A, Raijmakers J.M.F
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 65-71.
Bird longevity in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe - first report.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 55-64.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 53-54.
Identification, ageing and sexing guides published in Safring News, 1972-1993.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 49-52.
Foreign news.
by: Best C
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 43-47.
The Botswana Swallow project: December 1993 to January1994.
by: van den Brink B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 40-42.
Bird blood parasite project: report for 1993.
by: Bennett G.F, Earle R.A
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 38-40.
Selected recoveries from SAFRING: July 1993 - December 1993.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 29-37.
Tribute to Charles Clinning.
by: Berry H
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 26-28.
Raptor ringers' revelation.
by: Robertson T, Searle F
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 23-25.
Identification problems during bird ringing - the Whitethroat example!
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 22-23.
Swallow trapping with tape lures.
by: van den Brink B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 20-21.
An alternative method of collecting blood from small birds for blood smears.
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 19-20.
Beringing van vols te Renosterkop, Beaufort-Wes.
by: Claassen J
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 11-17.
Review: Bird ringing in science and environmental management.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 104-104.
Review: European non-passerines.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (11), pages: 103-104.
Kittlitz's Plover in the lower Shire Valley of Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 3-9.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 1-2.
Bully Canaries ringed in Lydenburg.
by: Schoeman S
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 94-94.
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 82-82.
Sightings of strange weavers.
by: Medland B
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 72-72.
Bird ringing notice.
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 48-48.
Penguin news.
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 42-42.
Some extracts from Safring News, Vol. 3, 1974.
Safring News (1994) vol:23 (1), pages: 18-18.
Ringing and migration at Ngulia, Tsavo, autumn 1991.
by: Backhurst GC, Pearson DJ
Scopus (1993) vol: (15), pages: 172-177.

The avifauna of Kazimzumbwe Forest Reserve, Tanzania: initial findings.
by: Burgess ND, Huxham MR, Mlingwa COF
Scopus (1993) vol: (16), pages: 81-88.

Ringing report 1992/93.
by: Underhill L[G]
Promerops (1993) vol: (210), pages: 7-7.

Birds of fragmented forest areas in southern Uganda.
by: Dranzoa C
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1993) vol: (8), pages: 334-340.

A preliminary assessment of coastal forest birds in south-east Tanzania.
by: Bhatia Z
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1993) vol: (8), pages: 252-258.

Opportunistic breeding by the Redbilled Quelea in eastern Kenya.
by: Thompson JJ
Ostrich (1993) vol: (64), pages: 32-37.
Factors affecting the densities of nectarivores in woodland.
by: Swardt DHde
Ostrich (1993) vol: (64), pages: 172-177.
The behaviour of male Yellowmantled Widowbirds in western Kenya.
by: Savalli UM
Ostrich (1993) vol: (64), pages: 57-62.
Notes complémentaires sur l'avifaune du Niger.
by: Sauvage A
Malimbus (1993) vol: (14), pages: 44-47.

Ringing Report for the Association 1990-1992.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1993) vol: (39), pages: 104-111.

Wesvaal ringverslag 1992/93.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1993) vol:4 (9), pages: 10-10.

Maandelikse ringsondae in Prozesky.
by: de Beer S
Hoep-hoep (1993) vol:3 (9), pages: 5-5.

Bilans et resultats du baguage en France dans les territoires d'outre-mer et en Afrique tropicale en 1988.
by: Czajkowski AM, Jarry G, Pons J-M, Silvera J
Bulletin de Liaison, Centre de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux (1993) vol: (22), pages: 1-49.

The biology of the Gola Malimbe Wolters 1974.
by: Gardner R, Gatter W
Bird Conservation International (1993) vol: (3), pages: 87-103.

Sexual dimorphism and modes of sexual selection in lekking Jackson's Widowbirds .
by: Andersson S
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1993) vol: (49), pages: 1-17.

Inheritance of egg-color polymorphism in the Village Weaver ().
by: Collias EC
Auk (1993) vol: (110), pages: 683-692.

Review: Identification Guide to European Passerines.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 82-83.
Review: Safety of catching adult European birds at the nest.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 81-82.
Bird ringing in Sweden in 1991.
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 79b-79b.

Foreign news.
by: Best C
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 79-80.
Drumming up a Storm Petrel.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 77-78.
Reviewing the taxonomy of Pycnonotus bulbus: a proposed ringing project.
by: Loon R
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 75-76.
Reflections on the ringing workshop - held at Langebaan Village, 11 September 1993.
by: Berruti A
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 74-75.
Selected recoveries from SAFRING: Oct 1992 - June 1993.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 66-73.
Annual report for the 1992-1993 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 57-65.
The effect of ringing nestling Arrowmarked Babblers Turdoides jardineii on fledgling success.
by: Monadjem A
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 55-56.
Palearctic migrants and wintering site fidelity at Lilongwe, Malawi.
by: Medland R.D
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 47-54.
Why is artificial grounding of migratory passerines at night rather unsuccessful in southern Africa?
by: Herremans M
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 43-46.
Guest Editorial.
by: Rowley I
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 41-42.
Reviews: The birds of Central Siberia.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 39-40.
Reviews: Addicted to birds.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 37-38.
Foreign news.
by: Best C
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 31-36.
Swallow ringing in the Netherlands and southern Africa: the Botswana Swallow Project.
by: van den Brink B, Van der Have T.M
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 27-29.
Selected recoveries from SAFRING: July - December 1992.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 19-26.
Report on SAOS-ADU moult card scheme.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 15-18.
Diet of nestling Swifts Apus affinis at a Transvaal colony.
by: Bradley G.H
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 11-14.
Bird blood parasites - a new dimension to bird ringing.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 5-9.
Brood affinity by Greater Striped Swallows Hirundo cucullata caught at the nest.
by: Bradley G.H
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 3-4.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 1-2.
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 84-84.
Report on bird ringing in Britain and Ireland for 1991.
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 80-80.
Circuitous route for ring recovery.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 78-78.
Reviews: The biannual primary moult of Willow Warblers.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 38-38.

Quail tale.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 30-30.
Safring News available on subscription.
Safring News (1993) vol:22 (1), pages: 10-10.
Fidelity to non-breeding site in some species of birds in Senegal.
by: Baillon F, Benvenuti S, Ioale P
Tropical Zoology (1992) vol: (5), pages: 31-43.

Birds of the main university campus in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a ringing study.
by: Mlingwa C
Scopus (1992) vol: (16), pages: 50-54.

Birds on the Comoro Islands, April 1990.
by: Evans MI, Safford RJ
Scopus (1992) vol: (15), pages: 93-101.

Ringing and migration at Ngulia, Tsavo, autumn 1990.
by: Backhurst GC, Pearson DJ
Scopus (1992) vol: (14), pages: 159-164.

A review of the use and the effects of marks and devices on birds.
by: Calvo B, Furness RW
Ringing & Migration (1992) vol:3 (13), pages: 129-151.

Movement, mortality and mating patterns in communally-breeding Grey-capped Social Weavers .
by: Bennun L[A]
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1992) vol: (7), pages: 357-368.

Preliminary report of an ecological bird survey in virgin forest near Kisangani (Zaire).
by: Bijnens L, Upoki A
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1992) vol: (7), pages: 47-47.

Lek mating and sexual selection in Jackson's Widowbird ().
by: Andersson S
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden. (1992) vol: (), pages: -.

Relative importance of parasitism by cuckoos versus conspecific nest parasitism in the Northern Masked Weaver .
by: Jackson WM
Ornis Scandinavica (1992) vol: (23), pages: 203-206.

Ringing recoveries.
Nyala, magazine of the National Fauna Preservation Society (1992) vol: (16), pages: 43-43.

Habitat selection by weaver birds in the Middle Zambezi Valley.
by: Katanekwa VK
MSc (1992) vol: (), pages: 101 pp-.
Bird ringing in Tanzania.
by: Baker L, Baker N
Miombo (1992) vol: (9), pages: 12-13.

by: Lambrechts C
Laniarius (1992) vol: (46), pages: 11-14.

Recent recoveries.
Kite (1992) vol: (17), pages: 5-5.

The Social Life of the Social Weaver.
by: Bennun L
Kenya Past & Present (1992) vol: (24), pages: 43-47.

Reversal of breeding season by lowland birds at higher altitudes in western Cameroon.
by: Tye H
Ibis (1992) vol: (134), pages: 154-163.

Bird ringing in the Eastern Cape.
by: Craig A
Diaz Diary (1992) vol:3 (20), pages: 13-16.

Estimating conspecific nest parasitism in the Northern Masked Weaver based on within-female variability in egg appearance.
by: Jackson WM
Auk (1992) vol: (109), pages: 435-443.

Breeding of the black-headed village weaver () and the chestnut-and-black weaver () in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
by: Din NA
African Journal of Ecology (1992) vol: (30), pages: 49-64.

Territorial areas and shapes in the two species of village weavers ( and ).
by: Din NA
African Journal of Ecology (1992) vol: (30), pages: 42-48.

Reviews: Bird Census Techniques.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 79-80.
Reviews: The Migration of Knots.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 77-78.
Reviews: A Host-parasite catalogue.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 76b-76b.
Reviews: Brood desertion by Great Tits.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 75-76.
Reviews: The ecology and conservation of Palaearctic-African migrants.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 74-75.
A Dutch Ringing Report
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 73-73.
New Zealand Bird Banding in 1990-1991
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 72-72.
Foreign news.
by: Best C
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 71-73.
Annual report on the 1991-1992 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 61-70.
Cautionary tales.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 60b-60b.

Methods for trapping Quail Finches Ortygospiza atricollis.
by: Nuttall R.J
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 55-59.
Habitat change by Cape Sugarbirds and Orangebreasted Sunbirds in an apparent response to fire in old mountain fynbos.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 51-54.
Red-ringed Redwinged Starlings.
by: Fraser M, Oatley T
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 43-49.
Guest Editorial. A pro-active SAFRING.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 41-42.
Ageing and Sexing: Miombo Doublecollared Sunbrid in Limbe.
by: Lane S
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 39-40.
Review: Bird trapping and Bird Banding.
by: Underhill G
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 37-38.
Vaalies and House Martins.
by: Hill S
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 34-36.
A trial of coloured anodyzed metal bands in Western Australia.
by: Brown M.N, Brown R.J
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 32-33.
Report on the 1990-1991 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 22-31.
Blue Waxbill ring cemented to foot.
by: Medland R.D
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 21b-21b.
Third EURING technical conference, Montpellier, France.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 19-21.
Longevity of Dune Larks in the Namib Desert.
by: Williams J.B
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 17-18.
Some interesting recaptures at the Oliewenhuis Gardens, central Bloemfontein.
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 15-16.
Juvenile Wiretailed Swallows in Malawi: mensural and moult data and observations on use of parental nest-roost.
by: Medland R.D
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 11-13.
First capture dates of Lesser Honeyguides at two localities in the southwestern Cape Province.
by: Underhill G.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 7-10. 7.pdf
Colourization, size and moult in the Redheaded Finch.
by: Raijmakers J.M.H
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 3-6. 3.pdf
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 1-2. 1.pdf
Garden Warbler Sylvia borin in the south-western Cape Province.
by: Underhill G.D
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 60-60.
An alternative Beaufort scale for ringers.
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 50-50.
Repertback on colour-marked waders.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 33-33.
Safring News (1992) vol:21 (1), pages: 14-14.
Second record of cardinal quelea in Malawi.
by: Mallalieu M, Medland RD
Vocifer, a Bulletin of Ornithological News in Malawi (1991) vol: (16), pages: 8-11.

Birds of Lake Naivasha 1. General studies.
by: Lewis JMS, Tyler L, Tyler SJ
Scopus (1991) vol: (14), pages: 107-116.

An avifaunal survey of the Trans-Mara Forest, Kenya.
by: Bennun LA
Scopus (1991) vol: (14), pages: 61-72.

East African Nest Record Scheme: 1985-1989.
by: Bennun L[A]
Scopus (1991) vol: (13), pages: 165-180.

Ringing report 1988/89.
by: Underhill G[D], Underhill L[G]
Promerops (1991) vol: (197), pages: 13-13.

Ringing report for 1991.
by: Underhill L[G]
Promerops (1991) vol: (201), pages: 4-5.

The role of large-scale data collection projects in the study of southern African birds.
by: Harrison JA, Oatley TB, Underhill LG
Ostrich (1991) vol: (62), pages: 124-148.
Inter- and intra-specific diet overlap during lean times between and bill morphs of .
by: Smith TB
Oikos (1991) vol: (60), pages: 76-82.

Birds of the Korup National Park, Cameroon.
by: Thomas J
Malimbus (1991) vol: (13), pages: 11-23.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center 1991.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1991) vol: (), pages: 204 pp-.

Ringing Thickbilled Weavers.
by: Schoeman S
Hornbill (1991) vol: (27), pages: 22-23.

Ringing report for the Association 1987-1990.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1991) vol: (37), pages: 27-32.

Numbers of newly banded birds in each prefecture (1990.1.1-1990.12.31).
Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association (1991) vol:1 (6), pages: 11-27.

Ringing bush birds in the south-western Cape.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L, Underhill G
Birding in Southern Africa (1991) vol: (43), pages: 98-102.

Resource sharing and niche overlap in some weaver birds of the Genus and at Ife, Nigeria.
by: Din NA
African Journal of Ecology (1991) vol: (29), pages: 43-53.

Ageing & Sexing: Pintailed Whydah.
by: Barnard P
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 71-76.
Ageing & Sexing: Forest Canary.
by: Barnard P
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 69-70.
CSIRO bird banding programme Kellerin, Western Australia.
by: De Rebeira P
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 66-68.
Problem bird control using mistnets: a conservation perspective.
by: Heyl C.W
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 64-66.
Strange lady.
by: Swanson G
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 62-63b.
My ten most dangerous birds.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 61-62.
I hate the general public.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (11), pages: 58-60.
Bird ringing in Namibia.
by: Brown C.J
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 53-57.
The 1989-1990 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 42-52.
Squeezing the ringers, Namibian style.
by: Simmons R
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 36-41.
Net poles.
by: Vernon C.J
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 32-35.
Nest-trapping Masked Weavers.
by: Oschadleus H.D
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 27-31.
Measurements and moult in the Greater Doublecollared Sunbird.
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 21-25.
A ringing guide to selected species of Zibabwean sunbirds.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 13-20.
Sunbird and sugarbird seasons.
by: Craig A, Simon C
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 9-12.
Avian blood parasites- a request for African material.
by: Bennett G.F, Earle R.A
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 3-8.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 1-2.
Colour-dyes and leg flags on waders in spring 1991.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 60-60.
Bird banding in Western Australia - 1992.
Safring News (1991) vol:20 (1), pages: 26-26.
Site fidelity, home range and homing behaviour in some species of birds captured at the Ornithological Station of Mbour (Senegal).
by: Baillon F, Benvenuti S
Tropical Zoology (1990) vol: (3), pages: 57-68.

East African Bird Report 1988: Species report.
by: Pearson DJ, Turner DA
Scopus (1990) vol: (12), pages: 107-126.

Recoveries of ringed birds in Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Nyala, magazine of the National Fauna Preservation Society (1990) vol: (14), pages: 130-131.

Additions to the avifauna of Nigeria, with notes on distributional changes and breeding.
by: Ash JS
Malimbus (1990) vol: (11), pages: 104-116.

The avifauna of the southern sector of the Gashaka-Gumti Game Reserve, Nigeria.
by: Green AA
Malimbus (1990) vol: (12), pages: 31-51.

Sexing Chestnut Weavers .
by: Komen J
Lanioturdus (1990) vol: (25), pages: 45-50.

Records of birds of the Cunene River estaury.
by: Braine S
Lanioturdus (1990) vol: (25), pages: 38-44.

A description of nesting Weaver birds () in Saudia City, Jeddah.
by: O'Grady R, O'Grady T
Journal of the Saudi Arabian Natural History Society (1990) vol:1 (3), pages: 60-62.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center 1989.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1990) vol: (), pages: 180 pp-.

get part 1] Results of a ringing programme at Seldomseen, Vumba. Part 2.
by: Manson AJ
Honeyguide (1990) vol: (36), pages: 131-141.

Size variation in the Chestnut Weaver .
by: Komen J
Cimbebasia (1990) vol: (12), pages: 69-74.

The timing of moult and breeding of the Chestnut Weaver in Namibia.
by: Buys PJ, Komen J
Cimbebasia (1990) vol: (12), pages: 63-67.

Bird banding on the lower Tone River.
by: Saito T
Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association (1990) vol:2 (5), pages: 31-39.

A new species of weaver from Tanzania.
by: Baker EM, Baker NE
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1990) vol: (110), pages: 51-58.

Bilans et resultats du baguage en France dans les territoires d'outre - mer et en Afrique Francophone en 1987.
by: Jarry G
Bulletin de Liaison, Centre de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux (1990) vol: (21), pages: 1-36.

Ageing and Sexing: Gurney's Sugarbird Promerops gurneyi.
by: de Swardt D.H
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 57-60.
Review: Homeward Bound.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 54-55.
Review: Bander's Aid. Suppl. 1.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 51-52.
Reprint: Ringing of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus and Greater Black-backed Gulls Larus marinus on Copenhagen dump.
by: Fritze E
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 48-50.
A new non-slip net attachment and lifting apparatus for erecting mist nets.
by: de Swardt D
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 45-47.
Letters to the editor.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 43-44.
Update on S.A.O.S. moult card scheme.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 39-41.
Eurasian Coot.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 37-38.

SAFRING statistics for the 1988-1989 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 27-35.
Cape Weaver movements in the southwestern Cape.
by: Fraser M.W, McMahon L, Underhill G.D
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 17-25.
White-eyes revisited.
by: Craig A.J.F.K
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 13-15.
Ringing at Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary and Durbanville Nature Reserve, two pseudo measured effort sites.
by: Underhill G.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 7-12.
Breeding productivityof Siberian Knots and Curlew Sandpipers, 1987-1989.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 3-6.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 1-2.
Satellite tracking of Albatrosses.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 56-56.
Review: A Computer Program.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 53-53.
Letters to the editor.
by: Harwin R.M
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 42-42.
Colour-dyed White Stork.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 38-38.
Some interesting retraps at Melville Koppies Nature Reserve, Johannesburg.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 36-36.
Colour-marked Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in the Kvarner Archipelago (Croatia - Yugoslavia).
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 26-26.
Recovery of colour-marked Martial Eagle.
by: Mendelsohn J
Safring News (1990) vol:19 (1), pages: 16-16.
The history of bird marking till the inception of scientific bird ringing.
by: Bub H, Oelke H
The Ring (1989) vol: (12), pages: 141-163.

Birds of South Sudan.
by: Nikolaus G
Scopus Supplement (1989) vol: (), pages: Suppl. 3-.

Two years of ringing at Helderberg.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Promerops (1989) vol: (190), pages: 14-15.

Red Bishops feeding on the seashore.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Promerops (1989) vol: (189), pages: 13-13.

Birds of an isolated tropical lowland rainforest in eastern Zimbabwe.
by: Dean WRJ, Macdonald IAW, Vernon CJ
Ostrich Supplement (1989) vol: (14), pages: 111-122.

Population dynamics of birds in a northeastern Gabon forest.
by: Brosset A
Ostrich Supplement (1989) vol: (14), pages: 1-6.

Quelea breeding and seasonal distribution in southern Africa.
by: Jarvis MJF
In: Mundy 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: pp. 69-83-.

Movements of the Red-billed Quelea in Zimbabwe.
by: Tree AJ
In: Mundy 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: pp. 84-89-.

A brief history of quelea research in Zimbabwe.
by: Jarvis MJF, Plowes DCH
In: Mundy 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: pp. 137-141-.

Uses of radio-telemetry in quelea management.
by: Bruggers RL
In: Bruggers 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: 61-65 (ch 6)-.

Distribution, populations, and migration patterns of quelea in southern Africa.
by: Jones PJ
In: Bruggers 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: 132-143 (ch 11)-.

Formation, sizes and groupings of quelea nesting colonies.
by: Bruggers RL, Erikson WA, Jaeger MM
In: Bruggers 1989a (1989) vol: (), pages: 181-197 (ch 14)-.

The use of mist nets for problem bird control in vineyards.
by: Heyl CW, Jarvis MJF
Dept of Agric. Developm., Elsenburg (1989) vol: (), pages: 17 pp-.

Numbers of newly banded birds in each prefecture (1989.1.1-1989.12.31).
Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association (1989) vol:3 (4), pages: 59-75.

Biometrics, iris and bill colouration, and moult of Somali forest birds.
by: Wood B
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1989) vol: (109), pages: 11-22.

Bilans et resultats du baguage en France dans les territoires d'outre-mer et en Afrique Francophone en 1986.
by: Jarry G
Bulletin de Liaison, Centre de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d'Oiseaux (1989) vol: (20), pages: 1-27.

Newsletter Snippets: Red Bishops Feeding on the Seashore (Reprint). [was Fraser 1989d
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Birding in Southern Africa (1989) vol: (41), pages: 88-88.

Utilization of mangroves by birds in Guinea-Bissau.
Ardea (1989) vol: (77), pages: 57-74.

Ageing and sexing: Ageing Estrildines by the attenuation of primary nine.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 61-64.
Reviews: Kennzeichen.
by: Komen J
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 59-60.
Second EURING conference for statistitions and ornithologists - Sempach, Switzerland.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 56-58.
SAFRING statistics for the 1987-1988 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 49-55.
Measured effort sites - A potential SAFRING project.
by: Oatley T.B, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 47-48.
Even more aberrant Woodland Kingfishers.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 43-46.
Ortsteue demonstrated by migrants at Nchalo, Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 33-42.
Some observations on the local movements of Gurney's Sugarbird in the Lydenburg area.
by: de Swardt D
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 31-32.
The end of an era - final longevity figures for Nchalo.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 19-30.
Nectivore ringing in the Southwestern Cape.
by: Fraser M.W, McMahon L , Rebelo A.G, Underhill G.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 3-18.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 1-2.
Reviews: A preliminary list.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 60-60.

A belated recovery report.
Safring News (1989) vol:18 (1), pages: 58-58.

Weights of birds ringed. 1st July 1984 - 31 May 1986.
The Wagtail (1988) vol: (23), pages: 29-35.

Weights of birds caught by Peterhouse Falconry club 1988.
The Wagtail (1988) vol: (23), pages: 36-36.

Geographic variation in social behaviour of White-browed Sparrow-weavers, .
by: Ferguson JWH
South African Journal of Zoology (1988) vol: (23), pages: 1-6.

East African bird ringing report 1981-87.
by: Backhurst GC
Scopus (1988) vol: (12), pages: 1-52.

Recent ringing activities.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Promerops (1988) vol: (183), pages: 16-17.

Comparison of communication and signalling patterns of Whitebrowed Sparrowweavers and other gregarious ploceid weavers.
by: Ferguson JWH
Ostrich (1988) vol: (59), pages: 54-62.
NTOS ringing report - Retraps and longevity of birds in the Botanical Gardens.
by: Harris T
Laniarius (1988) vol: (32), pages: 28-34.

Laniarius (1988) vol: (34), pages: 1-3.

The post-nuptial moult of in relation to breeding in Kenya.
by: Thompson JJ
Journal of Tropical Ecology (1988) vol: (4), pages: 373-380.

Blood parasites of birds in Cameroon.
by: Kirkpatrick CE, Smith TB
Journal of Parasitology (1988) vol: (74), pages: 1009-1013.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center 1987.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1988) vol: (), pages: 206 pp-.

A Fynbos Year.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
David Philip, Cape Town (1988) vol: (), pages: 162 pp-.

Avifaunal survey of the Mutare municipal area. VI. Further Mutare specimens in the collections of the Natural History Museum, Bulawayo, and the Mutare museum.
by: Jackson HD
Arnoldia Zimbabwe (1988) vol:31 (9), pages: 431-438.

Ageing and sexing: Common Waxbill.
by: Barnard P
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 79-83.
Great white hunters and peeping toms.
by: Tarboton W
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 77-78.
Monitoring territory, survival and breeding in the Longtailed Wagtail.
by: Piper S.E, Schultz D.M
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 65-76.
Observations of colour-ringed Cape Sugarbirds at Kirstenbosch.
by: Fraser M, Oschadleus D
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 59-64.
Bird weights from the Orange Free State (Part II: passerines).
by: Herholdt J.J
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 43-57.
Guest Editorial: Tenured ringing sites.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 41-42.
Ageing and sexing: Bronze Mannikin.
by: Scogins P.F
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 39-40.
Bird ringing at Olifantbos, Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, 4-7 December 1987.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 36-37.
Who says ringing isn't hazardous?
by: Douwes F
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 33-35.
A pitfall in the use of the otoscope technique for sexing birds.
by: Ward D
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 29-30.
A cast-net for trapping nightjars (and others).
by: Earle R
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (11), pages: 25-28.
SAFRING statistics for the 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 ringing years.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 15-21.
Bird weights from the Orange Free State (part 1: non-passerines).
by: Herholdt J.J
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 3-14.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 1-2.
Look out for colour-marked storks.
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 58-58.
Reply to the editor.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 32-32.

Letter to the editor.
by: Carter A.C
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 31-31.
A non-slip device for securing guy lines to net poles.
by: de Swardt D
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 23-23.
Cross-breeding in closely related species?
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1988) vol:17 (1), pages: 22-22.
A Thick-billed Weaver ringing recovery.
by: Tree AJ
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1987) vol: (38), pages: 30b-30b.

Ringing activities around the Swartkops estuary.
by: Martin P
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1987) vol: (38), pages: 9-10.

Recent ringing.
by: Fraser M, McMahon L
Promerops (1987) vol: (180), pages: 14-16.

Ringing organiser's report 1986/87.
by: Underhill L[G]
Promerops (1987) vol: (181), pages: 13-13.

Cape Weaver (813) movements in the southern Peninsula.
by: Fraser MW
Promerops (1987) vol: (178), pages: 13-13.

Voëlberinging in die O.V.S.: 1986-1987. [Bird ringing in the O.F.S.: 1986-1987]
by: Roos L, Roos M
Mirafra (1987) vol: (4), pages: 85-87.

Altitudinal zonation of the avifauna in Mwanihana and Magombera forests, eastern Tanzania.
by: Brogger-Jensen S, Jensen FP, Stuart SN
Le Gerfaut (1987) vol: (77), pages: 165-186.

Prevalence of Ife virus infection in wild rodents and birds from Zaria, Nigeria.
by: Ezealor AU, Ezeifeka GO, Ezeokoli CD, Umoh JU
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1987) vol: (23), pages: 663-665.

Observations on the surviving endemic birds of Rodrigues.
by: Cheke AS
In: Diamond 1987a (1987) vol: (), pages: Ch 8:364-402-.

Ringing report for the Association. 1983/86.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1987) vol: (33), pages: 26-30.

Avifaunal survey of the Mutare Municipal area. IV. The Matika collection: A comparison of samples from grassland, thicket, woodland and riparian forest.
by: Jackson HD
Arnoldia Zimbabwe (1987) vol:28 (9), pages: 353-360.

Avifaunal survey of the Mutare Municipal area. V. The Birkley South collection: A comparison of samples from grassland, woodland and thicket.
by: Jackson HD
Arnoldia Zimbabwe (1987) vol:29 (9), pages: 361-367.

Ageing and sexing: Anteating Chat.
by: Earle R.A, Herholdt J.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 99-100.
Review: Statistics for Ornithologists.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 97-98.
Review: Bander's Aid.
by: Fraser M
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 93-96.
Ringing in the changes.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 89-92.
The trials of a tyro.
by: Lane S.L
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 87-88.
Comments on "Potential problems in ageing and sexing Southern African passerines".
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 85-86.
Are darvic coil colour rings suitable for Cape Gannets?
by: Komen E
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 83-84.
Blue over green, yellow over metal, is alive and well and ten.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 79-81.
Getting older in Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 73-78.
Ringing and recovery of four southern African swallow species.
by: Earle R
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 67-72.
Ringing recoveries and migration of Greenshank between Europe and Africa.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 51-66.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 49-50.
Iris colour, sex and gonadal development of Cape Weavers.
by: Barnard P
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 45-48.
A cautionary note for handling woodpeckers.
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 43-44.
Review: An identification guide to the Waders of the world.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 39-41.
Colour band loss in Cape Gannets.
by: Colclough J.H, Ross G.J.B
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 35-38.
Suggested recording procedures when colour-ringing Cape Vulture nestlings.
by: Piper S.E, Schultz D.M
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 31-34.
Experience with colour-dyed Common Terns.
by: Hofmeyer J, Underhill L
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 29-30.
Crested Barbet trapping techniques.
by: van Zyl A
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 25-28.
The zap net: an elastic-propelled variation of the cannon net.
by: Underhill G.D, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 21-24.
Potential problems in ageing and sexing southern African passerines.
by: Dowsett R.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 17-20.
A poor breeding season for ground-nesting birds in the Taimyr Peninsula in 1986.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 13-15.
Thirteen years of ringing swifts.
by: Bunning J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 9-12.
Homing ability of the South African Cliff Swallow.
by: Earle R
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 3-7.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 1-2.
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 98-98.

Recovery of a ring-maimed White Stork.
by: Herholdt J.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 82-82.
Unscheduled rings: 508-2681; BB-02026.
by: Dube S
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 42-42.
Longevity of Aldabran birds.
by: Roberts P.J
Safring News (1987) vol:16 (1), pages: 16-16.
Moult schedules of some pycnonotids and ploceids in coastal Kenya.
by: Britton HA, Britton PL
Scopus (1986) vol: (10), pages: 103-106.

The avifauna of Ol Doinyo Orok, a forest island: initial findings.
by: Bennun LA, Darlington J, Gichuki C, Ng'weno F
Scopus (1986) vol: (10), pages: 83-86.

Seasonal and spatial distribution of Redheaded Quelea () in South Africa.
by: Cyrus D
Ostrich (1986) vol: (57), pages: 162-169.
The birds of Nindam Forest Reserve, Kagoro, Nigeria.
by: Dyer M, Gartshore ME, Sharland RE
Malimbus (1986) vol: (8), pages: 2-20.

Wiederfunde und wiederfänge.
by: Ludwig DE
Lanioturdus (1986) vol: (22), pages: 12-13.

An experimental study of seed ingestion and germination in a plant-animal assemblage in Ghana.
by: Lieberman D, Lieberman M
Journal of Tropical Ecology (1986) vol: (2), pages: 113-126.

Seasonal reproduction, moult and their endocrine correlates in two tropical Ploceidae species.
by: Dittami JP
Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology (1986) vol: (156), pages: 641-647.

Ecological factors affecting social behaviour of white-browed sparrow-weavers .
by: Ferguson JWH
Johannesburg: Wits (1986) vol: (), pages: 231 pp-.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center (February 1, 1985-January 31, 1986).
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1986) vol: (), pages: 227 pp-.

Evidence of itinerant breeding of the Red-billed Quelea in the Ethiopian Rift Valley.
by: Bruggers RL, Erickson WA, Jaeger MM, Johns BE
Ibis (1986) vol: (128), pages: 469-482.

Results of a ringing programme at Muruwati farm, Mazowe.
by: Manson AJ
Honeyguide (1986) vol: (32), pages: 34-41.

Numbers of newly banded birds in each prefecture (1985.2.1-1986.1.31).
Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association (1986) vol:2 (1), pages: 31-47.

Old age and breeding behaviour in a tropical passerine bird under controlled conditions.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE, Cox CR, Jacobs CH, McAlary FA
Auk (1986) vol: (103), pages: 408-419.

Avifaunal survey of the Umtali municipal area. III. The Gimboki collection. A comparison of samples from riparian thicket, miombo woodland on sandflats and miombo woodland on rocky slopes.
by: Jackson HD
Arnoldia Zimbabwe (1986) vol:25 (9), pages: 325-332.

A bird list for insomniacs.
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 61-62.
Review: Bird Banding.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 59-61.
South African Bird Atlas Project.
by: Harrison J
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 57-58.
Ring 'fit' on Blackbreasted Snake Eagle.
by: Robson J.E
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 56b-56b.
EURING technical conference on ringing recovery analytical methods.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 52-55.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Cloete J
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 49-50.
The primary moult of the Common Tern in the southwestern Cape; a recording system, observed patterns, and an appeal for information.
by: Prys-Jones R.P, Underhill L.G
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 44-49.
A guide for moult recorders to the number of visible primaries in passerine birds in southern Africa.
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 43-44.

Recoveries and Palaearctic origins of Steppe Buzzards ringed in South Africa.
by: Mendelsohn J
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 37-42.

SAFRING statistics for the 1984-1985 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 29-36.
Migrant Palaearctic passerines at Nchalo, Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 19-28.

A successful breeding season for Brent Geese, Curlew Sandpipers and Sanderlings in 1985.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 15-18.

Willow Warblers at Darvill, Pietermaritzburg, Natal.
by: Blaber S.J.M
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 11-14.
25 years of ringing the Whiterumped Swift.
by: Schimdt R.K
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 3-10.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 1-2.
Ageing and sexing guide: Cape Weaver Ploceus capensis.
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 63-63.
Yellowbellied Bulbul.
by: Vernon C
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 56-56.
Fish attacking trapped waders.
by: Robson J.E
Safring News (1986) vol:15 (1), pages: 51-51.
Ringing news.
by: Bunning LJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1985) vol: (129), pages: 18-18.

Ringing news.
by: Bunning LJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1985) vol: (131), pages: 18-19.

Friends of Marievale.
by: Bunning LJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1985) vol: (129), pages: 19-19.

Weight, moult, and breeding condition of some Malawi birds.
by: Johnston DW
Ostrich (1985) vol: (56), pages: 216-217.
An avifaunal study in Kakamega Forest, Kenya, with particular reference to species diversity, weight and moult.
by: Mann CF
Ostrich (1985) vol: (56), pages: 236-262.
Bird records from the Republic of Niger.
by: Cheke RA, Fishpool LDC, Walsh JF
Malimbus (1985) vol: (7), pages: 73-90.

Tisserins gendarmes () et Tisserins masqués () munis d'émetteurs radio et de rubans dans une colonie de nidification du sud de l'Ethiopie.
by: Bruggers RL, Jaeger ME, Jaeger MM
L'Oiseau et la Revue Française d'Ornithologie (1985) vol: (55), pages: 81-92.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center (February 1, 1984-January 31, 1985).
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1985) vol: (), pages: 212 pp-.

The annual cycle of the Toc-toc on Cousin Island, Seychelles.
by: Brooke M de L
Ibis (1985) vol: (127), pages: 7-15.

Abnormal numbers of tail feathers.
by: Hanmer DB
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1985) vol: (105), pages: 91-95.

Ageing and Sexing guide: Cape Sugarbirds.
by: Fraser M.W, Seiler H.W
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 91-92.
Errors in measurements.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 87-90.
Letters & techniques.
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 85-90.
A moult scheme for southern Africa.
by: Prys-Jones R.P
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 81-82.
Analysis of ringing recoveries of Ruff involving southern Africa.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 75-79.
Aberrant wing colour in Thickbilled Weavers.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 72-74.
Wing length at first flight.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 69-71.
Mountain Pipit or Thickbilled Lark?
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 67-68.
Do knots tie us up in knots?
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 61-66.
Malawi longevity again.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 51-60.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 49-50.
Isolated male pattern feathers in the plumage of female Thickbilled Weavers.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 45-47.

Puzzling plumage in an immature male Thickbilled Weaver.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 43-44.

Local bird ringing statistics for the 1983/1984 ringing year.
by: Newton I.P
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 36-41.
Movements, morality and the annual cycle of white-eyes in southern Africa.
by: Prys-Jones R.P
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 25-35.
Musings on the Cape White-eye in the southwestern Cape.
by: Whitelaw D.A
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 19-24.

Notes on white-eyes in the Cape Province and south-central Africa.
by: Dowsett R.J
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 13-18.

Some notes on the Cape White-eye in the Transvaal.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 7-12.

Banding Silvereyes in Western Australia.
by: Brown M.N, Brown R.J
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 3-6.

Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 84-84.
Another funny Thickbill.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 83-83.
by: Prys-Jones R.P
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 82-82.
Ageing and sexing guide: South African Cliff Swallow.
by: Earle R
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 48-48.

International banding/ringing workshop.
by: Martin K
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 42-42.

Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 2-2.

by: Prys-Jones R
Safring News (1985) vol:14 (1), pages: 1-1.

Birds of Remhoogte (Prince Albert Division).
by: Winterbottom JM, Winterbottom MG
Southern Birds (1984) vol: (12), pages: 1-32.

Regional mass-marking and fingerprinting analysis during 1984.
by: Jaeger MM, Thompson J
Proc. 5th Ann. Tech. Meeting. FAO/UNDP Regional Quelea Project, RAF/81/023. (1984) vol: (), pages: -.

OVSVV beringingsverslag: Julie 1983 - Junie 1984.
by: Roos L, Roos M
Mirafra (1984) vol:4 (1), pages: 7-8.

NTOS ringing report 1981-1984.
by: Harris T
Laniarius (1984) vol: (24), pages: 2-5.

Ecology of the land birds on the granitic and coralline islands of the Seychelles, with particular reference to Cousin Island and Aldabra Atoll.
by: Diamond AW, Prys-Jones RP
In: Ziswiler 1965b (1984) vol: (), pages: Ch 27, p529-558-.

The Capture and Care of Birds Exported from South West Africa.
by: Panagis K, Stutterheim IM
Bokmakierie (1984) vol: (36), pages: 4-6.

Letter to the Editor.
by: Baker N.E
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 81b-81b.
Ageing and sexing guide: Thickbilled Weaver Amblyospiza albifrons.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 79-80.
Ageing and sexing guide: Brownthroated Weaver Ploceus xanthopterus.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 77-78.
Ageing and sexing guides: A new bird project.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 75-76.
The Brown Sand Martin - A potential national ringing project.
by: Earle R.A, Tree A.J
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 71-74.
Aberrant Woodland Kingfishers - A follow-up.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 58-70.
Colour-marking schemes in Algoa Bay.
by: Martin A.P
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 55-57.
Colour-ringing Pale Chanting Goshawks.
by: Biggs H.C, Biggs R
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 51-55.
Capture/recapture data on th nightjars of Ranelia farm, Zimbabwe.
by: Jackson H.D
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 43-50.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (11), pages: 41-42.
Letter to the Editor. Permits for bird ringing.
by: Le Roux P
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 37-38.
The Orange Free State ringing scene in 1983.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 35-37.
What can be learnt from the Safring databank - the case of the Acacia Pied Barbet.
by: Macdonald I.A.W
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 25-34.
Local bird ringing statistics for the 1982/1983 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 18-24.
A study of the Willow Warbler in South Africa.
by: Hopcroft C
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 10-17.
'Fishing' for Cliff Swallows.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 6-9.
Backyard banding in Western Australia.
by: Brown M.N, Brown R.J
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 3-5.
Guest Editorial.
by: Prys-Jones R
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 1-2.
Application for free rings.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 83-83.
My escape story.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 82-82.
Call for information on ageing and sexing Whydahs.
by: Barnard P
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 81-81.
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 40-40.
Indian-ringed ruff in South Africa.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1984) vol:13 (1), pages: 39-39.
Melville Koppies Nature Reserve, Johannesburg.
by: Bunning LJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1983) vol: (123), pages: 19-19.

Determining populations and monitoring movement patterns of quelea.
by: Bruggers RL
Vertebrate Pests of West African Crops, 19-23 Sept 1983, Niamey, Niger. (1983) vol: (), pages: 16 pp-.

Senegal's trade in cage birds 1979-81.
by: Bruggers RL, Ruelle P
U.S. Fish Wildlife Serv. Wildlife Leaflet. (1983) vol: (), pages: 515-515.

by: Ginn PJ
The Wagtail (1983) vol: (22), pages: 5-9.

Bird banding.
by: Fearnhead P
The Wagtail (1983) vol: (22), pages: 9-23.

Moult in southern African passerine birds: a review.
by: Craig AJFK
Ostrich (1983) vol: (54), pages: 220-237.
Aspects of the breeding biology of the whitebrowed sparrowweaver (Aves: Ploceidae).
by: Earlé RA
Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein (1983) vol: (4), pages: 177-191.

Vogelberingung auf Farm Frauenstein.
by: H A
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1983) vol:3-4 (19), pages: 8-9.

Aspects of the habitat preference and social behaviour of the White-browed Sparrow Weaver.
by: Vernon CJ
Honeyguide (1983) vol: (113), pages: 11-14.

The pattern of migration of Village Weaverbirds () in southwestern Nigeria.
by: Adegoke AS
Auk (1983) vol: (100), pages: 863-870.

Bisley Valley - Pietermaritzburg.
by: Horner R
Albatross (1983) vol: (273), pages: 6-7.

A new longevity record for Thickbilled Weaver?
by: Laycock H
Albatross (1983) vol: (272), pages: 7-7.

Twenty-third ringing report for southern Africa.
by: Morant PD
Ostrich (1983) vol:54 (), pages: 141-149. 1983a.pdf
Review: Yellow birds stand out in a crowd.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 75b-75b.
Review: Bird migration.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 72-74.
Review: The Doves, Parrots, Louries and Cuckoos of Southern Africa.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 71-72.
Letter to the editor.
by: Brown M.N, Brown R.J
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 68-69.
Letter to the editor.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 67-68.
Roberts numbers - a personal view.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 65-66.
Longevity from retraps continued.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 56-64.
Further comment on bill pigmentation in the Woodland Kingfisher.
by: Milstein P.le S
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 53-56.
Marking and observing helmeted guinea fowl in the Krugersdorp game reserve
by: van Niekerk J.H.F.A
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 48-53.
Development of the Spurwinged Gosling.
by: Blackwood V, Evans D, Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 46-48.
A simple extensible misnet pole.
by: Milstein P.le S
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 44-45.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 41-42.
Cadbank, a databank of coastal avifaunal censuses in Southern Africa.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 37-39.
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 35-36.
Predator records from ring recoveries.
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 33-34.
Nature and distribution of recovery and recapture reports.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 31-32.

Local bird ringing statistics for the 1981-1982 ringing year.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 27-30.
Yet more on longevity.
by: Whitelaw D
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 24-26.
Trapping, ringing and colour-marking moulting spurwinged geese at Sterkfontein dam, Harrismith.
by: Blom J.J, Geldenhuys J.N
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 17-23.
Comment on "Aberrant woodland Kingfishers".
by: Fry C.H
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 14-15.
Aberrant Woodland Kingfishers.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 11-14.
A Pied Starling study.
by: Craig A
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 8-11.
Practical uses of a ring stock book.
by: Skead D.M
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 6-7.
An attempt at sexing Whitebrowed Sparrowweavers.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 3-5.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 1-2.
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 76-76.
Review: The migration of European Sandwich Terns.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 75-75.
Review: Ornithologishe beringungsstationen in Europa.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 74-74.
To cross or not to cross?
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 70-70.
Letter to the editor. Mystery ring.
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 69-69.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Johnson D
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 67-67.
Survival of a Cliff Swallow without food.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 43-43.
Light relief.
Safring News (1983) vol:12 (1), pages: 34-34.
Ringing report: 1982.
by: Bunning LJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News (1982) vol: (118), pages: 19-19.

Bird banding.
by: Christie DA
The Wagtail (1982) vol: (21), pages: 10-12.

Mate attraction and breeding success in the Red Bishop.
by: Craig AJFK
Ostrich (1982) vol: (53), pages: 246-248.
Moulting and plumage changes in the Thickbilled Weaver.
by: Laycock HT
Ostrich (1982) vol: (53), pages: 91-101.
Mortality rates of some South African Ploceidae.
by: Craig A[JFK]
Ostrich (1982) vol: (53), pages: 54-57.
Migrants in the Afrotropical Region south of the equator.
by: Benson CW
Ostrich (1982) vol: (53), pages: 31-49.
The moult of some bird species on Mount Cameroon.
by: Cuvelier D, Eyckerman R
Malimbus (1982) vol: (4), pages: 1-4.

The birds of Nigeria.
by: Elgood JH
London: British Ornithological Union Check-list. (1982) vol: (4), pages: 305-305.

Behaviour of birds entering and leaving communal roosts of Madagascar Fodies and Indian Mynahs .
by: Greig-Smith PW
Ibis (1982) vol: (124), pages: 529-534.

Cooperative breeding in a population of White-browed Sparrow Weavers .
by: Lewis DM
Ibis (1982) vol: (124), pages: 511-522.

Ringing report for the Association, 1980/81.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1982) vol: (110), pages: 32-36.

Dispersal in a population of White-browed Sparrow Weavers.
by: Lewis DM
Condor (1982) vol: (84), pages: 306-312.

Branch activities. Natal Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1982) vol: (34), pages: 42-42.

Letter to the editor.
by: Ginn P
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 72-73.
Letter to the editor.
by: Fagan M
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 71b-71b.
Change of ringing address.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 69-70.
Abberant plumage.
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 68-69.
Greyheaded Gull Longevity.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 67b-67b.
Appropriate ring sizes for southern African birds.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 62-66.
Stalking and entcing Guineafowl in a game reserve.
by: van Niekerk J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 57-61.
Exploder box for detonator-launched cannon nets.
by: von Maltitz I
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 49-54.
Karoo longevity.
by: Winterbottom J.M
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 46-48.
Ringing at Olifantsvlei.
by: Fagan M.J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 44-46.
Fidelity to winter quaters by Palaearctic passerines.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 41-43.
Positioning of rings on Storks.
by: Currie G
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 39-41.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 37-38.
Letter to the Editor. Longevity from retraps.
by: Manson A.J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 27-33.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 26-27.
Greenshank studies.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 18-20.
Variations in mortality rates of juvenile Swift Terns in southern africa.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 16-17.
Some local bird ringing statistics for 1979-1981.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 9-15.
Five years of wagtailing.
by: Piper S
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 5-8.
Production of colour PVC rings for the Cape Gannet and the Cape Cormorant.
by: Kriel F, O'Niel E
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 3-4.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 1-2.
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 75-75.
Applications for free rings and SAFRING research grants.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 74-74.
Letter to the editor.
by: Berruti A
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 72-72.
Letter to the editor.
by: Johnson D
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 71-71.
Recovery of intra-African migrant.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 67-67.
Request for information: colour-ringed Swift Terns.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 35-35.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Robertson T
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 34-34.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Rohloff P
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 26-26.
Letter to the Editor. Need for additional ring sizes.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 24-24.
Letter to the Editor. [The dreaded co-ordinate].
by: Mundy P.J
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 23-23.
[Rock Pigeon].
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 22-22.
The oldest passerine.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 21-21.
[Yellowbellied Bulbul].
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1982) vol:11 (1), pages: 20-20.
Reduction of Bird Damage to Field Crops in Eastern Africa with Methiocarb.
by: Bruggers R, Erikson W, Jackson WB, Jaeger M, Juimale Y(c), Matee J, Miskell J
Tropical Pest Management (1981) vol:2 (27), pages: 230-241.

Bird banding.
by: Morgan S
The Wagtail (1981) vol: (20), pages: 10-12.

More ringing returns.
by: Tree T
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1981) vol: (32), pages: 26-26.

Bird-ringing results and ringed bird recoveries in Ethiopia.
by: Ash JS
Scopus (1981) vol: (5), pages: 85-101.

East African Bird Report 1980.
by: Meadows BS, Turner DA
Scopus (1981) vol: (4), pages: 103-122.

Survival and intercolony movements of White-browed Sparrow Weavers . [II]
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Scopus (1981) vol: (5), pages: 61-65.

by: Colahan BD, Craig AJFK
Ostrich (1981) vol: (52), pages: 58-59.
Accidental Death of Redbilled Queleas Roosting in Lemon Trees in Somalia.
by: Bruggers RL, Miskell J(a), Murshid AA
Ostrich (1981) vol: (52), pages: 60-62.
Plumage abnormalities in the Thickbilled Weaver.
by: Laycock HT
Ostrich (1981) vol: (52), pages: 62-63.
Sexing species by wing-length.
by: Craig AJFK, Manson AJ
Ostrich (1981) vol: (52), pages: 9-16.
On the diets of warblers, weavers and other Ghanaian birds.
by: Wink M
Malimbus (1981) vol: (3), pages: 114-115.

The birds of Kano State, Nigeria.
by: Sharland RE, Wilkinson R
Malimbus (1981) vol: (3), pages: 7-30.

Zur Geschichte der Vogelmarkierungen bis zu den Anfängen der wissenschaftlichen Vogelberingung.
by: Bub H, Oelke H
Journal für Ornithologie (1981) vol: (122), pages: 341-357.

Backyard ornithology.
by: Hanmer D.B
Bokmakierie (1981) vol: (33), pages: 78-81.

Twenty-second ringing report for southern Africa.
by: Morant PD
Ostrich (1981) vol:52 (), pages: 44-53. 1981a.pdf
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 39-40.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 37-38.
Colour ringing chaos.
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 35-36.
Snake eats snake eagle?
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 33-35.
An exiled weaver.
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 32-33.
Question and answer.
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 29-32.
The oldest passerine?
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 27-28.
The dreaded co-ordinate.
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 23-25.
Longevity from retraps.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 12-22.
Unusual waders at Langebaan.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 9-11.
Longevity in weaver birds.
by: Hanmer D.B, Laycock H.T
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 6-9.
Abnormal numbers of rectrices.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 3-5.
by: Oatley T
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 1-2.
Long-lived aluminium ring.
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 35-35.
[Cattle Egret].
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 26-26.
An interesting retrap.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1981) vol:10 (1), pages: 11-11.
The birds of Oman
by: Gallagher M, Woodcock MW
Quartet Books, London, Melbourne, New York (1980) vol: (), pages: -. 1980a.pdf
Report on bird ringing in Zambia in 1972 and 1973.
by: Dowsett RJ
Zambia Museums Journal (1980) vol: (5), pages: 17-22.

Bird ringing.
by: Bell C, Ginn PJ
The Wagtail (1980) vol: (19), pages: 13-23.

Sex and age ratios in two ploceid weaverbirds.
by: Heyl CW
Research Report, Depart of nature & environmental conservation, Provincial administr of the CoGH (1980) vol: (), pages: 1980 Sep:41-55-.

Skull pneumatization in the red bishop and cape weaver.
by: Heyl CW
Research Report, Depart of nature & environmental conservation, Provincial administr of the CoGH (1980) vol: (), pages: 1980 Sep:30-40-.

Seasonality, population structure and breeding ecology of the Seychelles Brush Warbler .
by: Diamond AW
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1980) vol: (4), pages: 253-266.

Individual and sex differences in behaviour of the sociable weaver .
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1980) vol: (4), pages: 243-251.

The dynamics of the Chari-Logone population of and its control.
by: Manikowski S
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1980) vol: (4), pages: 411-422.

The annual mortality of in South Africa from ringing recoveries during a period of intensive Quelea control.
by: Jones PJ
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1980) vol: (4), pages: 423-427.

Avifauna of the Kifu and Mabira forests, Uganda.
by: Hamel PJ
Proceedings of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (1980) vol: (4), pages: 135-145.

Marking ploceid weavers with leg streamers.
by: Bruggers RL
Ostrich (1980) vol: (51), pages: 193-197.
Ringing report for the Society, 1978 to 1980.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1980) vol: (103), pages: 28-36.

South African Ornithological Society.
by: Ashton EH
Bokmakierie (1980) vol: (32), pages: 26-44.

The fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Lilongwe, Malawi.
by: Ledger J
Bokmakierie (1980) vol: (32), pages: 109-114.

Behavior of the Grey-capped Social Weaver () in Kenya.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Auk (1980) vol: (97), pages: 213-226.

Recovery of ringed Thick-billed Weavers.
by: Laycock H
Albatross (1980) vol: (260), pages: 7-8.

Twenty-first ringing report for southern Africa.
by: Morant PD
Ostrich (1980) vol:51 (), pages: 204-214. 1980a.pdf
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 53-54.

Letters: Colour rings.
by: Dowsett R.J
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 52-53.
Letters: Publicity for ringing.
by: von Maltitz F
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 51-52.
Behaviour changes in retrapped birds.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 49-50.
Mobbing of a mounted Spotted Eagle Owl.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 47-48.
Hand netting at night.
by: von Maltitz F
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 45-46.
Body mass of raptors.
by: Whitelaw D
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 44-45.
Rings for waders.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 43-44.
The use of colour charts in the photography of captired birds.
by: Biggs R
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 42-43.
One-eyed raptors.
by: Whitelaw D
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 41-42.
Mist-netting at sunset.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 38-40.
Trapping Thick-billed Weavers in my garden.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 36-38.
Ringing projects currently registered with SAFRING.
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 31-35.
News from SAFRING.
by: Morant P.D
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 25-30.
The Sea Fisheries Institute seabird colour-ringing programme.
by: Batchelor A.L, Crawford R, Shelton P.A
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 19-24.
Volkundige navorsing in die Vrystaatse Afdeling Natuurbewaring.
by: Geldenhuys J.N
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 14-18.
A ringing study of Long-tailed Wagtails in the Palmiet Nature Reserve.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 10-13.
Small Plover studies in Southern Africa.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 3-9.
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 55-55.
Hot line for recoveries.
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 2-2.
Editorial. Milestones.
by: Morant P
Safring News (1980) vol:9 (1), pages: 1-1.
Bird ringing: weights of birds ringed 1/7/78 - 30/6/79.
The Wagtail (1979) vol: (18), pages: 11-13.

Bird banding.
by: McGhie I
The Wagtail (1979) vol: (18), pages: 10-11.

Bird ringing in an Addis Ababa garden.
by: Tyler S[J]
Scopus (1979) vol: (3), pages: 1-8.

Preliminary comparisons between the avifaunas of the north Nandi and Kakamega forests.
by: Diamond AW, Fayad VC
Scopus (1979) vol: (3), pages: 93-100.

Mortality rates of the Red Bishop and the Redcollared Widow.
by: Craig AJFK, Manson AJ
Ostrich (1979) vol: (50), pages: 113-116.

Moult of the Red Bishop and related species of .
by: Craig AJFK, Manson AJ
Ostrich (1979) vol: (50), pages: 65-69.

"Gesammelte werke" aus der beringung. [Summary of some ringing recoveries]
by: Ludwig DE
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1979) vol:4-5 (15), pages: 4-5.

Checklist of the birds of the Ile-Ife area, Nigeria.
by: Farmer R
Malimbus (1979) vol: (1), pages: 56-64.

A physiological basis for colony desertion by Red-billed queleas ().
by: Jones PJ, Ward P
Journal of Zoology, London (1979) vol: (189), pages: 1-19.

Report of the Bird Migration Research Center (February 1, 1978-January 31, 1979).
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1979) vol: (), pages: 246 pp-.

Sex ratios among three species in southern Africa.
by: Craig AJFK, Manson AJ
Ibis (1979) vol: (121), pages: 224-227.

Mashonaland notes.
by: King J
Honeyguide (1979) vol: (97), pages: 40-40.

Bloemfontein Bird Club (1979) vol: (), pages: 1979 May-Jul:[2]-.

Bloemfontein Bird Club (1979) vol: (), pages: 1979 Aug 4:3-.

Laboratory trials using fluorescent dyes and paints as marking agents for quelea studies.
by: Bortoli L, Bruggers RL
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) (1979) vol: (), pages: pp 231-236-.

Twentieth ringing report for southern Africa.
by: Vernon CJ
Ostrich (1979) vol:50 (), pages: 83-87. 1979a.pdf
Unprocessed recoveries.
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 70-71.
Letter to the Editor.
by: von Maltitz F
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 68-69.
An improved balchatri trap for Buzzards.
by: Baur S, Schmitt M.B
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 65-67.
A study of weight loss from alluminium rings taken from birds occupying either dry land or fresh water habitats.
by: Whitelaw D
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 57-64.
A brief report of ringing at Barberspan including the 1978/79 report.
by: Skead D.M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 51-56.
Bird ringing - the Natal scene.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 47-50.
Safring - how it continued.
by: McLachlan G.R
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 42-46.
Some notes on ringing passerine pulli.
by: Earle R.A
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 36-40.
Report on the Klaarstroom project, 1978-1979.
by: Winterbottom J.M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 34-35.
Suggested changes in recommended bird ring sizes.
by: Piper S.E, Schultz D.M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 31-32.
Patagial tagging of Wahlberg's Eagles.
by: Anthony A.J
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 28-30.
Longevity of celluloid colour rings.
by: Bunning L.J, Rohloff P
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 26-27.
Further results from ringing Thick-billed Weavers.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 22-25.
Weight lists - how useful are they?
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 19-21.
Waders and wader-ringing.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 15-18.
Bird ringing in Rhodesia.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 12-14.
The Witwatersrand Bird Club's involvement in thirty years of bird ringing in Southern Africa.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 7-11.
SAFRING - How it all began.
by: Ashton H
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 2-6.
by: Ledger J.A, Morant P.D
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 41-41.
Bright-ringed pulli.
by: Schultz D.M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 35-35.
Colour-ring observation perch.
by: Schultz D.M
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 33-33.
Ring sizes for Starred and Natal Robins.
by: Pike W.J
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 27-27.
Some longevity records for Cape White Eyes from the Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary.
by: Langley C.H
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 26-26.
by: Ledger J.A, Morant P.D
Safring News (1979) vol:8 (1), pages: 1-1.
Bird ring in Zambia, 1977.
by: Dowsett RJ
Zambian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1978) vol:2 (10), pages: 57-61.

Voedingsekologie van flappe, goudgeel- en rooivinke te Seekoeivlei, distrik Memel.
by: Kok OB, Roos MM
Tydskr. Natuurwet. (1978) vol: (18), pages: 2-15.

Bird ringing.
The Wagtail (1978) vol: (17), pages: 21-23.

Survival and intercolony movement of White-browed Sparrow Weavers over a two-year period. [I].
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Scopus (1978) vol: (2), pages: 75-76.

Seasonal variations in the weights of Red Bishops, Redcollared Widows and Redshouldered Widows.
by: Craig AJFK
Ostrich (1978) vol: (49), pages: 153-157.
Overlap of breeding and moult in the Whitebrowed Sparrowweaver in northwestern Botswana.
by: Jones PJ
Ostrich (1978) vol: (49), pages: 21-24.
Blood parasites of some birds from Senegal.
by: Bennett GF, Blancou J, White EM, Williams NA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1978) vol: (14), pages: 67-73.

Nest building and nesting behaviour of the Sociable Weaver .
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Ibis (1978) vol: (120), pages: 1-15.

Seasonality, density and diversity of birds of a papyrus swamp in western Kenya.
by: Britton PL
Ibis (1978) vol: (120), pages: 450-466.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, Report No. 7, 1969-1977.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1978) vol: (7), pages: 1-16.

Cooperative breeding behavior in the White-browed Sparrow Weaver.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Auk (1978) vol: (95), pages: 472-484.

Group territory, dominance hierarchy, co-operative breeding in birds and a new factor.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Animal Behaviour (1978) vol: (26), pages: 308-309.

Nest and mate selection in the Village Weaverbird ().
by: Collias NE, Victoria JK
Animal Behaviour (1978) vol: (26), pages: 470-479.

Nest colour as a factor in nest selection by female village weaverbirds.
by: Collias NE, Fujimoto J, Jacobs CH
Animal Behaviour (1978) vol: (26), pages: 463-469.

A few "garden" notes from Pietermaritzburg.
by: Laycock H
Albatross (1978) vol: (252), pages: 2-2.

Bat ringing.
by: Sowler S
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 32-33.
Availabilty of ringing data.
by: Morant P.D
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 27-28.
Rewards for recoveries.
by: Ledger J.A
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 25-26.
Review: An Ornithological expedition to the Namib Coast.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 24-25.
Letters and comments.
by: Ginn P.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 22-23.
Cape Vulture recovery data.
by: Ledger J, Mundy P
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 21-31.
Intra-African migration of our bush birds.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 19-20.
Intra-African migration in our bush birds.
by: Brook R.K
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 18-19.
Change in the reporting locality of the Cape Vultures ringed in the Transvaal in the period 1953-1975.
by: Vernon C.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 17-19.
Ringing at Potberg, Bredasdorp district.
by: Currie M.H
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 16-17.
Little Shearwater.
by: Randall P
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 15-16.
Review: Guide to the identification and ageing of Holarctic waders.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 14-15.
Life with Schaapen Island's Sacred Ibises - a personal account.
by: Manry D
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 13-15.
The mass of birds collected at two Transvaal fish hatcheries.
by: Skead D.M
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 12-13.
Problems in sexing Redknobbed Coots.
by: Dean W.R.J, Skead D.M
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 9-11.
Some results of ringing Thick-billed Weavers.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 8-12.
South West African contribution to raptor measurement and plumage study.
by: Biggs H.C
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 2-8.
The roosting habits of Charadriiformes in Rhodesia.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 2-7.
Review: Bird count - A practical guide to bird surveys.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 35-35.
Requests for information.
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 34-34.
Request for information. [Colius sp.] & unclaimed ring
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 28-28.
Behaviour of the Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila pomarina, on a balchatri trap.
by: von Maltitz F
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 21-21.
Black-shouldered Kite movements in the South Western Cape.
by: Whitelaw D
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 20-20.
An interesting recovery.
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 19-19.
Recent literature.
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 17-17.
Eleven year old Olive Thrush.
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 7-7.
by: Morant P.D
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (2), pages: 1-1.
Editorial. Write it up!
by: Ledger J.A, Morant P.D
Safring News (1978) vol:7 (1), pages: 1-1.
Bird ringing in Zambia, 1976.
by: Dowsett RJ
Zambian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1977) vol:1 (9), pages: 11-15.

Die gonadesiklus van die Rooivink, .
by: Kok OB, Roos MM
Tydskr. Natuurwet. (1977) vol:3 (17), pages: 53-63.

Bird banding.
by: Bell C
The Wagtail (1977) vol: (16), pages: 11-14.

Birds of the Melville Koppies Nature Reserve.
by: Bunning LJ
Southern Birds (1977) vol: (3), pages: 1-59.

Weights of birds handled at Barberspan.
by: Skead DM
Ostrich Supplement (1977) vol: (12), pages: 117-131.

Eto-ekologiese aspekte van die rooivink (, LINN., 1758) en ander vinksoorte van Seekoeivlei, Distrik Memel.
by: Roos MM
MSc thesis, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein. (1977) vol: (), pages: 109 pp-.

The birds of Malawi.
by: Benson CW, Benson FM
Limbe: Montfort. (1977) vol: (), pages: 263 pp-.

Pre-migratory fattening in three races of the Red-billed quelea (Aves: Ploceidae), an intra-tropical migrant.
by: Jones PJ, Ward P
Journal of Zoology, London (1977) vol: (181), pages: 43-56.

Additional observations on the blood parasites of Ugandan birds.
by: Bennett GF, White EM, Williams NA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1977) vol: (13), pages: 251-257.

East African bird ringing report 1974-77.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1977) vol: (163), pages: 1-10.

Results of the Japanese Bird Banding Scheme, Feb. 1, 1976-Jan. 31, 1977.
Japanese Bird Banding Scheme (1977) vol: (), pages: 188 pp-.

Nesting of the Red-headed Quelea on the Accra plains, Ghana.
by: Grimes LG
Ibis (1977) vol: (119), pages: 216-220.

On the Dichwe Lemon Forest and its avifauna (continued).
by: Talbot JN
Honeyguide (1977) vol:48 (89), pages: 11-35.

Some recent local records of interest.
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1977) vol: (90), pages: 35-37.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia. Report 6, 1969-1976.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1977) vol: (6), pages: 1-19.

Weight changes of Guinea savanna birds in Ghana.
by: Davidson NC, Greig-Smith PW
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1977) vol: (13), pages: 94-97.

Normal and aberrant specimens of the Spottedbacked Weaver .
by: Benson CW, Hanmer DB
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1977) vol: (97), pages: 89-93.

Weights of West African Savanna birds.
by: Davidson NC, Greig-Smith PW
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1977) vol: (97), pages: 96-99.

Recent field notes.
by: Robson N
Albatross (1977) vol: (245), pages: 7-7.

Nineteenth Ringing Report for southern Africa.
by: Vernon CJ
Ostrich (1977) vol:48 (), pages: 106-109. 1977a.pdf
Some marking methods used on a variety of southern African raptors.
by: Kemp A.C
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 38-43.
Rewards for recoveries.
by: Morant P.D
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 34-37.
Some ringing results from Dichwe forest.
by: Harwin R.M
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 30-33.
Notes on the Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in southern Africa.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 25-29.
Notes on the Black Stork.
by: Tuer F.V
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 21-24.
Wader recapture rates.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 18-20.
The Knot.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 14-17.
NUBRA - no more. & unclaimed ring
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 13b-13b.
Colour ringed Sandwich Terns.
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 12-13.
An improved trapping funnel for some terrestrial gamebirds.
by: Wolff S.W
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 9-10.
More on communication.
by: Burrows G
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 6-7.
Migrants at Nchalo, Malawi?
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 2-5.
An interesting recovery.
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 37-37.
Request for information: Thick-billed Weavers.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 29-29.
Swift Terns.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 24-24.
The Wash wader ringing group report 1973/74.
by: Summers R.W
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 12-12.
The Southern African Seabird Group.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 11-11.
Experiences with a garden welded-mesh trap.
by: Laycock H.T
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 8-8.
The lighter side of SAFRING.
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 7-7.
Editorial. Communication.
by: Ledger J.A, Morant P.D
Safring News (1977) vol:6 (1), pages: 1-1.
Bird banding (1.7.75 - 30.6.76).
by: Humphreys S
The Wagtail (1976) vol: (15), pages: 13-15.

Kalahari expedition to Nata, April 1976.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1976) vol: (15), pages: 1-12.

The birds of the lower Zambezi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Southern Birds (1976) vol: (2), pages: 1-66.

The occurrence of cooperative breeding behaviour in African birds.
by: Grimes LG
Ostrich (1976) vol: (47), pages: 1-15.
Weight loss in Spectacled Weavers raising a Cuckoo chick.
by: Chalton DO
Ostrich (1976) vol: (47), pages: 69-69.
Blood parasites of some birds from Ghana.
by: Bennett GF, Wink M
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1976) vol: (12), pages: 587-590.

Birds of the understory of lake-shore forests on the Entebbe Peninsula, Uganda.
by: Okia NA
Ibis (1976) vol: (118), pages: 1-13.

The level of reserve protein as the proximate factor controlling the timing of breeding and clutch-size in the Red-billed Quelea .
by: Jones PJ, Ward P
Ibis (1976) vol: (118), pages: 547-574.

A twelve-month field study of the Aldabran Fody .
by: Frith CB
Ibis (1976) vol: (118), pages: 155-178.

More about longevity.
by: Harwin RM
Honeyguide (1976) vol: (85), pages: 30-31.

Ringing organiser's report for 1975.
by: Harwin RM
Honeyguide (1976) vol: (86), pages: 15-16.

Ecology and agricultural pest status of the village weaverbird () in south-western Nigeria.
by: Akande M, Funmilayo O
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science (1976) vol: (9), pages: 91-98.

Eighteenth ringing report for southern Africa.
by: Vernon CJ
Ostrich (1976) vol:47 (), pages: 89-94. 1976a.pdf
Letters to the editor. Afring.
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 39-40.
Notices. Organisation of ringing information and the completion of schedules.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 27-35.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 27-28.
Notices. Numbers for species which are extralimital or have an X number in Roberts.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 26-27.
Sexing by pelvic separation.
by: von Maltitz F
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 25-26.
Notices. Colour rings.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 24-25.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 22-35.
Colour tags for penguins.
by: Eggleton P
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 22-23.
Common Tern - ringing observations.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 19-20.
Report on the Klaarstroom Project, 1974-75.
by: Winterbottom J.M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 19-20.
The origins of South African Sanderlings, Siberia or Greenland.
by: Summer R
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 17-18.
Rand Wader Group.
by: Schmitt M.B
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 14-16.
Moult in palaearctic waders.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 14-16.
Ringed Crowned Guineafowl and Swaison's Francolin for population studies on Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve.
by: Wolff S.W
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 12-14.
Western Cape Wader Study Group.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 11-14.
Black-shouldered Kite research in the Transvaal.
by: Biggs H.C
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 10-11.
Vulture Study Group.
by: Ledger J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 9-10.
Local news. Dye-marking Ruff on the reef.
by: Reed J.P
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 9-10.
Cape Bird Club's Hartlaub's Gull project.
by: Underhill L
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 8b-8b.
Primary moult, mass and breeding cycles of the European Starling on Dassen Island.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 7b-7b.
Local news. Dye-marking waders at Langebaan.
by: Summer R
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 7-8.
Local news. Bird marking register.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 5-6.
Local news. New numbers for Ringers.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 3b-3b.
First national bird ringing conference.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 3-5.
Guest Editorial. Lord of the rings.
by: Mundy P.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 1-2.
by: Ledger J.A, Vernon C.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 1-2.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 40-40.
Reviews: A new journal - ringing and migration - B.T.O. 1975.
by: Vernon C.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 38-38.
Keeping compartments as used in England in connection with cannon netting.
by: Waltner M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 37-37.
Welded mesh - a useful material for traps.
by: Dean W.R.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 36-36.
Letter to the Editor.
by: Watson A.B
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 28-28.
Request for information.
by: La Hausse de Lalouviere P
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 26-26.
Errata. The origins of South African Sanderlings, Siberia or Greenland.
by: Summer R
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 25-25.
Ageing and sexing Thrushes.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 24-24.
Notices. Mist nets.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 23-23.
Report on the Klaarstroom project, 1975/76.
by: Winterbottom J.M
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 21-21.
Migrant warblers in the lower Shire valley of Malawi.
by: Hanmer D.B
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 21-21.
Tern mortality.
by: Cheke A
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 20-20.
An unusual recovery.
by: Bunning L.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 18-18.
Local news. Recoveries of interest.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 16-16.
Ringing - an unmeasured mortality factor.
by: Vernon C.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 11-11.
Letters: The lighter side of NUBRA.
by: Elghali M.A
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 10-10.
Transvaal Raptor Group.
by: Kemp A.C
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 9-9.
Territoriality and social structure in Black Tits.
by: Tarboton W
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 8-8.
Local news. Potential difficulty when ringing terns.
by: Vernon C.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 8-8.
The biometrics and moult of the Turnstone in the South-Western Cape.
by: Summer R.W
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 7-7.
A Vulture in the hand(s).
by: Mundy P.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 6-6.
The problem of colour-marking passerine birds.
by: Stutterheim C.J
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (2), pages: 5-5.
Local news. Recent recoveries.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 4-4.
Local news. National Ringers meeting - 1976.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 3-3.
Ringing permits.
Safring News (1976) vol:5 (1), pages: 2-2.
Ringing news.
by: Ledger JA
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1975) vol: (88), pages: 6-7.

Bird banding (1.7.74 - 30.6.75).
by: Noakes B
The Wagtail (1975) vol: (14), pages: 20-23.

Kalahari expedition to Toromoja, April 1975.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1975) vol: (14), pages: 2-20.

Interesting Cape Weaver movements in the Eastern Cape.
by: Tree T
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1975) vol:4 (26), pages: 6 + Errata-.

The biology of Barberspan, with special reference to the avifauna.
by: Milstein P le S
Ostrich Supplement (1975) vol: (10), pages: 1-74.

Drinking habits of birds in the central Transvaal bushveld.
by: Skead DM
Ostrich (1975) vol: (46), pages: 139-147.
A Purse-net for capturing village Weaverbirds.
by: Funmilayo O
Nigerian Field (1975) vol:3 (40), pages: 134-137.

Bisley Valley, Pietermaritzburg.
by: Chalton DO
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1975) vol: (231), pages: 5b-5b.

Recent field notes.
by: Parker R
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1975) vol: (230), pages: 4-4.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1969-1974.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1975) vol: (), pages: 14 pp-.

Weights and longevity of some birds from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
by: Urban EK
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1975) vol: (95), pages: 96-98.

: a fresh statement of biology and status.
by: Elgood JH
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1975) vol: (95), pages: 78-80.

Observations on the birds of Diego Garcia, Chagos archipelago, with notes on other vertebrates.
by: Hutson AM
Atoll Research Bulletin (1975) vol: (175), pages: 1-25.

by: Robson N
Albatross (1975) vol: (233), pages: 6-6.

by: La Hausse de Lalouviere P
Albatross (1975) vol: (234), pages: 5-6.

Seventeenth ringing report for Southern Africa.
by: Elliott CCH
Ostrich (1975) vol:46 (), pages: 125-128. 1975a.pdf
Foreign news. Bird ringing in Ethiopia 1969-1974.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 22b-22b.
Ageing by moult of Crowned Plovers, Stephanibyx coronatus.
by: Edwards K
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 20-21.
Trapping waders at the nest.
by: Summer R
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 18-19.
The timing of wing moult in some Palaearctic waders wintering in East Africa. Extract from British WSG Bulletin.
by: Pearson D
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 10-17.
Editorial: What results from Bird-ringing? Extract from British Birds.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 8-10.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 5-7.

Local news.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 2-7.
Letters to the editor. [The Ring].
by: Rydzewski W
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 24-24.
Recent literature.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 23-23.

Foreign news.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 22-22.
Local news. Diet of the Thick Billed Weaver.
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 3-3.

by: Ledger J.A, Vernon C.J
Safring News (1975) vol:4 (1), pages: 1-1.
Schriftenschau. Südafrika.
by: Schüz E
Vogelwarte (1974) vol: (27), pages: 296-296.

A trap for fledgling .
by: Jackson J
UNDP/FAO project RAF 73/055 int. rep. (1974) vol: (), pages: -.

get p16] Kalahari expedition, 4th to 19th January 1974.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1974) vol: (13), pages: 2-50.

Beobachtungen an paläarktischen Zugvögeln in ihrem Winterquartier Südwestafrika.
by: Becker P
SWA Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Windhoek (1974) vol: (), pages: 87 pp-.

Bird weights from the central Transvaal Bushveld.
by: Skead DM
Ostrich (1974) vol: (45), pages: 189-192.
Notes from ringers.
by: Parker R
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1974) vol: (228), pages: 3-4.

Brown-throated Golden Weavers at Beachwood.
by: Bennett G (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1974) vol: (229), pages: 7-7.

Avian hematozoa of some Ugandan birds.
by: Bennett GF, Cameron MF, Okia NO
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1974) vol: (10), pages: 458-465.

East African bird ringing report 1972-73; 1973-74.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1974) vol: (146), pages: 1-9.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1969-1973.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1974) vol: (), pages: 17 pp-.

Our Karoo retreat.
by: Winterbottom JM
Bokmakierie (1974) vol: (26), pages: 5-6.

Bird ringing B.T.O. Guide No. 16.
by: Mead C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 38-39.

Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 37-40.
Reviews: 1974 mortality of the Cape Vulture. Ostrich 45:57-62.
by: Houston D.C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 37-38.
Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 35-36.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 34-36.
Letter to the editor. [Economical colour banding].
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 34-35.

Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 33-35.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 33-34.
Ageing and sexing the Little Stint.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 31-33.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 30-32.
A new design of pliers for removing badly fitted rings.
by: Bunning J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 28-30.
Differentiating between Lesser and Greater Flamingo Chicks for ringing purposes.
by: Berry H.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 26-28.
Moult of the European Swallow.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 24-32.
Colour-rings for Vultures.
by: Ledger J.A
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 23-28.
Trapping the Black Duck Anas sparsa.
by: Frost P.G.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 23-25.
Improving catches with a tape-recorder.
by: Bunning J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 22-23.
The use of primary moult in ageing the 6-15 month age class of some Palaearctic waders.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 21-24.
On the potential sexing of Black Shouldered Kites.
by: Schmitt M.B, von Maltitz F, Whitehouse P.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 20-21.
Bird-ringing on Dassen Island.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 19-21.
New regulations for bird-marking.
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 18-22.
Behavioural responses of birds to the ringing procedure.
by: Berruti A
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 17-19.
Wing-tagging Rock Pigeons.
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 16-19.
Computerisation at NUBRA.
by: Underhill L.G
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 15-18.
NUBRA 1974.
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 13-15.
Ringing and colour marking the Red-billed Oxpecker in the Kruger National Park.
by: Stutterheim C.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 11-15.
How to analyse bimodal ringing data.
by: Harwood J, Piper S
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 10-16.
Colour-ringing experiences with forest Robins.
by: Oatley T.B
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 9-12.
Some problems of southern African waterfowl biology.
by: Frost P.G.H, Tyler S.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 9-11.
Recent recoveries.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 8-9.

Bird ringing in East African forests.
by: Mann C.F
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 7-9.
The "Lighthouse effect" in Africa.
by: Backhurst G
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 6-7.
Local news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 4-9.
Local news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 3-8.
Local news.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 3-5.
Editorial. Ringers' conference.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 1-3.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 1-2.
Editorial. Colour marking.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 1-2.
Errata: How to analyse bimodal ringing data.
by: Harwood J, Piper S
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 40-40.

Colour rings on White Storks (Ciconia ciconia).
by: Broekhuysen G.H
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 34-34.

ADDENDUM - Kittlitz Plover.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (2), pages: 33-33.
Ageing of Ruff Philomachus pugnax.
by: Fagan M, Reed J, Schmitt M
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 29-29.
Ringing research into the Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus.
by: Biggs H.C
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 25-25.
General purpose keep.
by: Whitehouse P.J, Whitehouse S
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 16-16.
Steel for Sandgrouse.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (3), pages: 15-15.
Ringing report 1972/73.
Safring News (1974) vol:3 (1), pages: 3-3.
Bird ringing in Zambia 1972.
by: Dowsett RJ
Zambian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1973) vol:1 (5), pages: 17-22.

Manual of techniques used in research of quelea birds.
by: Ward P
UNDP/FAO RAF 67/087. Rome, Italy. (1973) vol: (), pages: 53 pp-.

Kalahari expedition 1973 16-30th April.
The Wagtail (1973) vol: (12), pages: 4-35.

Bird ringing 1.7.72 - 30.6.73.
The Wagtail (1973) vol: (12), pages: 1-3.

Recoveries and controls of birds ringed in the Eastern Cape Province.
by: Tree T
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1973) vol:2 (24), pages: 7-8.

by: Every B
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1973) vol:4 (24), pages: 1-2.

Redshouldered Widow . In: New Distributional Data: 4.
by: Tree AJ
Ostrich (1973) vol: (44), pages: 132-132.
The Sociable Weaver, Part 2: Nest architecture and social organization.
by: Maclean GL
Ostrich (1973) vol: (44), pages: 191-218.
The Sociable Weaver, part 3: breeding biology and moult.
by: Maclean GL
Ostrich (1973) vol: (44), pages: 219-240.
Breeding behaviour and polygyny in the Red Bishop Bird (L).
by: Craig AJFK
MSc thesis, University of Cape Town (1973) vol: (), pages: 70 pp-.

Osterfahrt 1973 zur Wuestenforschungsstation Gobabeb in der Namib.
by: Ludwig D
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1973) vol:2-3 (9), pages: 1-2.

East African bird ringing report 1971-1972.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1973) vol: (144), pages: 1-15.

Extracts from ringing organizer's correspondence.
Honeyguide (1973) vol: (75), pages: 10-10.

A new race of Quelea in Rhodesia?
by: Tree AJ
Honeyguide (1973) vol: (73), pages: 31-31.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1969-1972.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1973) vol: (), pages: 15 pp-.

Ringing activities in the Cape Bird Club 1971-1972.
by: Broekhuysen GJ
Cape Bird Club Newsletter (1973) vol: (105), pages: 5-5.
Fifteenth ringing report (cont.).
by: Elliott CCH, Jarvis MJF
Ostrich (1973) vol:44 (), pages: 34-78. 1973c.pdf
Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 29-31.
Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 26-31.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 26-28.
Letters to the editor.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 26-28.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 24-25.
Foreign news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 24-25.
Ageing the Kittlitz Plover.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 23-25.
Identifying, ageing and sexing the Red Bishop and the Cape Widow.
by: Wilson G
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 22-23.
Identifying and sexing the Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis).
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 22-23.
Some notes on the ageing of Laughing Doves - Stigmatopelia senegalensis.
by: Hunter C
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 21-23.
Races of the European Swallow - Hirundo rustica.
by: Mendelsohn H.P
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 21-22.
Some notes on the Cape Bulbul Pycnonotus capensis.
by: Harwood J
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 20-23.
The torch and handnet method of Wader capture.
by: Edwards K.Z
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 20-21.
Economical colour banding.
by: Choate T.S
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 18-20.
A design for a ringing box and ring dispenser.
by: Lodder J
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 18-19.
Mist-net poles.
by: Harwood J
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 18-19.
A simple method for trapping the Fiscal Shrike - Lanius collaris.
by: Hargrove J.E, Marshall B.E, Mentz D.L
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 17-18.
NUBRA 1973
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 15-17.
Cloacal examination of Anatidae.
by: Skead D
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 14-17.
The analysis of ringing and retrap data. Part II: Longevity.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 13-14.
The analysis of ringing and retrap data.
by: Piper S.E
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 12-16.
Bird ringing at 'Twinstreams', Mtunzini, Zululand.
by: Lawson W
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 12-13.
Vulture ringing in the Kruger National Park.
by: de Vos V
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 11-13.
Ringing in East Africa.
by: Backhurst G
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 11-12.
Ringing on the Karoo.
by: Winterbottom J.M
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 9-11.
How to catch Rails & Crakes.
by: Schmitt M.B
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 7-9.
Cape Vulture ringing in southern Africa.
by: Ledger J, Mundy P
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 5-11.
Local news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 2-6.
Local news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 2-4.
Raptor ringing with Balchatri trap.
by: Biggs H, von Maltitz F
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 6-10.
Local news.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 2-5.
Letter to the editor. [Economical colour banding].
by: Ledger J.A
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 28-28.

Letter to the editor. [Forest mist-nets].
by: Macdonald I.A.W
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 28-28.
Errata: Identifying and sexing the Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis).
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 25-25.

New projects.
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 6-6.
Stork killing birds in mist nets.
by: Burman C, Craig A
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 5-5.
Editorial. Quality not quantity.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (3), pages: 1-1.
Editorial. Bird-ringing and conservation.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (2), pages: 1-1.
Editorial. The age of computerisation.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1973) vol:2 (1), pages: 1-1.
Species and numbers ringed during year ended June 30, 1972.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1972) vol: (80), pages: 16-20.

Weights of birds ringed 1.7.71 - 30.6.72.
The Wagtail (1972) vol: (11), pages: 31-32.

Kalahari expedition 1972.
The Wagtail (1972) vol: (11), pages: 4-32.

Black-throated forms of in Zambia and Rhodesia.
by: Tree AJ
Ostrich (1972) vol: (43), pages: 139-140.
Further records of albinism and lutinism in the Eastern Cape.
by: Tree AJ
Ostrich (1972) vol: (43), pages: 184-184.
Birds of the Maltahöhe District, South West Africa.
by: Winterbottom JM
Ostrich (1972) vol: (43), pages: 217-227.
Bird ringing for the period July 1971 to June 1972.
by: Lawson W
Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter (1972) vol: (9), pages: 3-7.

East African bird ringing report 1970-1971.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1972) vol: (136), pages: 1-16.

Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1969-1971.
by: Ash JS
Cyclostyled, Ash JS (1972) vol: (), pages: 19 pp-.

Mallam Fatori revisited.
by: Sharland RE
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1972) vol: (9), pages: 22-24.

The avifauna of the Kakamega Forest, western Kenya, including a bird population study.
by: Forbes-Watson AD, Zimmerman DA
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (1972) vol:3 (149), pages: 257-339.

Avifaunal survey of the Umtali Municipal area. 1. The Muneni River Collection: a comparison of samples from riparian forest and miombo woodland.
by: Jackson HD
Arnoldia Rhodesia (1972) vol:1 (6), pages: 1-10.

Fifteenth ringing report.
by: Elliott CCH, Jarvis MJF
Ostrich (1972) vol:43 (), pages: 236-295. 1972c.pdf
Foreign news.
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 27-29.
Sexing the Jackass Peguin.
by: Cooper J
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 23-25.
Single shelf wader netting.
by: Tree A.J
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 20-23.
Die gebruik van gekleurde merkers by navorsing op watervols.
by: Heyl C.J
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 19-20.
Amateur ringing projects.
by: Elliot C.C.H
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 12-17.
Westdene, a bird ringer's dream.
by: Hunter H.C
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 7-12.
Knob-billed Duck ringing.
by: Cackett K
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 6-7.
Local news.
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 2-5.
How to recognise juvenile Curlew Sandpipers.
by: Pfister H
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 26-26.
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 18-18.
Editorial. Overcoming isolation.
by: Elliot C.C.H, Hunter H.C
Safring News (1972) vol:1 (1), pages: 1-1.
Report on bird ringing in Zambia in 1970 and 1971.
by: Dowsett RJ
Zambia Museums Journal (1971) vol: (2), pages: 83-89.

Species and numbers ringed during year ended June 30, 1971.
by: Hewitt D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1971) vol: (75), pages: 9-13.

Some interesting ringing recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1971) vol: (73), pages: 18-18.

Kalahari Expeditions. List of material collected 1966-1970.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (), pages: Suppl. pp. 1-56-.

An interesting recovery.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 16b-16b.

Kalahari expedition 1971.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 19-28.

Bird banding. 1st July 1970 to 30th June 1971.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 13-16.

Weight loss by birds overnight.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 16-16.

Weights of birds banded 1962 - 30/4/70.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 2-11.

Weights of birds banded 1st May to 30th June 1970.
by: Ginn PJ(ed)
The Wagtail (1971) vol: (9), pages: 9-12.

Members' observations.
by: Every B
The Bee-eater, Newsletter of BirdLife Eastern Cape (1971) vol:4 (22), pages: 7-8.

A preliminary check list of the birds of South West Africa.
by: Winterbottom JM
SWA Scientific Society, Windhoek (1971) vol: (), pages: 268 pp-.

The land birds of Aldabra.
by: Benson CW, Penny MJ
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1971) vol: (260), pages: 417-527.

Comparative behaviour of West African and South African subspecies of .
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Ostrich Supplement (1971) vol: (9), pages: 41-52.

Migration, moult and weights of birds in northern Guinea savanna in Nigeria and Ghana.
by: Fry CH
Ostrich Supplement (1971) vol: (8), pages: 239-263.

Bird weights from the S.A. Lombard Nature Reserve, Transvaal.
by: Skead DM
Ostrich (1971) vol: (42), pages: 77-78.
Notes on Palaeartic migrants in the eastern Cape.
by: Tree AJ
Ostrich (1971) vol: (42), pages: 198-204.
by: Robinson R
Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter (1971) vol:1 (2), pages: 6-7.

Bird ringing for the period July 1970 - June 1971.
by: Lawson W[J]
Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter (1971) vol:4 (2), pages: 4-6.

Ringing details for year ended 30th June 1971.
by: Parker R
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1971) vol: (198), pages: 2-4.

Some physiological mechanisms of the scaly weaver () during water deprivation.
by: Brown JM, De Wet PJ, Neethling LP, Owen NC, Prozesky OP, Terblanche HM
Journal of the South African vetinary medical Association (1971) vol: (), pages: Mar 1971-.

Aspergillus fumigatus infection in the scaly weaver ().
by: Brown JM, Buys SB, de Wet PJ, Prozesky OP, van der Made HN
Journal of the South African vetinary medical Association (1971) vol: (), pages: Jun 1971-.

East African bird ringing report 1969-1970.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1971) vol: (28), pages: 1-14.

The migration patterns of in Africa.
by: Ward P
Ibis (1971) vol: (113), pages: 275-297.

Bird ringing at Muruwati farm, Mazoe.
by: Manson AJ, Manson C
Honeyguide (1971) vol: (68), pages: 29-31.

The birds of Zambia.
by: Benson CW, Brooke RK, Dowsett RJ, Irwin MPS
Collins, London (1971) vol: (), pages: 414 pp-.

Ringing activities by members of the Cape Bird Club during the period 30 June 1969 to 1 July 1970.
by: Broekhuysen GJ
Cape Bird Club Newsletter (1971) vol: (96), pages: 3-4.
Interesting records for the Ibadan area.
by: Broadbent JA
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1971) vol: (8), pages: 54-58.

Some observations on behavioral energetics in the Village Weaverbird. II. All day watches in an aviary.
by: Collias NE, Coutlee EL, Graham M, Victoria JK
Auk (1971) vol: (88), pages: 133-143.

Bat Banding in South Africa
by: Rautenbach IL
The Zoological Society of Southern Africa (1970) vol:11 (1), pages: 1-2. ringing1.pdf
A review of the above ringing returns.
by: Slight D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1970) vol: (72), pages: 8-9.

Species and numbers ringed during year ended June 30, 1970.
by: Hewitt D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1970) vol: (72), pages: 4-8.

Bird banding report, 1st July 1969 to 30th June 1970.
The Wagtail (1970) vol: (8), pages: 4-5.

Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society Newsletter (1970) vol:1 (1), pages: 3-4.

Interesting recapture data from Mtunzini.
by: Oatley TB
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1970) vol: (185), pages: 3-3.

Fahrt nach Gobabeb vom 7.5.-10.5.1970.
by: Clauss B
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1970) vol:3 (6), pages: 1-3.

Vogelberingung auf Farm Frauenstein (No. 62, Distr. WIndhoek) am 23./24. Mai 1970.
by: Joerges B
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1970) vol:3 (6), pages: 3-4.

Observations on colonial breeding in the Black-headed Weaver and Veillot's Black Weaver.
by: Hall JR
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1970) vol:1 (28), pages: 56-61.

Bird ringing report 1968-1969.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1970) vol:1 (28), pages: 16-26.

Nest production in the masked weaver.
by: Cooper J
Honeyguide (1970) vol: (63), pages: 28-28.

Bulletin du Centre de recherches sur les migrations mammiferes et des Oiseaux. 1969-1970.
by: Erard C
Centre de recherches sur les migrations mammiferes et des Oiseaux. (1970) vol: (23), pages: 1-140.

The birds of the Molé Game Reserve. Part 2. Passerines.
by: Harrison ID, Harvey WG
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1970) vol: (7), pages: 63-75.

Ringing news.
Bokmakierie (1970) vol:4 (22), pages: 93-94.

Fourteenth Ringing Report.
by: Elliott CCH, Jarvis MJF
Ostrich (1970) vol:41 (), pages: 1-118. 1970a.pdf
Ringing recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (67), pages: 5-6.

W.B.C Ringing recoveries [1965-1968]
by: Slight D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (67), pages: 9-13.

W.B.C Ringing returns [1965-1968]
by: Slight D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (67), pages: 7-9.

Bird-banding report for the year 1st July, 1968 to 30th June, 1969.
The Wagtail (1969) vol: (7), pages: 2-2.

On the birds of the Sandveld Kalahari of South West Africa.
by: Winterbottom JM
Ostrich (1969) vol: (40), pages: 182-204.
Ringing report of the Natal Bird Club for the year 1967-1968.
by: Lawson W
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (170), pages: 3-5.

Ringing activities.
by: Jackson G
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (177), pages: 5-6.

Ringing activities.
by: Little G, Parker R
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (176), pages: 2-4.

Ringing activities.
by: Little G, Parker R
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (173), pages: 2-3.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1969) vol: (167), pages: 3-4.

Bird ringing report 1967-1968.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1969) vol:3 (27), pages: 217-225.

B.O.U. supported research at Lake Chad in 1968.
by: Dowsett RJ
Ibis (1969) vol: (111), pages: 449-452.

The endemic birds of Seychelles.
by: Blackman RAA, Dawson PG, Gaymer R, Penny CM, Penny M
Ibis (1969) vol: (111), pages: 157-176.

5 years of bird banding at Peterhouse, Marandellas 1st July 1963 - 30th June 1968.
by: Ginn PJ
Honeyguide (1969) vol: (57), pages: 11-12.

Some Rhodesian longevity records.
by: Harwin RM
Honeyguide (1969) vol: (60), pages: 33-34.

Ethiopian birds ringed in Nigeria and Ghana.
by: Sharland RE
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1969) vol: (6), pages: 50-52.

Unpneumatized skull condition in adult Scaly-fronted Weavers .
by: Payne RB
Auk (1969) vol: (86), pages: 570-570.

Thirteenth Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1969) vol:40 (), pages: 37-50. 1969a.pdf
What can we learn from ringing?
by: Winterbotton JM
Bokmakierie (1968) vol:20 (3), pages: 56-56. 20_3 ringing.pdf
W.B.C. ringing recoveries.
by: Slight D
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (62), pages: 7-8.

W.B.C. ringing procedure.
by: Tree AJ
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (63), pages: 3-4.

Summary of bird banding at Peterhouse - first five years.
The Wagtail (1968) vol: (6), pages: 6-10.

Banding report. 1st July 1967 to 30th June 1968.
The Wagtail (1968) vol: (6), pages: 9-10.

Plumage and reproductive condition in the Masked Weaver Vieillot.
by: Markus MB
Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines (1968) vol: (78), pages: 107-112.

Bird weights.
by: Liversidge R
Ostrich (1968) vol: (39), pages: 223-227.
Ringing for January, 1968.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (156), pages: 5-5.

Bird ringing during December.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (155), pages: 4-4.

Bird ringing for October.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (165), pages: 3-4.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (160), pages: 4-4.

Cape Weavers - .
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (162), pages: 2-2.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (163), pages: 5-6.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (164), pages: 6-7.

Bird ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (157), pages: 3-4.

Ringing report for June and July.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (162), pages: 3-3.

Ringing at kwaMashu.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (163), pages: 6-8.

Ringing report for March and April.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (159), pages: 4-4.

Ringing report of the Natal Bird Club for the period July 1966 to June 1967.
by: Lawson WJ
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1968) vol: (158), pages: 3-7.

Aus der Arbeit der Beringungsgruppe, Windhoek.
by: Haufle HD
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1968) vol:8-9 (4), pages: 5-6.

Report on bird ringing in East Africa for 1966-1967.
by: Backhurst GC
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1968) vol: (27), pages: 61-66.

Studies of the Diederick Cuckoo in the Transvaal.
by: Reed RA
Ibis (1968) vol: (110), pages: 321-331.

Bulletin du Centre de recherches sur les migrations mammiferes et des Oiseaux.
by: Erard C
Centre de recherches sur les migrations mammiferes et des Oiseaux. (1968) vol: (22), pages: 1-6.

Notes from Ikoyi Park, December 1967 and January 1968.
by: Pettitt G
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1968) vol: (5), pages: 24-26.

Bird Ringing in Southern Africa
by: Rowan MK
Bokmakierie (1967) vol:19 (2), pages: 35-38. 19_2 - Rowan.pdf
W.B.C. ringing in the early days.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (57), pages: 10-10.

Peterhouse bird banding records. 1/7/66 to 30/6/67.
The Wagtail (1967) vol: (5), pages: 8-8.

A contribution to the biology of the sociable weaver (Latham).
by: Maclean GL
Ph.D. thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown (1967) vol: (), pages: 281 pp-.

Ringing in Nigeria and Ghana during 1960. Third Annual Report.
by: Harris BJ, Sharland RE
Ostrich (1967) vol: (38), pages: 186-188.
Ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (146), pages: 5-5.

Ringing report for February.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (145), pages: 5-5.

Ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (145), pages: 2-3.

Ringing during January.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (144), pages: 1-1.

Bird ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (152), pages: 6-7.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (143), pages: 3-3.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1967) vol: (150), pages: 6-6.

Aus der beringungstaetigkeit der Windhoeker Gruppe.
by: Kolberg H
Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe (SWA Scientific Society) (1967) vol:2 (3), pages: 2-2.

Report on bird ringing for 1961-1966.
by: Smart J
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum (1967) vol: (26), pages: 47-52.

Ringing: What can be learned from retrapping ringed birds.
by: Harwin RM
Honeyguide (1967) vol: (51), pages: 8-10.

Some ringing in an Eastern District's Garden.
by: Hodgson CJ
Honeyguide (1967) vol: (52), pages: 20-24.

Ringing notes.
by: Harwin D
Honeyguide (1967) vol: (52), pages: 6-7.

Report on B.O.U. Expedition to Lake Chad, northern Nigeria, March-April 1967.
by: Ash JS, Ferguson-Lees IJ, Fry CH
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1967) vol:13/14 (4), pages: 3-12.

Illegal Trapping.
by: Pooley AC
Bokmakierie (1967) vol: (19), pages: 72-73.

What can be learned from retrapping ringed birds. (Reprint)
by: Harwin RM
Bokmakierie (1967) vol: (19), pages: 64-65.

Ringing Address: Reply.
by: Rowan MK
Bokmakierie (1967) vol: (19), pages: 94-97. 19_4m.pdf
Ringing address: a criticism.
by: Milstein P le S
Bokmakierie (1967) vol: (19), pages: 93-94. 19_4m.pdf
A quantitative analysis of breeding behavior in the African Village Weaverbird.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Auk (1967) vol: (84), pages: 396-411.

Twelfth Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1967) vol:38 (), pages: 17-26. 1967a.pdf
A resumé of ringing over the period July 1956 to June 1965.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (56), pages: 12-13.

Ringing activities.
by: Erwee A
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (53), pages: 10-10.

W.B.C. meet at Barberspan (near Delareyville).
by: Baker M
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (54), pages: 10-11.

Peterhouse bird-banding report 1/7/65 to 30/6/66.
The Wagtail (1966) vol: (5), pages: 16-16.

The first ten years of ringing in South Africa.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich Supplement (1966) vol: (6), pages: 255-263.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (137), pages: 4-4.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (131), pages: 4-4.

Ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (141), pages: 2-2.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (133), pages: 4-5.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (138), pages: 2-2.

Report of the bird ringing scheme.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (133), pages: 2-3.

Ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (142), pages: 2-2.

by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (134), pages: 3-3.

by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (139), pages: 2-2.

by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (140), pages: 1-2.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1966) vol: (132), pages: 2-3.

Station de baguage de Camargue.
by: Hoffman L
La Terre et la Vie (1966) vol: (3), pages: 259-270.

A second contribution to the avifauna of Topo Island.
by: Button JA
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1966) vol: (3), pages: 36-42.

Swallow-ringing in South Africa.
by: Hewitt ADS
Bokmakierie (1966) vol: (18), pages: 90-91.

Ringing in Rhodesia Today.
by: Jackson D
Bokmakierie (1966) vol: (18), pages: 94-96.

The first ten years of ringing in South Africa.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich Supple. (1966) vol:6 (), pages: 55-263. 1966b.pdf
Bat Banding in Southern Africa
by: Coetzee CG
The Zoological Society of Southern Africa (1965) vol:7 (1), pages: 8-9. ringing2.pdf
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (51), pages: 9-9.

Masked Weavers (R803).
by: Povall M
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (50), pages: 8-8.

Masked Weaver (R803) - identification.
by: Markus M[B]
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (52), pages: 8-9.

Birds ringed by members of the W.B.C. during the period 1st July 1963 to 30th June 1964.
by: Erwee A
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (49), pages: 1-3.

Age marches on.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (49), pages: 4-4.

Peterhouse bird-banding report for 1st July 1964 to 30th June 1965.
The Wagtail (1965) vol: (4), pages: 17-19.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (128), pages: 5-5.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (126), pages: 5-6.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (130), pages: 4-4.

Bird ringing report.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (123), pages: 3-4.

Ringing records.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (127), pages: 4b-4b.

Ringing recoveries.
by: Lawson WJ
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (124), pages: 3-3.

Vicious Cape Wagtails.
by: Lawson WJ
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (126), pages: 4-4.

Bird ringing.
by: Lawson WJ (ed)
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1965) vol: (129), pages: 5-5.

Notes on Ghanaian birds seen in 1964.
by: Sutton RWW
Ibis (1965) vol: (107), pages: 251-253.

Annual Ringing Report 1963/64.
by: Jackson D
Honeyguide (1965) vol: (46), pages: 12-26.

Seasonal movements of birds in northern Nigeria.
by: Sharland RE
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1965) vol:4 (1), pages: 5-7.

The Birds of Umudim (Onitsha Province). [dupl]
by: Boulter H
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1965) vol:7 (1), pages: 63-66.

The birds of Umudim (Onitsha Province).
by: Boulter H
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1965) vol: (2), pages: 63-66.

Notes on birds seen in Ghana in 1964 (to be concluded).
by: Sutton RWW
Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society (1965) vol: (2), pages: 55-62.

On the Red-headed Quelea, (Hartlaub), in Zambia.
by: Tree AJ
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (1965) vol: (85), pages: 159-161.

Plumage development in the Masked Weaver.
by: Tarboton W
Bokmakierie (1965) vol: (17), pages: 62-63.

In Brief - Viscious Wagtails
Bokmakierie (1965) vol: (17), pages: 69-70.

Review. Rowan
by: Hitchcock WB
Australian Bird Bander (1965) vol: (3), pages: 39-39.

Eleventh Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1965) vol:36 (), pages: 214-223. 1965a.pdf
Birds ringed by W.B.C. during period 1.7.1962 to 30.6.1963.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1964) vol: (47), pages: 6-7.

Younger men.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1964) vol: (47), pages: 8-8.

Bird banding at Peterhouse.
The Wagtail (1964) vol: (3), pages: 15-16.

An analysis of the records of a South African ringing station.
by: Rowan MK
Ostrich (1964) vol: (35), pages: 160-187.
Interessanter Ringfund [Interesting ringing recovery]
by: Kolberg H
Journal of the South West Africa Scientific Society/SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (1964) vol:4/5 (5), pages: 3-4.

Ringing: 1963.
Honeyguide (1964) vol: (43), pages: 8-10.

Polygamy among birds.
by: MacLeod J
Cape Bird Club Newsletter (1964) vol: (74), pages: 2-2.
Tenth Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1964) vol:35 (), pages: 101-110. 1964a.pdf
Spectacled Weaver.
by: Brown M
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1963) vol: (45), pages: 3-3.

Bird banding year ended June 1962.
by: Hunter C(eds), Reed R
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1963) vol: (43), pages: 8-9.

Peterhouse bird banding scheme.
The Wagtail (1963) vol: (2), pages: 11-12.

A new Peninsula record.
by: Middlemiss E
Ostrich (1963) vol: (34), pages: 48-48.
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1963) vol: (97), pages: 2-3.

A visit to Mtunzini.
by: Lawson WJ
Natal Bird Club News Sheet (1963) vol: (104), pages: 2-3.

Hon. Ringing Organisers Report.
by: Smithers RHN
Honeyguide (1963) vol: (40), pages: 26-30.

Ninth Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1963) vol:34 (), pages: 102-109. 1963a.pdf
Bird banding.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1962) vol: (40), pages: 6-7.

Some interesting records from the Bechuanaland Protectorate.
by: Paterson ML
Ostrich (1962) vol:1 (33), pages: 21-22.
The Birds of the Leopardshill Area of the Zambesi Escarpment.
by: Tree AJ
Ostrich (1962) vol:4 (33), pages: 3-23.
The Bombay Natural History Society/World Health Organisation Bird Migration Study Project.
by: Ali S
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (1962) vol: (59), pages: 100-130.

Hints at Longevity.
by: Middlemiss E, Skead D
Bokmakierie (1962) vol: (14), pages: 15-15.

An experimental study of the mechanisms of nest building in a weaverbird.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Auk (1962) vol: (79), pages: 568-595.

Eighth Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1962) vol:3 (33), pages: 29-37. 1962a.pdf
Red Bishop Bird.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1961) vol: (36), pages: 1-1.

Red-bishop recovery.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1961) vol: (38), pages: 5-5.

Parasitism of the Masked Weaver .
by: Hunter HC
Ostrich (1961) vol: (32), pages: 55-63.
Bird Ringing in Nigeria and Ghana During 1960.
by: Harris BJ, Sharland RE
Nigerian Field (1961) vol:2 (26), pages: 65-68.

The fodies () of the Seychelles Islands.
by: Crook JH
Ibis (1961) vol: (103), pages: 517-548.

[was ROSB] Results of a ringing programme at Seldomseen, Vumba. Part 2. [get niven]
by: Manson AJ
Honeyguide (1961) vol: (36), pages: 131-141.

Seventh Ringing Report.
by: McLachlan GR
Ostrich (1961) vol:32 (), pages: 36-47. 1961a.pdf
Nesting habits of the Masked Weaver and Didric Cuckoo.
by: Hunter HC
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1960) vol: (33), pages: 2-2.

A long life.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1960) vol: (33), pages: 4-4.

Report of the Hon Ringing Organiser.
by: Paterson JM
Rhodesian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1960) vol: (31), pages: 12-14.

Bird Ringing in East Africa.
by: Reynolds FL
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society (1960) vol: (23), pages: 198-199.

Review: Collias & Collias 1959a.
by: Moreau RE
Ibis (1960) vol: (102), pages: 478-478.

Cape Bird Club ringing report for the period 1 July 1959 - 3 June 1960.
Cape Bird Club Newsletter (1960) vol: (57), pages: 7-7.
Ringing and marking of Quelea in Tanganyika.
by: Disney HJdeS
(CCTA/CSA Quelea (60)). CCTA/FAO Symposium on Quelea, Bamako, 1960. Lagos, Nairobi & London, CCTA/CSA Publ. no. 58. (1960) vol: (9), pages: 143-149.

Quelea: information on ringing.
by: Chapin JP
(CCTA/CSA Quelea (60)). CCTA/FAO Symposium on Quelea, Bamako, 1960. Lagos, Nairobi & London, CCTA/CSA Publ. no. 58. (1960) vol: (12), pages: 159-160.

by: Hosken JH
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (30), pages: 4-4.

Bird ringing. [Aged Bird Recoveries.]
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (31), pages: 6-7.

Bird ringing.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (32), pages: 1-4.

Bird ringing.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (30), pages: 4-7.

Aged Bird Recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (32), pages: 4-4.

Red-billed Quelea recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1959) vol: (32), pages: 2-3.

Breeding behaviour in the Black-headed Weaverbird, (Hartert) in the Belgian Congo.
by: Collias EC, Collias NE
Ostrich Supplement (1959) vol: (3), pages: 233-241.

Egg polymorphism of the Masked Weaver.
by: Patterson H
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1958) vol: (28), pages: 3-5.

by: Lourens D[C]
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1958) vol: (27), pages: 7-7.

by: van Nierop Mr
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1958) vol: (28), pages: 5-5.

Vogelfang in Südwestafrika.
by: Hoesch W
Vogelring (1958) vol: (27), pages: 149-150.

Quelea recovery.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1957) vol: (23), pages: 2-2.

Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1957) vol: (23), pages: 1-2.

Note on the ringing of Quelea quelea in Tanganyika.
by: Disney JH de S
The Ring (1957) vol: (11), pages: 225-226.

Editor's note.
by: Rydzewski W (ed)
The Ring (1957) vol: (11), pages: 226-227.

The Blackfaced Weaver bird or dioch in West Africa: An ecological study.
by: Bourliere F, Morel G, Morel M-Y
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (1957) vol: (54), pages: 811-825.

Review: Disney & Marshall 1956a.
by: C JM
Ibis (1957) vol: (99), pages: 525-525.

Witwatersrand Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1957) vol:2 (9), pages: 51-51.

Sixth Ringing Report.
by: Ashton [E]H
Ostrich (1957) vol:28 (), pages: 98-115. 1957a.pdf
Bird ringing.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1956) vol: (20), pages: 5-6.

Bird ringing.
by: Middlemiss E
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1956) vol: (22), pages: 3-4.

Bird ringing - dupl
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1956) vol: (20), pages: 5-6.

Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1956) vol: (21), pages: 5-5.

by: Nierop Fvan
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1956) vol: (20), pages: 4-5.

The specialist conference on quelea held in French West Africa 1955.
by: Fuggles-Couchman NR
Ibis (1956) vol: (98), pages: 538-541.

Review: Morel 1955a.
by: Moreau RE
Ibis (1956) vol: (98), pages: 147-147.

Witwatersrand Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1956) vol:1 (8), pages: 25-25.

Fifth Progress and Ringing Report (Part I).
by: Ashton [E]H
Ostrich (1956) vol:27 (), pages: 5-13. 1956a.pdf
Ringing recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1955) vol: (18), pages: 4-5.

Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1955) vol: (14), pages: 2-2.

by: Ashton EH
Rhodesian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1955) vol: (15), pages: 2-2.

Recherches écologiques sur L. de la basse vallée du Sénégal. I. Données quanttitatives sur le cycle annuel.
by: Bourlière F, Morel G
Bulletin de l'Institut francais de l'Afrique noire (Sér. A) (1955) vol: (17), pages: 617-663.

Rhodesian Ornithological Society.
Bokmakierie (1955) vol: (7), pages: 46-47.

Witwatersrand Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1955) vol:1 (7), pages: 23-23.

Ringing the quelea.
by: Patten G
Bokmakierie (1955) vol:1 (7), pages: 18-19.

Witwatersrand Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1955) vol:2 (7), pages: 46-46.

Bird banding.
by: Hosken J
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1954) vol: (10), pages: 4-4.

Some interesting ring recoveries.
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1954) vol: (11), pages: 3-4.

Matabeleland sub-branch.
Rhodesian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1954) vol: (11), pages: 1-2.

Fourth Progress Report: Bird Ringing 1952-1953.
by: Ashton EH
Ostrich (1954) vol: (25), pages: 130-138.
The calculation of mortality rates from ringing data.
by: Haldanes JBS
International Ornithological Congress [Acta Congr. Int. Orn.] (1954) vol: (11), pages: 454-458.

Fourth Progress Report: Bird Ringing 1952-1953.
by: Ashton EH
Ostrich (1954) vol:25 (), pages: 130-138. 1954a.pdf
Third Progress Report: Bird Ringing 1951-1952.
by: Ashton EH
Ostrich (1954) vol:25 (), pages: 2-12. 1954b.pdf
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1953) vol: (7), pages: 1-1.

Rhodesian Ornithological Society Bulletin (1953) vol: (10), pages: 1-2.

Some observations on the Didric Cuckoo ().
by: Reed RA
Ostrich (1953) vol: (24), pages: 138-140.
Trapping at Rondevlei.
by: Middlemiss E
Bokmakierie (1953) vol:3 (5), pages: 57-59.

Rhodesian Ornithological Society.
Bokmakierie (1953) vol:1 (5), pages: 22-23.

by: Reed Mr
Witwatersrand Bird Club News Sheet (1952) vol: (1), pages: 1-1.

Rhodesian Ornithological Bulletin.
by: Miles HM
Rhodesian Ornithological Bulletin (1952) vol: (9), pages: 1-1.

Rhodesian Ornithological Society.
Bokmakierie (1952) vol:3 (4), pages: 68-69.

Pretoria Bird Club.
Bokmakierie (1952) vol:1 (4), pages: 19-19.

Banding Cape Vultures on the Magaliesberg
by: Paterson J.M.
Bokmakierie (1952) vol:4 (3), pages: 58-59.
Field Characters of Young Egrets
by: Broekhuysen G.J.
Bokmakierie (1952) vol:4 (3), pages: 54-55.
Second Progress Report: Bird Ringing 1950-1951.
by: Ashton EH
Ostrich (1952) vol:23 (), pages: 56-61. 1952a.pdf
by: Plowes DCH
Rhodesian Ornithological Bulletin (1951) vol: (2), pages: 1-1.

Progress Report: Bird Ringing.
by: Ashton EH
Ostrich (1950) vol:21 (), pages: 106-112. 1950a.pdf
Observations from the Kota-kota district of Nyasaland.
by: Benson CW
Ibis (1947) vol: (89), pages: 553-566.

Nestling habits of the Marsh Whydah (Coliuspasser hartlaubi).
by: Lees RH
Ostrich (1932) vol: (3), pages: 64-64.
Duivel's Kloof observations.
by: Parker HH
Ostrich (1930) vol: (1), pages: 53-56.