The South African Bird Ringing Unit

Ringing birds around Africa!


Red Bishop Project

Researcher/s: Stacey Hallam, , ,

Project Webpage

Species: Southern Red (Red) Bishop (Euplectes orix)
Location: Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Click to view sighting map
Running From: 2014
Ring Type: Legring: colour combination
Colour Combination:

Project: Moult and energetics in three species from the Euplectes genus representing a gradient of elaborate plumage ornamentation.

Institutions: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Goal: Investigating the effect of moult and elaborate plumage ornamentation on the energetics of Red-collared widowbirds (Euplectes ardens), Fan-tailed widowbirds (Euplectes axillaris) and Southern red bishops (Euplectes orix).

Birders and members of the public are kindly asked to report ring colours.

Colour combinations:

Paper Pubished from this project

Ninnes et al. 2017. Are red bishops red enough? On the persistence of a generalized receiver bias in Euplectes. Behavioral Ecology, 28(1): 117-122.